Draft V0.2

Job Description

Job Title: / Student Information Systems Business Change Manager
Faculty/Department: / University Registrar and Secretary/Registrar and Secretary’s Office
Reporting to: / Registrar
Duration: / 18 Months Fixed Term
Job Family: / Administration
Pay Band: / 9
Benchmark Profile: / Manager (Administration) Band 9
DBS Disclosure requirement: / Not required
Vacancy Reference: / AQ0031

Details Specific to the Post

Background and Context

The University is investing significantly in Student Information Systems. These information systems are mission critical, supporting a wide range of business processes and decision making. The data collected and the information generated are essential to efficient and effective business operations including institutional planning and forecasting, compliance management, statutory reporting, student recruitment management, student enrolment, record keeping and progression management, and student academic performance management. Generally student data with financial, HR, Estates and facilities, and research data is used to achieve effective and efficient business performance management.

Student Information Systems deliver a range of on-line services to students and staff and are critically seen as essential to achieving an enhanced student experience at the University of Hull.

The University is facing a changing Higher Education landscape and must be capable of changing and adapting in order to remain competitive, relevant and delivering the products and services our customers want. Student Information Systems have the capacity to contribute significantly to the achievement of a many of the actions defined in the University strategic plan. The University wants to ensure it capitalises on its investment in Student Information Systems by developing and implementing robust, efficient and effective business processes, supported by capable, flexible and relevant information systems and management information, which are well supported to ensure high levels of data quality.

Student Information Management spans multiple senior office portfolios, across many central administrative departments and all Faculties. There are, and will be, a range of IT Systems which comprise the umbrella term “Student Information Systems”, which must work together to meet the University’s needs.

The post holder will ensure that the Student Information Systems programme of change is clearly understood and that each strand of activity is effectively delivered into the relevant business areas by means of carefully planned and co-ordinated change management programmes.

Specifically, the Change Manager will:

·  Manage organisational change impacts of the programme, ensuring each different business area is ready for the new organisational design, business processes, policies, procedures and supporting IT systems as and when these are ready to ‘go-live’, and

·  Achieve effective customer and internal relationship management, managing activities to ensure successful stakeholder engagement.

Job purpose

The Student Information Systems Change Manager will work with the University’s project team to deliver key work streams of the student system change programme to include:

·  Transition Management, to lead the planning and implementation of effective Transition arrangements, ensuring continuity of service whilst implementing change effectively and optimising the release of project deliverables.

·  Benefits Realisation Management, to work closely with other staff and stakeholders to assure the delivery of new capabilities are compatible with the realisation of planned benefits; ensuring that project planning and execution delivers the products and services that will lead to the operational benefit.

·  Communication management, to contribute to the development and execution of a project communication strategy and plan for championing, promoting and advertising the implementation of this business critical programme.

·  Training – to work closely with other staff and stakeholders to ensure that comprehensive training is embeded as part of the change management process.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities of the post

The post holder will be based on the Hull campus and will take responsibility for:

1.  The development and execution of a Student Information Management Change strategy, approach, and plan

2.  The delivery of effective change management for the programme, which includes the promotion of business vision, and maintaining the benefit framework that links project delivery to the achievement of business benefits from the Student information Systems implementation;

3.  Working to resolve ‘tensions’ between the Student Information Systems Projects and other business areas, flagging any potential issues to the Student Information Systems Service Delivery Manager, Programme Manager or Training Manager.

4.  Liaison with project managers for training, communications and stakeholder management to ensure that the programme change requirements remain fully linked to and part of the overall process for change management across the University.

5.  Working with operational managers to embed changes within the business.

  1. Contribute to the overall work of the Registrar’s Office.

7.  Creating networks and vehicles that enable effective change management, e.g. change champions, buddy networks etc.


The job duties and responsibilities listed below are intended to describe the general nature of the role. The duties and responsibilities and the balance between the elements in the role may change or vary over time depending on the specific needs at a specific point in time or due to changing needs in the department. Candidates should note that there may not be an immediate requirement to carry out all the activities listed below.

Overall Purpose of the Role

·  The role holder:

o  Will be a professional specialist with high-level expertise and will have a considerable degree of independent professional responsibility and discretion, working to broad parameters and policy guidance.

o  Will have responsibility for adapting or changing the service to ensure the appropriateness of, and the quality of the work and contribute to setting overall standards for the service across a function or area of the institution.

o  Will influence decisions and developments within the University and contribute to setting overall standards across the University, Faculty or Department.

o  Has responsibility for the operational planning and organisation of projects, an area of work, and/or teams. Sets performance standards and establishes monitoring procedures to keep track of progress and provide input to longer term planning.

o  Applies creativity to devise varied solutions to problems where there is a mass of information or diverse, partial and conflicting data.

Main Work Activities


·  Advise SMT and other Senior University managers on the activity of a range of student/department/faculty issues in order to inform the development and implementation of future strategy.

·  Advise Academic and Administrative senior management on specialist issues

·  Monitor and report, as appropriate, on the delivery of core business against agreed targets to:

o  Identify where remedial action is required where performance does not meet agreed targets.

o  Review plans to take account of the need to adapt to changing circumstances.


·  Management responsibility for a service/function/department: is required to manage the relationship between teams and ensure they interact effectively to achieve the common purpose of the institution.

Liaison and Networking

·  Ensure the development of effective ongoing relationships with University staff

to align existing activity with the strategic direction of the department/faculty.

·  Develop, manage and maintain productive strategic relationships and networks with senior representatives in a broad range of private and public sector partners to assist the continuing development, reputation and effectiveness of the University.

·  Represent the University at a senior level at regional and national meetings, conferences and events relating to this area of activity.

·  Be an active member of emerging networks.

Service Delivery

·  Responsible for the overall service of the area which includes:

o  Setting standards to meet customer expectations.

o  Monitor standards and levels of service.

o  Obtain feedback and use research to inform developments and ensure quality.

o  Take appropriate action on the impact of external factors.

Planning and Organisation

·  Lead the development, implementation and delivery of the University’s strategy.

·  Plan, co-ordinate and be responsible for the delivery of projects and to play a key role in future strategic development for the continued development of the area.

·  Develop and implement policies and procedures.


·  Ensure robust management, monitoring and financial systems are in place.

·  Analyse data to provide timely and accurate information, forecast and advice to Senior Managers to inform business plans that are set in the context of University strategy and policies.

Additionally the post holder will be required to:

·  Fulfil the employees’ duties described in the University’s health and safety policies andco-operate with the health and safety arrangements in place within the department. May be required to undertake specific health and safety roles on request e.g. Display screen equipment assessor, departmental safety officer, fire warden

·  Fulfil the managers’ responsibilities as described in the University’s health and safety policies. These duties include responsibility for ensuring that suitable and sufficient risk assessments are in place for activities within your area of control and for ensuring appropriate health and safety training is in place.

·  Support staff to demonstrate their commitment to equality, diversity and anti-discriminatory behaviour. This role includes making time available for staff to undertake mandatory equality and diversity training

·  Raise awareness amongst staff and support staff to fulfil their responsibilities to comply with University regulations, policies and procedures


To fulfil your role, you will need certain knowledge, skills and competencies. The following competency specification provides a framework within which your performance will be assessed. The interview assessment may include, for example, testing on IT skills.

The Competencies set out below are essential and are core requirements needed to perform the role and any candidate who fails the requirement will not be taken forward for further assessment or to interview.

Competency / Identified by
Knowledge and Experience
Has demonstrable knowledge and experience of Change Management preferably within an HE environment, or equivalent complex organisational environment / Application/Interview
Can demonstrate success in achieving business outcomes by the application of IT / Application/Interview
Can demonstrate drive and energy to produce excellent results and to continually find ways of improving relationships, outputs and processes / Application/Interview
Can demonstrate a thorough understanding of a wide range of Higher Education business operations and their performance management. / Application/Interview
Can demonstrate an understanding of, and experience in designing and delivering engagement activities across a complex audience / Application/Interview
Is a professional with proven experience in a specialised area of work. / Application/Interview
A relevant degree or equivalent qualification and/or experience. / Application/Interview
Can demonstrate the ability to maintain effectiveness with changing environments, tasks, responsibilities or people. The ability to modify one’s approach or style in order to reach a goal. / Application/Interview
Takes personal responsibility for leading by example and ensures that a robust framework of risk management policies and procedures are in place to protect both individual members of staff and University liabilities. / Application/Interview
Has an active approach to continuing professional development/undertaking training as appropriate for personal and professional development. / Application/Interview
Communication (Oral and Written)
Can demonstrate the ability to summarise complex ideas or information which may be highly detailed, technical or specialist. / Application/Interview
Teamwork and Motivation
Develops objectives in ways that enable team members to contribute and identify with collective objectives. Finds ways for individuals to achieve their objectives and development plans without compromising the team’s priorities. / Application/Interview
Liaison and Networking
Can demonstrate the ability to actively seek to build productive and enduring relationships between internal and/or external bodies to benefit the University. / Application/Interview
Service Delivery
Can demonstrate the ability to set standards sufficiently high to meet customer expectations. Monitors standards and levels of service, obtains feedback and uses research to inform developments and ensure quality. Is aware of external factors that may impact on services and takes appropriate action to minimise potential damage. / Application/Interview
Decision Making
Can demonstrate the ability to consider the wider impact of decisions, assesses possible outcomes and their likelihood. Uses judgement to make decisions with limited or ambiguous data and takes into account multiple factors. Distinguishes between the need to make a decision, when to defer and when not to take a decision. / Application/Interview
Planning and Organisation
Can demonstrate the ability to identify future demands and opportunities and develop longer term plans. Co-ordinates the work of others to improve performance and use of resources. Involves other areas appropriately and co-ordinates effort and resources so standards, performance and shared objectives are achieved. / Application/Interview
Initiative and Problem Solving
Can demonstrate the ability to initiate processes and procedures to resolve new problems. Anticipates possible implementation difficulties and identifies practical ways of overcoming or preventing them. Takes account of others and the broader context when generating options. / Application/Interview
Can demonstrate the ability to design and use data gathering and analytical methods appropriate for each investigation. Recognises and accurately interprets patterns and trends. Recognises when additional data is required and identifies appropriate sources. Produces reports and identifies key issues and findings. / Application/Interview

Generic Job Description Template

Manager (Admin) Band 9

Version 2

February 2013