I. Students must come prepared to class with the following materials:

a.   Binder with five dividers for Spanish separated as follows:

1.   Apuntes / Vocabulario - to be organized according to each theme/unit

2.   Actividades – for all in-class practice activities

3.   Tarea - must have a complete heading

4.   Calentamientos - to be arranged in order and will be graded

5.   Trabajo viejo - for graded assignments

b. Pencils, pens, and paper for your binder

c. Student Planner – for writing all homework assignments

II.   Grades will be calculated as follows:

35% - Class work and oral participation

30% - Tests and projects

25% - Quizzes

10% - Homework

Classwork: Will consist of oral, listening, writing and reading activities and will be done both individually and in groups. You are expected to participate positively and to meet the classroom expectations on a daily basis.

Tests and quizzes: Vocabulary quizzes will be given approximately one time every week and a half to two weeks. Most quizzes will be announced, but some may be unannounced. All tests will be announced. Tests and quizzes will test oral, listening, writing, and/or reading skills.

Mini-projects: Will be assigned several times throughout the year. Each project will include an assessment rubric.

Homework: Is for your benefit. When I assign homework, please write down the assignment in your student planner. Homework receives full credit if it is completed and/or handed in at the beginning of the class period, is complete, and demonstrates your best effort.

III. Students are responsible for completing all assignments, homework, and projects in a timely manner. Assignments not completed will receive a grade of zero. Late assignments will be given a grade of 75 if completed only one day late (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE DAILY HOMEWORK CHECKS). Those turned in two days late will receive a grade of fifty. Any assignments turned in more than two days late will receive a zero.

IV. All students will follow rules of conduct for Grover Cleveland Middle School (see reverse side).

PARENTS: Please encourage your child to keep up with his/her work and to ask for help before it is too late. Check his/her notebook every Friday for assignment sheets and completed work. Thank you for your cooperation.

Teacher Name: ______Signature: ______

Student Name: ______Signature: ______

Parent Name: ______Signature: ______

Parent Name: ______Signature: ______

Classroom Rules

Please always…

1.  Come to class on time and prepared with all required supplies and assignments.

2.  Stay in your seat unless you have permission to get up.

3.  Raise your hand if you have something to ask or say.

4.  Respect others and their property.

5.  Refrain from eating, drinking or chewing gum.

6.  Pay attention and put forth your best effort!

Violations of classroom rules will result in the following consequences:

1.  Warning

2.  Parent Contact

3.  Detention

4.  Office Referral

I have read the classroom rules. I understand that these rules are in effect so that I and all other students may have a positive learning experience this year in Spanish class.

Student signature:

Parent signature:

Parent signature: