ESSAYS #4 and #5—English 1A Dr. Leiby Fall2017
Essay #4will be a5-7 page research paper thatpresents an argument about a problem or problems with the educational system (either in the U.S., or, if you like, in another country) and concludes with at least one paragraph that posits a solution or solutions to the problem(s).Essay #5, a major research paper of at least 7-10 pages, double-spaced, will be a revised, expanded version of Essay #4, with at least three pages devoted to proving that theproposed solution or solutions will indeed begin to solve the problem(s). Both essays must include the following:
1.The research paper should present a thesis that is specific, manageable, and debatable. In other words, the thesis should offer a clear position, stand, or opinion that will be proven with research. You should analyze and prove your thesis, using examples and quotations from a variety of sources.
2.You need to research and cite from at leastfive sources. You must use at least three different types of sources, all of whichshould be reputable ones suitable for an academic research assignment.
- At least one source must be from an ECC library database (such as JSTOR Arts and Sciences, ProQuest, EbscoHost Academic Search Elite or MasterFILE Premier, Newspaper Source, ERIC, or Professional Development Collection).
- At least one source must be a book, anthology or textbook.
- At least one source must be from a credible website, appropriate for academic use.
- The essay should not rely on any one source for most of the information; instead, it should use multiple sources and you should synthesize the information found in them.
- You must document sources in MLA format, cite them in the body of the paper, and formulate a works cited page (which does NOT count towards the minimum page count).
3.Essay #4 will be at least 5-7 pagesand Essay #5 at least 7-10 pages, not including the Works Cited page, which is also required. This means at least 5 full pages of textfor Essay #4 and at least 7 full pages of text forEssay #5.
4.You must use MLA format for the document, in-text citations, and Works Cited page.
5.You must smoothly integrate quotations and paraphrases using signal phrases and analyze or explain each quotation (employing the “sandwich method” to avoid “dropped” quotations).
6.You must sustain an argument, use transitions effectively, and use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
7.Your essay must be logically organized and focused.
8.You should highlight on Essay #5 all content changes you made from Essay #4 and attach beneath it the graded Essay #4. (Grammar corrections must be made in pen on this original, graded copy of Essay #4, as well as made electronically on the final version of Essay #5.) Do not highlight the new solution section (usually the last several pages of the paper).
9.You must includewith your essays peer review and Writing Center drafts, as well as attach to your essays photocopies or print-outs of pages from all sources used (other than the essays from The Mercury Reader or class handouts) with the author/title clearly identified at the top of the first page (circled or highlighted) and the paraphrased and quoted material highlighted or underlined on these photocopies or print-outs. Staple each source separately and put them in alphabetical order as on the Works Cited page. Only include copies or print-outs of new research and new peer reviewsfor Essay #5 (that is, materials you did not submit with Essay #4), and submit both papersto Turnitin.com.
Topic Selection. You may take a specific or a broad approach to this assignment, focusing on one particular aspect of education at one level or on a broad issue affecting one or more levels. For example, you might argue that parents are not allowed enough input into or control over their children’s education at the primary level of public schooling, which lessens the chances that elementary school children will succeed in later years; thus, you could propose a plan for more parental involvement in elementary education, including the option of school choice.Or you could argue that community colleges are not preparing students adequately to succeed at the university level (too many drop out before completing four-year degrees), and thus the community colleges need to raise their standards and use different teaching and counseling strategies to ensure that their students can transfer to and graduate from major universities.Consider choosing a topic related to education in which you have a personal stake, one that matters to you and/or to your community.
Before drafting your essays, you will first need to do some preliminary research on your topic to discover various experts’ and groups’ perspectives (for example, experts writing in teaching or counseling journals, teachers’ unions such as the NEA or AFT, parents’ groups such as StudentsFirst, 50CAN, or the national PTA, and commentators from a variety of political positions). Decide where you stand in relation to these philosophies about education. Which ones (or aspects of them) would be useful for articulating the problem you see and the solution(s) you think might be feasible? Then begin to formulate your own position, your own vision of what education should be and do, as you find evidence to support your stance.
Content and Organization. For your essays, you are to assume a college-educated audience, but one uninformed on the problem. Thus, you must provide your readers with some background information before presenting your thesis. Your thesis should appear early on in your essay(at the end of the introductory paragraph) and should present an argument on both the problem and the solution. You will need to provide enough detailed evidenceto prove that the problem does indeed exist and (primarily in Essay #5) that your solution is feasible, that it is the best strategy compared to others. You must provide adequate evidenceof the problem, discuss the effects of the problem, as well as examine the causes of the problem before positing solution(s) that are supported by evidence. In addition to examples and cause-effect, you may use any combination of other methods of development that you consider effective (narration, description, definition, comparison/contrast, analysis, and so forth). For Essay #5 you will need an adequate transition between discussion of the problem and the solution(s) you propose, as well as a conclusion paragraph that wraps up the entire essay, both the problem and the solution; also, be sure to revise your originalWorks Cited page from Essay #4 to include additional sources used in the final version of your essay (Essay #5).
Due Dates.
Topic and Tentative Thesis (claim with reasons) for Essay#4 Due:Oct. 16.
Research Questions and Plan Due: Oct. 30 Works Cited page of Essay #4 Due:Nov. 13
Outline of Essay #4 Due: Nov. 8 (bring 3 paper copies ora file on flashdrive).
(Peer Review) Draft of Essay #4 Due: Nov. 15(bring 3 copies or a file on flashdrive).
Final Draft of Essay #4 Due: Nov. 20(include all research materials and drafts)
(Peer Review)Draft of Essay #5 Due: Dec. 4(bring 3 copies or a file on flashdrive).
**Essay #5 and Portfolio Due: Dec. 6 (unless you request and receive an extension).
Please Note:Conferences for Essay #4, when the essay will receive a preliminary grade and be returned to you with suggestions for portfolio revision, will take placefrom Nov. 22 to Dec. 4.Becauseboth graded and revised essays must be submitted in the portfolio, which is due on Dec. 6, you should complete Essay #4 by Nov. 20 and have aconference on it by Dec. 4.