To: All Members of the PanelK Emsall (Executive member)
J Boulter, T Hawkyard,
P Hazeldine, J Nicholson,
S Pickup, G Pratt,
G Ray, P Winter / From:CountySecretary’s Department
Ask for:Elaine Gibson
My ref:
Your ref:
7 MARCH 2007
N Bell, M D Colne,D B Lloyd, J Lloyd, S Quilty, E T Roach, R H Smith, J W A Usher (Chairman), A S M Witherick
Other Members present:
Keith Emsall (Executive Member for Culture and Community Safety)
Upon consideration of the agenda for the Community SafetyPanel meeting on
7 March 2007as circulated, copy annexed, conclusions were reached and are recorded below:
Note: No declarations of interest were made by any member of the Panel in relation to the matters considered at this meeting.
The minutes from the meeting on 12 December were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman
With regard to Item 3, page 2, paragraph A, a Member requested that crime statistics be re-supplied in a more accessible form (discussed further under Agenda item 4).
In response to concerns raised around perceived inaccuracies in the LAA information circulated at the last meeting,officers confirmed that the correct wording for targets C10.2 and C 10.3 was:
Officers would also supply end of year 2006/07 performance data at the next meeting of the Panel. / P Winter
G Ray
G Ray
Members received a presentation from the Head of Trading Standards on the various functions carried out by the service, including: prevention of underage sales of alcohol and cigarettes; public health matters, e.g. livestock and avian health;protection of vulnerable consumers; prevention of rogue trading and sale of unsafe and counterfeit goods.
Officers reported that the weights and measures service would have a new metrology laboratory at Apsley Two.
Members expressed an interest in visiting the metrology facility once it is in use.
In response to a request from a Member, officers would supply further information on Trading Standards intervention work carried out on behalf of consumers. / G Pratt
G Pratt
Members received an update from the Head of the Crime and Drugs Strategyon the Young Adult Apprentice Scheme pilot project aimed at client age group 19-30. The client age range was discussed, with Members keen to see this type of project covering the more vulnerable age-group, 16 -18.
There followed a discussion on the main objectives of the scheme, which was to increase access to vocational and life skills training, tobreak the cycle of re-offending. Initially this was a pilot project picking up best practice in Coventry, and would be focused in the police central area. If and when successful it could be rolled out county-wide.
Members noted that there would be a stakeholder event in April or May, which would look at how referrals can best be brought to the scheme.
Officers from Crime and Drugs Strategy would prepare and circulate a briefing note to Members on existing support for the16-18 age range, to include Looked After Children. (Please briefing note appended to these minutes.) / T Barnett
Members noted a report on statistics and crime detection rates across the ten districts. Members would welcome more information from stakeholders on community policing and the role of PCSOs. Noted the suggestion that future reports be more balanced, highlighting both ‘strengths’ and ‘areas for potential development’.
Officers would liaise with Richard Smith and Allan Witherick to define what information is required and to consider if suitable reports are already being produced by the Hertfordshire Police Authority and if these reports could be circulated to Members on a regular basis. Noted that a glossary would be needed. (Please see list appended to these minutes.)
Members requested that a Police Chief Inspector be invited to attend a future meeting to give an overview on crime detection rates. / P Winter
P Winter
The Panel considered the draft of the alcohol harm reduction plan and noted that the deadline for finalisation of the draft is 16 March, although there is some flexibility in this if Members wished to respond. Stakeholders would be attending an event at the Fielder Centre, and officers would report back on the outcome at a future meeting. The importance of parental education was stressed.
A response sheet was supplied as part of the document, and Members were invited to complete and return this.
It was noted that the draft plan should include a section on education of the primary school age group.
In response to a request from a Member, information on the effectiveness of alcohol free zones would be supplied. (Please see briefing note appended to these minutes.) / P Winter
T Barnett
The Panel noted that the restructuring of the Crime and Drugs unit would be finalised mid-April. The new structure aims to promote integrated services recognising the links between criminal activity and substance misuse and also enhance partnership support/performance management.
Officers would report back on the restructuring at the next meeting. / P Winter
Andrew Laycock
For further information about this meeting please contact Elaine Gibson on 01992 555469. .
Briefing note from Trudi Barnett, Project Manager, Crime and Drugs Strategy
1) Young Adult Apprentice Scheme (YAAS)
In response to Members’ concerns regarding the scheme not covering 16-18 years olds, there are a number of schemes that already provide for this age group. Youth Justice co-ordinate and deliver a range of schemes through the Youth Offending Teams and Youth Inclusion Support Programme. In addition, there is the Teenage Youth Support Programme in Borehamwood and a comprehensive list of diversionary initiatives across the county.
The YAAS is co-financed through the Learning Skills Council and European Social Fund and we are contracted only to provide for age 18+. We are currently in the process of re-profiling as the upper age limit is 30 years of age and we have discovered that whilst under 18's are at risk, there are a very limited number of programmes for those aged 30+ who are vulnerable. We are likely to extend the upper age limit to 35 years.
At present we do not link in with Looked After Children, however, there is no reason why we cannot establish this link. Given that the YAAS is targeting 18+ individuals who are within the criminal justice system, it is highly likely that any looked after children who do cross over will be picked up through the partner agencies who are signed up to the project.
2) Alcohol
Primary schoolsand raising awareness responsibilities, sits with the CSF Young People's Team (YPSM). Whilst 'young people' are one of our key priorities, we do provide the Young People's Team with a contribution from the Alcohol Money to support projects at a local level. In addition, Rob Bacon (YPSM), Helen Ellis (Health Promotion) and myself are setting up a new 'Campaigns' group which will cover all elements of awareness and education under the Alcohol Plan.
At present the only alcohol data we have is from the Health Behaviour Study carried out by the YPSM last year. The reports have been published and are available, if members wish, direct from the YPSM Team. Moving forward, we are in discussion with MIDAS re building a substance misuse data set which will allow us to collect more detailed alcohol specific information.
There are mixed feelings around Alcohol Free Zones although the general consensus is that they haven't been particularly successful due to lack of resources, i.e., they require additional policing and issuing Fixed Penalty Notices to street drinkers (who are by far the main group of people who breach this). It isn't really ideal as they often haven't got the money to pay the penalty. Officers will investigate the possibility of researching the effectiveness of these zones as part of our broader responsibility to monitor the delivery of the alcohol plan.
Police Chief Inspector Response Document for Community Safety Panel meeting
7March 2007
Table of Acronyms and Explanations
CDRP-Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership
JAG-Joint Action Group
RSL-Registered Social Landlord
BCU-Basic Command Unit
PCSO-Police Community Support Officer
ASB-Anti-Social Behaviour
ASBO-Anti-Social Behaviour Order
SSCF-Safer Stronger Communities Fund
DAT-Drug Action Team
SLA-Service Level Agreement
C/Insp, CI or C/I-Chief Inspector
D/Insp-Detective Inspector
DS-Detective Superintendent/Sergeant
Op Sharpe-Operation Sharpe
SBC-Stevenage Borough Council
CCTV-Closed Circuit Television
RAG-Responsible Authority Group
NTE-Night Time Economy
EHC-East Herts Council
SD-Sanctioned detection
LSP-Local Strategic Partnership
LCU-Local Command Unit
YOT-Youth Offending Team
T & CG-Tasking & Co-ordination Group
PCT-Primary Care Trust
RPD-Road Policing Department
ANPR-Automated Number Plate Recognition
CSP-Community Safety Partnership
POP-Problem-Oriented Partnership
CSU ASBO Officer-Community Safety Unit Anti-Social Behaviour Officer
RSPCA-Royal Society Prevention Cruelty to Animals
ACT-Area Command Team
Police Authority CEL-Police Authority Community Engagement Lead
HQ-Head Quarters
Q of S-Quality of Service
DBC-Dacorum Borough Council
IMAMS-Moslem religious leader/leaders of prayers in a Mosque
CCR-County Control Room
ASD-Area Service Desks
PNDs-Penalty Notice for Disorder
NTE-Night Time Economy
LAA-Local Area Agreement
WGC-WelwynGarden City
HBC-Hertsmere Borough Council
070307 Minutes