Minutes - BIA Communication & Marketing Meeting

Wednesday November 12, 2012

Attendees: Tom, Brad, Peter, Ellen & Michelle

Please note all actionable materials are in bold

Minute Taker: Michelle

Next Meeting: Wednesday December 5/12 @ 8:00 am Napanee Business Centre

1. Constant Contact

TOM - to follow up with Kat to see what program she is using

The idea is to move the BIA outlook list to a program like Constant Contact to have a more professional look and feel.

Tracks - sent, open, links, etc.

TOM - Brad would like to see this in place by January 2013.

TOM - to take the recommendation to the board.

2. News Beat Format

In regards to format changes what would we like to see included on a regular basis?

Add a section and include FB from businesses and consumers. Thank for the FB.

Potentially we could add business card on the back to help compensate for the cost.

TOM - investigate costs for printing quantities 50-100-200

3. Radio & Print Advertising

There is $5000 in the communications budget

Core Policy - We agreed that we will only use the paper when we have something specific we want to advertise.

TOM - what will MYFM do for us in terms of pricing? Follow up with Rebecca Virgin.

PETER - will create a group list of magazines that allow free advertising. It will include: Name & Contact info.

Tom is presently working with Lyndsay Tee to build a list of events. He would like to see us create a postcard 4X a year to highlight current events.

TOM - Cost out radio options A-B-C

4. Committee Name

Who are we? What do we want to do?

What is our mission statement?

What makes us different? Unique?

5. Miscellaneous

BRAD - Invite Rob Plumley and Lyndsay Tee to the next meeting.

TOM - add the committee to the FB page as contributors

TOM & BRAD - are there other monies we can tap into?

MICHELLE - list of skills from team.

6. Next Meeting Agenda Item

We discussed having a card for Service and retail providers in the BIA - "Have you thought about doing business in downtown Napanee?"

Re-invent the Greater Napanee postcard. Napanee - your outdoor historic shopping destination Create an adult playground - how do we improve & market?

Radio Options