Town of Oxford

Board of Selectmen

Minutes of 6/17/2010

The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Chairman Floyd Thayer. Other members present were Scott Owens - Vice-chair, Dennis Sanborn, Jay Goforth and Roger Jackson. Also present were Town Manager Michael Chammings (TM), Town Clerk Ellen Morrison, approximately 20 members of the public. One reporter was present.

Chairman Thayer led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.

TM realized that since this was the first meeting after the Town Meeting a new chairman had to be elected. Town Clerk Ellen Morrison opened the floor for nominations for Chairman of the Board. Scott Owens made a motion to nominate Floyd Thayer which was seconded by Jay Goforth. Motion passed 4-0.

Chairman Thayer opened the floor for nominations for Vice-chairman. Roger Jackson made a motion to nominate Scott Owens which was seconded by Jay Goforth.

Motion passed 4-0

3. Adjustments to the Agenda- Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Jay Goforth to add executive session to the agenda. Motion passed 5-0

4. Action on Minutes-

A. 5/20/10 & 6/02/10

James Goforth made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to accept as

presented the minutes of 5/20/10 & 6/02/10.

Motion passed 5-0.

5. Manager’s Update/Report – TM gave the floor to Frank Chandler of NATEVA to answer questions from the some of the Pottle Rd. residents who came to the meeting to voice their concerns.

6. Questions/Comments from the Public-Deb Wiles questioned the integrity of Mr. Chandler and whether he could be trusted. He had not knocked on every door on Pottle Rd. as stated in the Norway selectmen’s meeting but had only spoken to those residents that were outside. Mr. Chandler said that he had spoken out of turn and asked where he could go from here to satisfy her. In lieu of canceling the concert, she would like her yard fenced and free passes to the concert. Patricia McCaul expressed concern over the traveling conditions on the road. Her son is handicapped and travels in a motorized wheelchair to his father’s house further down the road. Mr. Chandler said that road access would be available to the residents with travel passes. Ms. McCaul was angry that the Town of Oxford hadn’t notified her about the Mass Gathering application from NATEVA yet the Norway selectmen notified her when they had their meeting. She would have expected her Town to do the same. TM agreed and said that currently the notification is by advertising in the paper but that would be one of the changes proposed to the ordinance. Beverly Giroux asked about the golf cart that was promised for her husband Adrien. Mr. Chandler said with a smile on his face that he offered to personally take Mr. Giroux into the festival but had not anticipated that he would be expected to entertain him there for the three days since he might be a little busy. Mrs. Giroux asked if the festival was handicap accessible. Mr. Chandler said they will be. TM said that the fairgrounds are ADA accessible. Mitch Fishman the operations officer said that there would also be an area upfront and to the side of the stage for wheelchairs. Chief Tibbetts explained that Oxford Rescue would be there as well as Police and private security, some on horseback for crowd control. NATEVA is paying for this. Car passes would be given to the residents of Pottle Rd. to make their travel easier and they would be given passes to the festival itself starting next week. There will be 300 port-o-potties on site that will be serviced throughout the day. They will be dispersed around the grounds and a fire lane will be maintained between them and the outer fence. Shower trucks are being brought in to add to the ones already on site. They will be self contained. Tom Wiles said that there had been a death that occurred a few years ago on the corner during an event at the fairgrounds that greatly disturbed the residents and the family involved. That is why the residents are so passionate about large events at the fairgrounds. It makes them anxious. TM said that he understands the concern of the residents on Pottle Rd that is why the Town has a Mass Gathering Ordinance in place to help control this. After the concert season is over, the ordinance will be reviewed to address any problems that arise. Mr. Chandler stated that NATEVA would fix any damage that might occur to the fairgrounds or private property much to the relief of the Pottle Rd. residents. TM said that Mr. Chandler was willing to meet in the lobby with the residents present at this meeting to answer anymore of their questions while the Selectmen’s Meeting continued. Chairman Thayer thanked Mr. Chandler for coming.

Tom Cushman asked the TM if the insurance company had gotten back to him yet concerning the Kay House. TM and Mr. Cushman have been working on getting a settlement for the damage done to the Kay House. They will have a contractor write up damages caused by incomplete roofing done previously. Mr. Cushman also spoke of the ramp that will be on the backside of the Meeting House near where the hot air furnace is located. That will be removed. Repairs are still in the area of the original estimate of $1200. TM asked Mr. Cushman to get a materials list and he will make the funds available.

Adrien Giroux expressed concern that if there was a fire in this building how would he get out? (He uses a wheelchair) Mrs. Giroux said that a small generator is all that is needed to power an elevator and wondered if there was a grant available. TM said that the ADA grants had all but dried up. TM said that when we were inspected for ADA there weren’t any issues. TM said that he would carry him out.

7. Questions/Comments from the Selectmen- none

8. New Business-

A. Appointments- Police/Recreation

Oxford Police Appointments

July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011

1. Jonathan Tibbetts Oxford Chief of Police

2. Michael Ward Oxford Lieutenant

3. Rickie Jack Oxford Sergeant

4. Alan Coffin Oxford Patrol Officer

5. James Richardson Oxford Patrol Officer

6. Reginald Littlefield Oxford Reserve Officer

7. Daniel Bragg Sabattus Reserve Officer

8. Troy Harps Lisbon Falls Reserve Officer

9. Joshua Smith Hartford Reserve Officer

10. Ronald Kugell Oxford Reserve Officer

11. Shawn Wood Gray Reserve Officer

12. Penny Littlefield Oxford Constable

13. Karen Tibbetts Oxford Constable

Roger Jackson made a motion which was seconded by Scott Owens to appoint as listed and read the Police appointments. Motion passed 5-0

Roger Jackson made a motion which was seconded by Scott Owens to appoint Tracey Cox to the Recreation Committee. Motion passed 5-0

B. Catering Function/Liquor License- Shad Tree LLC

A representative of Portland City Music Hall was there and explained that they do over 200 concerts per year, carry insurance and will have both areas blocked off. There will be a beer garden serving beer and wine and a VIP area with beer, wine and spirits. Jay Goforth made a motion which was seconded Roger Jackson to approve and sign the application. Motion passed 5-0

10. Executive Session- Roger Jackson made a motion which was seconded by Scott Owens to enter into executive session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6)(C) Robinson Mill Property. Motion passed 5-0

Time: 7:40pm

Roger Jackson made a motion which was seconded by Scott Owens to come out of executive session. Motion passed 5-0


C. Foreclosed Property- U07-020-021 Robinson Mfg.

Roger Jackson made a motion which was seconded by Jay Goforth to take possession of this foreclosed property and to direct the TM to place an easement on this property for marina and dam access. Motion passed 5-0

D. Transfers-

1. Transfer $87,595.90 from account #85-100 to Account #304018 for the Town’s share of the King St. project.

Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Jay Goforth to approve the transfer as listed. Motion passed.

E. Abatement- Christopher and Diane Firth U10-014-000

Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to deny the abatement as recommended by the assessor’s agent. Motion passed 5-0

9. Sign Warrants #50 & #51- Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to sign warrants #50 & #51. Motion passed 5-0

11. Adjournment-

Scott Owens made a motion which was seconded by Roger Jackson to adjourn. Motion passed 5-0

Meeting adjourned at 8:14pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ellen M. Morrison CCM

Town Clerk of Oxford