
TO: SkillsUSA Alumni and Friends

FROM: Alumni and Friends Executive Board (AFEB)

DATE: February 2, 2018

SUBJECT: Alumni and Friends Pioneer of Excellence Award.

(This award is for Alumni and Friends Members for over five years of service.)

Step 1 The attached materials provide directions regarding the 2018 Alumni and Friends Pioneer of Excellence Award. Copy and distribute the attached application throughout your state. Note the important deadline.

Step 2 Send the application to the address below by April 16, 2018.

SkillsUSA Alumni Executive Board

Taryn Zeigler

14001 SkillsUSA Way

Leesburg, VA 20176

Step 3 Prior to NLSC, all nominees and their applications will be reviewed by the AFEB.

Step 4 The winners will be notified prior to the National Leadership and Skills Conference (NLSC) and invited to attend the conference. Winners will be introduced at the Opening Ceremony and recognized at the Alumni Luncheon during the NLSC.


This award is for Alumni and Friends members and/or business and industry partners who have been a “Pioneer of Excellence” for over five years for the Alumni Organization. Nominees may not be currently serving on the Alumni and Friends Executive Board.

Nominator’s Instructions

Provide the following items:

·  Nomination form

·  One-page, narrative-style biography of the nominee (see specific instructions on a subsequent page)

·  One-page accomplishments or resume

·  Two letters of support or recommendation; more than two (2) letters will disqualify the nominee

Note: Information provided in letters of support weighs heavily in evaluation. Letters of recommendation may be provided by your state SkillsUSA director, employers, colleagues, advisors or individuals who can detail why a candidate would be a worthy recipient

·  A digital color portrait (head and shoulders shot) of the nominee

·  Additional materials will not be accepted

Nomination Form

Name of Nominee/Industry Partner

Mailing Address

City State ZIP

Contact Telephone Email Address

Current member of Alumni and Friends Association: (Please mark) Yes No

Number of Years serving SkillsUSA Alumni and Friends Association:

Nominator’s Name (if applicable)

Nominator’s Title

Contact Telephone Office Telephone

Email Address

*(you may nominate yourself)

Pioneer of Excellence Contributions and Achievements of Nominee

Describe in the space provided the Pioneer of Excellence of the nominee that have advanced SkillsUSA Alumni and Friends Association in the nominee’s state, region and/or nation. You may also describe how the nominee has advanced career and technical education in his/her occupational area. Moreover, you may detail the nominee’s support, as a member of business and industry, in the pursuit of furthering a partnership between business and industry and a skilled workforce.

Please type in the text box or answers may be supplemented on a double-spaced, 8 ½"x11" page. Please use the Times font — 12-point type. Limit answers to one page (single sided).

Accomplishments or Resume of Nominee

Please edit this sheet or answers may be supplemented on a double-spaced, 8 ½” x 11” page. Please use the Times font — 12-point type. Limit answers to one page (single sided).

Significant positions held: (in education, VICA, SkillsUSA, Alumni and Friends, or business and industry)

Honors and/or recognitions:

Professional memberships: (include offices held)

Civic, fraternal activities, etc.:

Other specialized activities, such as community service, safety projects or any other activity above and beyond the call of duty in Alumni and Friends or similar:

SkillsUSA Alumni and Friends Pioneer of Excellence Application