Agenda for Full Governing Body for Wednesday15thMarch 2017
Agenda Item / Lead / Preparation required/Approval sought / Supporting Documentation1 / Apologies for Absence / Chair / Please let either the chair or clerk know in advance of the meeting if you are going to be absent.
2 / Items for Decision
- Declaration of Business interest.
- To confirm Minutes of previous meeting
- Matters arising
3 / Actions from previous meeting / Chair / Updates on actions agreed at the last meeting. / Attached to Agenda
4 / Items to be taken into part II / Chair / Parent exclusion update and hearing support centre (HSC).
5 / Budget:
- Items for approval
- Budget Monitor
- Audit Report
- Governors to review items for financial approval.
- Governors to review budget monitor (will be presented to governors prior to the meeting). Any questions please send to CH prior to meeting so that information can be brought to the meeting.
- Audit report from the recent finance audit.
Budget monitor and Audit Report will be provided prior to the meeting.
6 / Governor Updates:
- Attendance
- E-Safety
- Finance
- Safeguarding
EM / Governors to report back highlights to the FGB. Documents will be held in the file available at the meeting. / 6.1 – SEND Report
7 / Committee Feedback
- Governor Action Plan
- Safeguarding Framework
- Governor Visit Pack
- Solar Panels
- Admissions
CH / The governor visit packs will be made available at the meeting.
Verbal update to be provided at meeting.
Supporting documents around admissions and hearing support centre. Please read through prior to the meeting. / 7.1-2
8 / Head Report / CH / Governors to read the Head Report, and contact CH with any questions ahead of the meeting.
9 / Governor Skills Matrix and Training:
- Results of Skills Matrix
- Training completed and booked
- Training to schedule
10 / Ofsted Inspection / Chair/CH / As a result of the skills matrix, some information has been provided regarding Ofsted Inspections. / 10.1 – 10.2
11 / Lead Governor Terms of Reference:
- Updated copies
You will only have your own ToR / 11.1-11.7
12 / PREVENT / Chair / The PREVENT process map and supporting articles have been provided. Please read through prior to the meeting and direct any questions to CH before the meeting. / 12.1-12.3
13 / Policies to be adopted by the FGB:
- Healthy Eating Policy (Updated)
- Health and Safety Policy (Updated)
- Inclusion Policy (Updated)
- Intimate Care Policy (Updated)
- Attendance Policy (Updated)
- Management of Outdoor Education (Updated)
- Governor Expenses Policy (Updated)
- DCC Staff Grievance (Updated)
- DCC Disciplinary Policy and Procedure (Updated)
13 / Governor Recruitment / Chair / Update will be provided verbally on open positions, and candidates.
ACTION LOG / Full Governing Body 07.12.2016
Name / Actions / Date to complete task / Comments
Mervyn Langmead, Shirley Law,
Stephanie Slade / To meet with representatives from DCC Highways and also local DCC councillor for Bideford East to discuss the situation and explore resolutions to the traffic problems along the Alverdiscott Road in conjunction with the Travel Plan. / 15/03/17 / PO to contact ML regarding this meeting.
Julia Lock and Catherine Higley / Julia Lock to meet with Catherine and look at how attendance is monitored. Julia Lock to feedback at the next FGB / 15/03/2017
Stephanie Slade / Steph to visit the school and look at the impact of British Values on writing within the school. Feedback at the next FGB. / 15/03/2017
Robert Wootton / Robert to visit the school and look at the impact of write dance in early years. Feedback at the next FGB. / 15/03/2017
Maxine Ball / Maxine to visit the school to get an update on SEN and hearing support within the school. Feedback at the next FGB. / 15/03/2017
Lauren Rider / Lauren to revisit EYFS in the new year and look at the impact of phonics and early reading. Feedback at the next FGB / 15/03/2017
All governors / All governors to read the governor expense policy for adoption at the next FGB / 15/03/2017
Kelly Bridle / Update adopted policies in the governor’s policies folder / 15/12/2016
All governors / All governors to review and use their own terms of reference for feedback at the next FGB. / 15/03/2017
Kelly Bridle / Kelly to check that the website states that FGB meetings are open to the public. / 15/12/2016
Richard DeCrausaz / Richard to distribute contact list when completed. / 15/03/2017
Pam Orchard, Mike Lacey and Catherine Higley / Pam to contact Mike regarding regular finance meetings with the bursar and Catherine. Finance feedback at the next meeting. / 15/03/2017