Pupil Premium 2015-2016 – Impact Report
Pupil Numbers
Year 7 / Year 8 / Year 9 / Year 10 / Year 11 / All YearsPupils of this school / 189 / 153 / 173 / 238 / 204 / 957
Pupil Premium / 35.98% / 68 / 39.87% / 61 / 43.35% / 75 / 31.93% / 76 / 29.90% / 61 / 35.63% / 341
The pupil premium funding is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of pupil premium pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.
Pupil Premium is money the school receives for each student who is currently or has previously been in receipt of Free School Meals or who has been ‘looked after’ continuously for a period of six months.
At Castle View School we aim to raise the aspirations of all of our students and build lives for the future. We achieve this through addressing inequalities and raising attainment of all students including the students on Pupil premium. Progress of all students is reviewed by the leadership team and directors of learning.
Personalised intervention to support the progress and well-being of qualifying students is carefully planned to ensure that it has a positive impact.
In the academic year 2015/16, Castle View School received £349,690 in pupil premium funding. It was used as follows.
2015-16 Spending
Spending / Costing / Review September 2016Saturday College: Maths, English, Science, Humanities - targeted at 3 and 4 levels of progress and A*-C grades and increasing the % of A*/A and B grades for the most able. / £15,000 / Students benefitted from attending these sessions particularly in English where 76% of FSM students made expected progress with 36% making above expected progress.
Period 6 Learning - range of extra-curricular activities, including music tuition (£2,000) / £8,000 / PP students who attended our period 6 sessions made good progress and achieved good qualifications with over a third of PP students achieving more than 5 good passes in various subjects.
Vocational opportunities - Ocean Suite Key stage 4 Vocational Learning with achievement plus staff. / £10,000 / PP students with learning difficulties who would have found it a challenge to achieve qualifications in main stream learning benefited from learning support in the Ocean Suite.
Small group work room facility (Ocean Suite) / £2,000 / Some of our PP students who are also SEND students benefitted from small group and one-to-one support in literacy. 58% of our PP students who were also SEN with statements achieved expected progress in English language.
Learning Mentors - provision for learning guidance, target setting and reviewing. / £20,000 / Mentoring provided by our learning mentors made a significant impact on the attainment of our PP students. 67% of PP students who took Btec Science achieved a level 2 qualification with 67% achieving an A*-C in English literature.
Learning Leader support - Learning support progress, attainment and wellbeing. / £31,624 / Our learning leaders ensured that students felt supported and safe in school. Where needed students benefitted from external counselling as well.
Looked After Children - assigned to Children in Care Manager. / £6,000 / Students benefitted from the monitoring provided by our CIC manager. This ensured that their funding was used to make a direct impact on their progress in school including the organisation of one to one tuition, identifying which revision materials needed to be purchased.
Literacy and Numeracy intervention / £24,794 / This was assigned to small group and one to one tuition. 58% achieved a good pass in English with 32% achieving the same measure in maths despite very low starting points(KS2)
Literacy management (Accelerated Reader) / £12,206 / Students have always benefited from the intervention associated with the accelerated reader program, enabling them to improve their literacy so that they can access the curriculum.
Reading Recovery programmes / £25,000 / PP students who were on this program made good progress improving their chronological reading ages as a result of this intervention.
Gifted and talented and more able programme coordination / £6,000 / Students benefitted from enrichment programs including conferences, team challenge activities and a problem solving day organised by an external provider.
Numeracy Coordinator / £12,000 / This included specific programs of intervention provided during period 6 and also as part of our tutor time program. Over 50% of KS3 PP students are on track for expected progress in Maths.
Science Coordinator / £12,000 / This included specific programs of intervention provided during period 6 and also as part of our tutor time program. Over 62% of KS3 PP students are on track for expected progress in Science.
Targeted Support / £22,000 / Money set aside for individual costs. This includes the purchase of school uniform, shoes and PE kit etc for pupil premium students. This has resulted in students feeling happy to attend school to engage in their learning.
One to one and small group additional support - students have additional support in Maths, English and Science. / £30,000 / This resulted in an improved confidence in students in areas identified to be a weakness by curriculum areas. Tracking data indicates that students are making progress.
SENDCO and alternative education/additional support / £20,000 / This centre has improved the learning of pupil premium students for whom support is required beyond the classroom. Pupils are making progress as a result of this support.
Curriculum design, behaviour for learning and safety / £20,000 / As a result of changes to the curriculum to meet the needs of students, majority of our PP students are enjoying the courses they are studying resulting in them making good progress.
Personalised Learning and resources for Children in Care / £4,000 / Students benefitted from the monitoring provided by our CIC manager. This ensured that their funding was used to make a direct impact on their progress in school including the organisation of one to one tuition, identifying which revision materials needed to be purchased and even buying uniform and shoes to ensure that students felt comfortable enough to attend school.
General LSA targeted support / £20,000 / Students have benefitted from the support received in lessons. Students are able to engage better with the learning activities in lessons.
Administrative support staff/student services / £10,000 / As a result of the administrative process of recording and tracking the impact of PP spending we are able to evaluate our spending to make the changes needed to make a positive impact on outcomes for students.
Additional Student development through agencies and partnerships eg PIXL / £11,710 / Students benefitted from the CPD for staff. They also attended conference on applying to top universities.
Student and family provision available through community focused initiatives / £9,356 / This included inviting speakers to come in and motivate students through various activities. Some of these initiatives were aimed at raising aspirations. Students also benefitted from careers guidance support.
Brilliant Club / £1,000 / Students had the opportunity to complete articles/research to improve their literacy skills.
Attendance / £2,000 / This targeted support in improving attendance has resulted in an improvement in the attendance of pupil premium students this academic year.
In addition there are a number of key initiatives that support pupil premium students: Home Learning support in LRC, breakfast club provision, attendance initiatives, healthy lifestyle gym fitness facility, SMSC trips & visits.
There are also learning conferences for targeted students, careers conferences and additional careers advice and guidance ‘dropin’ sessions, extra one to one time for any student who would like more support with their post 16 transition routes.
Impact report – 2015/16
APS on Entry for pupil premium students– 26.04
APS on Entry for non-pupil premium students – 26.79
The impact is analysed through data analysis comparing Pupil premium students with the Non-Pupil premium.
The progress of pupil premium students has improved over time with a slight dip this year. 65% of Pupil premium students made the expected progress in English with 13.5% of them making more than expected progress. In Maths 34.6% made the expected progress.
Looked after children made particularly good progress compared to other students.
A*-A % / A*-C % / A*-G % / 3+ LOP % / 4+ LOP % / 5+ LOP % / Avg Pts / Avg GradeAll students / 8.9 / 55.4 / 95.6 / 50.5 / 20.4 / 5.4 / 36.54 / D+
Non LAC / 8.9 / 55.4 / 95.7 / 50.2 / 20.2 / 5.2 / 36.58 / D+
LAC / 10 / 55 / 93.3 / 58.2 / 29.1 / 10.9 / 35.33 / D+
Funding has been used to create an environment where students feel they belong. This is reflected in the attendance of pupil premium students. We are committed to improving the attendance to close the gap between pupil premium and non-pupil premium.
AttendanceYear 7 / Year 8 / Year 9 / Year 10 / Year 11 / All Years
All / 96.76% / 95.08% / 95.06% / 96.37% / 96.24% / 95.98%
Pupil Premium / 96.01% / 92.26% / 93.04% / 94.47% / 95.22% / 94.20%
Not Pupil Premium / 97.18% / 96.97% / 96.60% / 97.25% / 96.68% / 96.96%