Dear children and parents/carers of Eagles
As you are by now well aware, our topic for Term Six is Fit for Life.
Fit for Life.

English- In English we will be reading ‘Pig Heart Boy’ by Malorie Blackman. This powerful text explores themes of choice, ethics, family and what it means to be a teenager. We will be continuing to summarise and organise our writing, support ideas and arguments with factual details, drawing on knowledge of literary and rhetorical devices from their reading and listening to enhance the impact of their writing. / Maths-In math we will be solving problems involving multiplication and division. We will also be practising multiplying proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers.
Eagles will also be solving scaling by simple fractions and solving problems involving measure with decimal notation, which will also include scaling. We will also be drawing angles and practising how to measure them in degrees.
We will be studying living things and their habitats. We will be continuing to conduct scientific experiments and being able to justify predictions, investigations, findings and conclusions. / Daily 5
Daily activities including, reading to adults, word and spelling work. / Snappy Maths-
We will be practising our times table. We will be covering all tables over the term. / Topic
We will be learning how to measure our fitness levels. Learning about the importance of diet and health and the changes to our bodies as we grow and how we can look after our bodies and keep them in good condition. / International
Eagles will be finding out how people around the world keep fit and healthy.
We will be finding out how different artists have represented people and their activities, as well as how we can record ourselves. / Music
We will be continuing to practise our assembly songs. / PE
As well as practising our athletic skills for sports day, we will also be looking at how we can improve our physical fitness and the importance of regular exercise. / Spelling and Grammar
We will be practising the correct use of the colon when writing play scripts and making lists.
We will also be learning the verb prefixes “dis-“, “de-“, “mis-“, “over-“, and “re-“. / Computing
This term we will develop our understanding of programming as well as using My Maths and Literacy Planet. / RE
We will be learning about Islam, including the act of worship for Muslims and the role of the Imam, as well as sacred places.

Welcome to Term 6 and our topic, Fit for Life.

As you can see through our curriculum grid, it’s another very busy and exciting term. During this term’s work we will be appreciating how our bodies are the most valuable things we will ever own. We will therefore be learning how to keep our bodies fit and healthy.


As well as our usual Brainbuilder homework, the children will be receiving other homework to complete. Children must continue to read daily and practise their times tables.

CLIC test- This will be sent out on a Monday and children will be tested on the Friday. The CLIC tests help support problem solving and calculation within Maths.

Spellings- Your child will receive eleven spellings to learn and they will be tested on these the following Monday.

There will also be homework tasks set on My Maths and Literacy Planet. Children are more than welcome to complete these at school during playtimes/lunchtimes, if the technology is not available at home.

Items to bring to school:

  • Water bottle named.
  • School bag.
  • PE kit-named- please ensure outdoor PE shoes and sweat tops for colder weather. No earrings to be worn and hair to be tied up. PE kits should stay in school and go home at the end of term.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Gibson