2017Winter Holiday Break

Calendar of Events

School Age Grade 1-5

Dec. 25
CLOSED / Dec. 26
CLOSED / Dec. 27
PJ Day

Activity: cereal necklaces / Dec. 28
Ugly Sweater Day

String Trees / Dec. 29
Wii Day
Boos Knockdown
Jan. 1
CLOSED / Jan. 2
CLOSED / Jan. 3
Camp Day

camp stories / Jan. 4
Tobogganing Day

sled painting / Jan. 5
Snow Day

Mosaic Snowman

Winter Break 2017 School Age

It’s Here! The plans for the Winter Break 2017are finalized and ready to go. The following is an itinerary of the activities; please note any special requirements listed for each of the days. This itinerary is ONLY for School age children (Grade 1 -5). Please note that the calendars will also be posted on the bulletin boards outside each of the school age rooms.

January 3rd, 2017 (Wednesday)

Camp Day

It’s camp day in the winter! When we asked the school agers what they wanted to do during the winter break, one of the suggestions was to have a camp day. Here are some of suggestions for camp day. They wanted the lights off (not the whole day) so please bring a flashlight. They want to tell stories around a camp fire, (not a real one) drink hot chocolate and marshmallows. They also wanted to be cozy, so we decided on blankets, stuffies and pjs.

*Required: flashlight, blanket, stuffy (one per child) and pjs

January 4th, 2017 (Thursday)


Location: Roblin Park Community Club (weather permitting)

Transportation: walking

Departure time: 9:00

Return time: 12:00

*Required: WARM CLOTHING! – hat, warm mittens, neck warmer, jacket, ski pants, boots. Bring an extra pair of socks just in case they would like to change them when they get back. DO NOT BRING YOUR OWN SLED. SLEDS ARE PROVIDED BY THE COMMUNITY CLUB.

*The children will enjoy a fun morning outdoors sledding down the toboggan slides at Roblin Park Community Club

January 5th


Location: Roblin Park Community Club (weather permitting)

Transportation: walking

Departure time: 9:00

Return time: 12:00

*Required: WARM CLOTHING! – hat, warm mittens, neck warmer, jacket, ski pants, boots. Bring an extra pair of socks just in case they would like to change them when they get back. Skates and Helmet. IF YOUR CHILD IS BRINGING A STICK, PLEASE MAKE SURE THEY HAVE ELBOW PADS, SHINE PADS AND PUCK.

Game and Toy Day

As in the summer toys can be brought in any day and must meet the following requirements:


*Toy must fit into a bin no larger than 15 x 11 inches. The bin must also have a lid that closes

*Must be non-violent (no guns, weapons, etc.)

*Signed contract

*We cannot be responsible for lost items so we suggest not to bring in Games or Toys with many pieces.