Tuesday December 20, 2016
City Hall Council Chambers
The Council of the City of Oregon met Tuesday December 20, 2016, 5:30 P.M. City Hall
Council Chambers.
Present: Mayor Ken Williams
Commissioner Jim Barnes
Commissioner Terry Schuster
Commissioner Thomas E. Izer
Commissioner Kurt Wilson
Chief Darin DeHaan
City Clerk/Treasurer Charlene Ruthe
City Attorney Paul Chadwick
Mayor Ken Williams started the pledge of allegiance.
No Public Comment
Commissioner Jim Barnes moved to approve the November 22, 2016 minutes, Seconded by Commissioner Thomas E. Izer.
Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to ratify the warrants paid on December 9, 2016 and approve the payroll in the amount of
$45,618.24 and current warrants as listed:
42 Tech Solutions, $19.99
Assurant, $333.33
AT&T, $163.18
Brad Cash, $40.00
Butitta Bros., $73.00
Carreno Landscaping, $420.00
Casper’s Home Inspection LLC, $1,350.00
Cintas, $155.14
City of Oregon, $5,000.00
City of Oregon, $48,900.00
Comcast, $148.57
Dave Kent, $40.00
Dustin Runyon, $40.00
Ehmen, $1,657.38
Envision Healthcare, Inc., $157.00
Euclid Managers, $1,757.75
Fearer, Nye & Chadwick, $333.33
First National Bank, $661.79
Fischer’s, $229.78
Freeport Bicycle Co., $612.96
Frontier, $447.30
GP Designs, Inc., $275.00
Hawkins, Inc., $569.50
Healthcare Service Corp., $16,318.69
Ill. Dept. of NR, $1,030.00
Illinois Municipal League MTG, $450.00
Illinois Public Safety Agency Network, $2,184.00
Jeff Pennington, $40.00
Joe Brooks, $40.00
Kurt Alexander, $40.00
Laura Medlar, $43.00
Martin & Company, $598.41
Mary Elliott, $40.00
Matt Kalnins, $40.00
Metropolitan Industries, $13,171.54
Moring Disposal, $57.30
Municipal Code Corp., $3,380.00
NAPA, $258.35
NW Concrete, Inc., $27,320.00
Oregon Snyder, $268.55
Oregon Super Valu, $11.88
Pines Meadow, $415.80
Polland Water, $193.81
Postmaster, $116.46
Postmaster, $188.00
Quill, $196.98
Rachel Jones, $40.00
Randy Cropp, $40.00
Ray Hawn, $40.00
Ray O’Herron Co., Inc., $377.93
Sauk Valley Newspaper, $361.80
Scott Wallace, $40.00
Shawn Melville, $40.00
Steve Benesh & Sons, $425.00
Tad Dominski, $40.00Uniform Den East, Inc., $2,796.50
Verdin, $580.00
Wiggle LLC, $1,000.00
Willett Hofmann & Assoc., $1,928.10
Current Warrants:
Barb Holaday, $315.00
Bonnell Industries, $1,405.80
Buddy Jenkins, $127.75
Byron Bank, $1,275.82
Comcast, $69.96
ComEd, $1,169.46
Constellation Energy, $80.73
DeKalb Implement Co., $175.00Ehmen, $394.35
Engel Electric Co., $9,975.00
Ferguson Waterworks, $5,461.15
Ferguson Waterworks, $1,010.25
Fidelity Security Life Insurance, $184.22
First National Bank, $738.70
First National Bank, $2,909.12
Glenwood Center, $450.00
Harvard State Bank, $899.21
Hometown Auto Repair, LLC., $38.99
Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, $110.00
Kunes Country Auto Group, $91.21
Lakeside International, LLC, $368.53
Martin & Company, $59.48
McHenry Analytical Water, $130.00
Merlin’s Flowers, $1,602.00
Metropolitan Industries, Inc., $9,449.00
Moring Disposal, $15,604.00
NICOR, $65.04
Ogle County Clerk & Recorder, $100.00
Oregon Rotary Club, $150.50
Physicians Care, $286.00
Polo Cooperative Assoc., $2,364.35
Postmaster, $149.90
Radar Man, Inc., $300.00
Ray O’Herron Co., $13.30
Traffic Control & Protection, Inc., $206.00
Verizon Wireless, $470.45
Village of Progress, $889.60
Visa, $781.68
Waste Water Management, $8,575.00
Zarnoth Brush Works, $296.20
Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.
Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to approve Ordinance No. 2016-117: To Establish a date for a Public Hearing for the Tax Financing District (TIF), Seconded by Commissioner Thomas E. Izer.
Discussion: The Public Hearing is set for February 14th 5:00 PM at the Coliseum Building 124 N 4th Street.
Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to table Ordinance No. 2016-118: Travel, Meal & Lodging Expenses, Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.
Discussion: This is a State Regulation for Municipal expenses. Commissioner Schuster would like to table for more information.
Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Commissioner Jim Barnes moved to award the bid to Larson & Larson Builders, Inc. for Well Houses 2, 3, & 4, contingent upon IEPA approval, for items in the amount of $1,675,000.00, Seconded by Commissioner Terry Schuster.
Discussion: The bid was under the estimate from WHA by $75,000.00.
Roll Call: Barnes Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Commissioner Jim Barnes moved to award the bid to Tecorp, Inc. for Ground Level Water Storage, contingent upon IEPA approval, for items in the amount of $509,500.00, Seconded by Commissioner Thomas E. Izer.
Discussion: The bid was under the estimate from WHA by $18,500.00.
Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
The Plan Commission recommendation for the Riverfront Zoning Ordinance is a first reading, vote to be held at the first meeting In January 2017. Copies will be available at City Hall and on the City Website.
Commissioner Kurt Wilson moved to approve the Raffle License for Oregon Lions Club, Seconded by Commissioner Jim Barnes.
Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Mayor Ken Williams announced that a new house is being built in the Svoboda Woods Subdivision. Commissioner Jim Barnes questioned why there was no parking along the Street in that Subdivision. Mayor Williams thought it was because the developer requested it that way. Commissioner Izer and Mike Bowers will be looking into the matter.
Mayor & Commissioners wished everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Commissioner Jim Barnes moved to adjourn the meeting, Seconded by Commissioner Thomas E. Izer.
Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.
Adjourn 6:00 PM
ATTEST: ______
Ken Williams, Mayor
Charlene Ruthe, City Clerk