Dr. Dave Denny, Principal

Rosanne Cantu, Associate Principal

Dan Garza, Assistant Principal

Lesa Gurley, Assistant Principal

Allen Reese, Assistant Principal

The Tradition of Excellence Begins.…

Dear Patriot Parent, January 2016

It is difficult to believe that we are halfway through the school year and are now preparing to choose courses for the 2016-17 school year! We would like to share with you the following information so that you can assist your student as s/he chooses courses aligned with his/her future plans.

1.  Course Guide: The most current Georgetown ISD Course guide will be posted soon on our website. This is a fantastic resource that often answers questions students and parents have pertaining to descriptions and requirements of classes, GPA and rank, student programs, graduation plans, etc.

2.  Teacher Recommendations: We encourage all students to visit with their current subject area teachers to discuss which future classes are most appropriate for them, especially in the subjects of math and science. Often teachers can share insights and give recommendations that best reflect your student’s possible success in future courses.

3.  Parent and Student Course Selection Information Presentations:

Thursday, January 28th

General Presentation for All Students and Parents: 6:00p-6:40p, Cafeteria

Same presentation in Spanish will be held in the Library

Current 9th & 11th Grade AP Courses Presentation: 6:55p-7:25p, Cafeteria

Current 10th Grade Presentations, Theater: ACC/Dual Credit: 6:55p-7:25p, AP Courses: 7:30p-8p

4.  Students and Counselor Course Selection Meetings:

Students will meet individually with their guidance counselors during the school day to choose courses as well as receive any additional pertinent information:

Current 9th graders – February 1st - 12th Current 10th graders – February 17th - 26th

Current 11 graders – February 29th - March 11th

On the back of this letter you will find the GISD PAP/AP Guidelines. The second page of this packet is a two-sided worksheet. One side is the GISD Course Selection worksheet; the other side is the GISD PAP/AP Course Commitment form. These must be completed and returned with your student so s/he can give it to his/her counselor during their course selection meeting. Also attached is GISD Schedule Change Guidelines as well as a copy of the GISD High School Course Selection Parent Presentation. Additional information can also be accessed on our website at www.georgetownisd.org/Page/14534.

Your Patriot Guidance Department is here to serve you. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Michele Heckroth, A-G Cathy Matta, H-P

512/943-1800 x8022 512/943-1800 x8089

Paula Rodriguez, Q-Z Sheila Lehmann, Student Programs

512/943-1800 x8021 512/943-1800 x8018