Minutes of the meeting held on 4th November 2014

At Two Steeples Medical Centre

Present: Lynda Eaton – Member (LE) – in the chair

Joan Pratt – Member (JP)

Rob Eaton – Member (RE)

Lynn Hailes – Member (LH)

Russ Hailes – Member (RH)

David England – Member (DE)

Keith Price – Member (KP)

Shashi Jogia – Member (SJ)

Dr Sam Adcock - Partner (SA)

Jane Martin – Receptionist (JM)

Diane Elliott – Administrator (DE)

Julie Bentley – Assistant Practice Manager (JB)

Louise Dalby – Nurse Practitioner (LD)

George Lanston – Member (GL)

Angela Roberts – Member (AR)

Maureen Lanston - Member (ML)

Pauline Rockley – Member (PR)

Lynda Payne – Member (LP)

Sue Lobb – Member (SL)

Doreen Corby – Member (DC)

Robert Whitehead – Practice Business Manager (RW)

1.  Welcome and introductions – a very warm welcome was extended to all for our first meeting in Two Steeples Medical Centre.

2.  Apologies – Geoffrey Roberts – Member (GR)

3.  Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd September 2014 – RW confirmed that no minutes had been prepared but that almost all of the agenda had been spent dealing with our impending move and arrangements for the PPG to support the move.

4.  Matters arising (not on the agenda)


5.  The move to Two Steeples Medical Centre

Thanks and appreciation to PPG members for their help

SA wanted on behalf of all the Partners to thank members for their assistance at the start of our time at Two Steeples. He added that the community spirit was plain to see and the help and support given was greatly appreciated by a large number of patients who had attended the surgery in those first few days. JB agreed that without the support of PPG members a lot of additional pressure and demand would have fallen to reception staff who themselves were already trying to cope with their new environment.

Feedback and observations from PPG members

i.  KP commented on three problems related to signage firstly the directional signage was too small for many to read at a distance, secondly also there were a number of places where signage was missing e.g. finding the stairs from ground to first floor; thirdly there was generally not sufficient contrast between the lettering and background colour on signs

ii.  KP had noticed a large number of patients having difficulty with the check-in screens (as he himself had done earlier today when the screen did not appear to be working at all) in that the screen shows a clinician’s name at the end of the process and not the name of the patient checking in, also unless a final confirmation was entered the whole check-in would not be completed, accordingly KP suggested we look to change the signing in details to make the process more obvious and understandable.

iii.  SL echoed the comments of KP in relation to check-in screens and added that there was not sufficient signage indicating how to find the check-in screens – we need “Check-in HERE à” signage or something similar.

iv.  SL commented that there was not adequate signage indicating where the toilets were located on ground floor.

RW responded to the above points by explaining that signage had in general been a very last minute item and without the consideration that might have avoided the problems highlighted. RW and Jane Sinfield (Practice Manager for Wigston Central Surgery) have identified a number of additional signs that are required and are currently arguing that additional signage should not be paid for by the practices. In addition RW will take up with the developer the question of size of lettering and contrast of colours on the directional signage. RW commented with regard to the problems of check-in screens and patient call-in screens that this is to be addressed on 6th November when an engineer from the system provider, Jayex, will be present on site to resolve why on one day the systems can work perfectly but the next not do so. This is a conundrum that we have not been able to resolve ourselves.





v.  KP enquired when parking restriction lines would be painted onto the road outside the adjacent properties as he understood this to be part of the planning approval.

vi.  KP was concerned that the marking of disabled parking places was not sufficiently obvious, and although the spaces are of good size the lack of sufficient spaces was a problem for those with blue cards – SL echoed this point, SA noted that he has observed cars parked on the four allocated spaces that should not be parked there. KP enquired if the car park ought not to have more than only four disabled parking spaces?

vii.  SL asked if it would be possible to remove some of the bicycle places to create a parking area for disabled scooters so that those who have some mobility might use their scooter to get to the surgery but then park their scooter safely and walk into the building.

RE commented that adopting a road is a long process and usually involves obtaining local residents views. RW added that the access road, Abington Close, has only been finished to final specification in the last two weeks by Jelsons and it would be Jelsons who then need to have the road adopted by the County Council. RW noted the comments about marking of the disabled parking spaces and agreed that policing and if possible ensuring only registered blue card holders use these spaces would be a good first step to take. RW commented that the number of disabled spaces had been determined at the planning stage for the building and that the landlord receives rent not only for the building but also for the number of car parking spaces provided, reducing the number of spaces would be unlikely to generate a positive response, in addition the balance is to ensure enough spaces for all, whether disabled or not.

viii. AR enquired about the telephones instancing problems of being cut-off on 3rd November at various times in the day and added that the ‘representative’ referred to in the message seems quite impersonal. GL echoed these comments in particular the difficulty in obtaining a response at all on occasion and in particular on Monday 3rd November.

RW responded by explaining that the original plan of having a fibre connection to the building had been thwarted by BT at the twelfth hour and a fall-back plan to use ordinary copper connections had also been ambushed when it was found that there were only a limited number of lines available into the building. BT have since confirmed that no further lines can be delivered to the building until problems with BT ducts under the pavement of Station Road have been “de-silted”, all of which is very frustrating and does not provide the quality of telephone service or the capacity of system that we require now. SA confirmed that he had recently taken 20 minutes just to obtain an outgoing line which is not an acceptable long-term solution.

ix.  RE enquired if a cold drink dispenser would be installed for patients.

RW commented that a decision had been reached not to place water dispensers in the public waiting areas but that cold water dispensers are being installed behind both ground and first floor reception (first floor is installed, ground floor is lacking power supply currently!). Signage needs to be prepared that indicates that reception staff will be happy to provide a cold drink of water to patients who request one.

x.  KP wanted to record how good the Bushloe reception staff were at dealing with often long queues of patients – they were calm and very efficient – brilliant! In addition he remarked about how efficient staff had been about offering flu jabs when patients might not actually have attended for a flu jab in the first instance. SL commented how enjoyable it had been supporting the practice in the first few days. JB remarked that feedback from patients she had spoken to was about how re-assuring it had been to have members of the PPG in the building to support patients during the first few days. The worry of the new building was taken away by the personal support of the PPG members. AR had often spoken to patients wanting to register with Bushloe Surgery. RH agreed that the professionalism of the staff was to be admired, and agreed with earlier remarks about the efficiency of the flu clinics held on Saturdays.

JB remarked that the last 2 – 3 weeks have been particularly busy for everyone in the surgery almost as if patients who had not attended for some period of time were now coming down just to see the new building! The flu Saturdays had gone well, the second and third Saturdays much better than the first and overall >1,500 flu vaccinations have been provided.

Reflection from staff members six weeks on

JB reported that we are now working much more closely with our colleagues in the other two practices. We do work differently but we understand and respect those differences much better now. Last week an opportunity arose for all staff to participate in a Breast Cancer Awareness day and through having a fancy dress day >£90 had been raised by staff for this vital charity. A suggestion had arisen from staff and will now be taken forward to hold an opening evening in December to allow members of staff from local pharmacies, care homes, surgeries and partners of staff to visit Two Steeples Medical Centre and take a tour of the building to see the facilities available perhaps fuelled by mince pies and mulled wine. If members of the PPG would like to attend and perhaps provide guidance they would be very welcome. SA commented that it was good that we had received the feedback from PPG members in a very honest and direct way but more than this it was satisfying to know that all of the problems highlighted are or should be within our control to resolve in due time. Our new building is excellent and will be the envy of many within the primary care sector it now up to us to make the best possible use of all the facilities it offers.

6.  News from the practice

·  The news is we have moved!! SA added that whilst in the past PPG meetings have often largely spent time deliberating issues relating to our old building or in planning our new building, in future meetings he hoped very much that members will give consideration to not just how we operate within Two Steeples but also the range of services we provide from the centre to our patients and to the wider community nearby.

7.  AOB

·  RH enquired about the recent issue of Care Plans that contain the old address and details which although he had spoken to SA about, a subsequent copy sent more recently still contained old details. SA commented that most Care Plans were prepared prior to the move. JB added that care plans will be to review in 3 months or if there is an unplanned admission and that efforts would be made to ensure all plans were updated as they were reviewed if not before. In response to a general enquiry about who Care Plans are intended for SA responded that they could be prepared for anyone aged 4years to 96 years where they are particularly poorly and may need an unplanned admission. They are aimed at the 2% of the population who could be managed at home provided information and help is available to Ambulance or Out Of Hours service providers in the form of a plan.

·  SL enquired when patients >75 years of age would be advised of their nominated doctor and if the patient would have any choice in who their doctor might be. RW responded that the allocation of patients has been discussed between Partners with some selection of patients from existing lists taking place. The work of writing to all patients has been delayed by the hiatus of the move but will now happen before the end of November.

·  DE enquired about the Shingles vaccination programme and who is eligible this year. LD responded by confirming that in 2013-14 the programme had targeted 70 year old patients and 79 year old patients (not 70 to 79 year old patients). This year the programme of vaccination is available to 70, 78 and 79 year old patients. SA added that this is due only to the availability of the shingles vaccine added to the recommendation from NICE that the vaccination is given to patients under the age of 80 years.

8.  Date of next meeting in light of the fact that the next proposed date is only three weeks away, and also that members of the PPG may wish to participate in the planned open evening of mince pies and mulled wine due to take place provisionally on Thursday 4th December it was proposed by LE that the next meeting be Tuesday 6th January at 6.30 pm.

The meeting closed at 8.00 pm and members and staff enjoyed a light buffet in celebration of the first meeting to be held in Two Steeples Medical Centre.

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