Under this agreement for 2016

Seven Hills State School will receive $136,976*

This funding will be used to

·  Improve teacher capability through professional development and ongoing feedback cycles for both teachers and students to improve student outcomes

·  Develop individualised plans to support students who are below the national minimum standard

·  Increase/maintain the percentage of Year 3 students in the U2B:

Reading / Spelling / Writing / Numeracy
65% / 42% to 55% / 65% / 65%

·  Produce 85% of students achieving a C or above in English and Maths in year 1 to 6.

·  Identify at risk students in literacy and numeracy and provide support.

Our initiatives include

·  Continue funding professional learning conversations to engage teachers in critical reflection and discussion of pedagogical practices, teaching/learning programs, monitoring and assessment of students.

·  Engage teachers in analysis and discussion of school, classroom and individual student data to ensure learning pathways are suited to individual needs.

·  Engage a HOC to provide support to admin and teachers to ensure consistent planning and documentation of learning and differentiation.

·  Continue to use current research to guide and challenge practices: Seven Hills Pedagogical Framework, Dimensions of Teaching and Learning, Feedback, Hattie & Timperley.

Our school will improve student outcomes by
·  Mentoring/coaching of teachers by curriculum leaders, teachers sharing practice and watching others work.
·  Implementation of a professional development program which facilitates a feedback culture and support individual teachers to build their capacity in data analysis and the use of explicit teaching strategies.
·  Engage an additional teacher to support teachers, coach individuals and small groups of children.
·  Allocating funding to support additional teacher aide time in P-6 classes to implement whole school reading program.
·  Purchase additional teacher aide time to support the implementation of age appropriate practices in prep classes and learning support programs.
·  Purchase additional literacy and numeracy support resources.
TOTAL / $10 000
$10 000
$16 000
$75 000
$12 000
$29 976
$136 976

Michelle Morrissey
Seven Hills SS /
David Stephensen
Seven Hills SS School Council