Stanford University Continuing Review Application APP-3

Research Compliance Office [Renewal]

Protocol ID: Protocol Director Name:

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Stanford University Continuing Review Application APP-3

Research Compliance Office [Renewal]

File:APP03003 rev11 12/07 4 of 4

Stanford University Continuing Review Application APP-3

Research Compliance Office [Renewal]

·  For paper protocols:

-  Submit two collated copies of this form to: 1215 Welch Rd., Mod. A, Stanford, CA 94305 [M/C 5401].

-  You must respond to all of the following items.

-  Indicate “N/A” where not applicable.

1. a. Number of participants entered or specimens obtained or charts reviewed

since the beginning of the study.

b. Number of males and number of females entered since the beginning of the study.

c. Minority status of participants enrolled since the beginning of the study.

d. Number of children (less than 18 years) enrolled since the beginning of the study.

e.  Number of other potentially vulnerable subjects (if applicable) enrolled since the beginning

of the study, including prisoners, pregnant women, economically and educationally

disadvantaged, decisionally impaired, and homeless people.

2. a. Number of withdrawals of participants from the research (both participant and investigator

initiated) since the beginning of the study. Provide reasons for the withdrawals.

b.  Number of participants lost to follow-up since the beginning of the study.

c. Provide a narrative summary of the adverse events since the last Continuing Review (renewal). Indicate whether adverse events experienced by participants are different from those originally anticipated.

d.  Provide a narrative summary (not a list) of the unanticipated problems involving risks

to participants or others that have occurred in the research in the past year.

e.  Provide a narrative summary and attach any relevant reports (e.g. Data Monitoring

Committee reports, annual progress reports) received in the past year.

f.  Complaints about the research in the past year.

g.  Noncompliance: Has there been any agency, institutional, or other inquiry into

noncompliance in the study, or any finding of noncompliance concerning a member

of the research team?...... Yes No

If “yes”, please explain:

3.a. Provide a narrative summary of interim findings from your data in the past year.

b. Provide a narrative summary of recent relevant literature.

c.  Provide a narrative summary of other relevant information, especially pertaining to risks

in the past year.

d.  Provide a narrative summary of benefits experienced by participants in the past year.

e.  Provide an assessment of whether the relationship of risks to potential benefits has changed based on the study results in the past year.

4.  Description of remainder of project:

a.  Is the study open to enrollment?...... Yes No

b.  Is the study permanently closed to the enrollment of new subjects?...... Yes No

c.  Have all participants completed all research-related interventions?...... Yes No

If “no” describe what intervention(s) participants are still undergoing:

d.  Do you wish to renew this study only for long term follow-up?...... Yes No

(Note: Protocols must be renewed to follow subjects.)

e.  Are you only doing data analysis?...... Yes No

Proposed Changes [Questions 5 – 7]

5.  Describe all proposed protocol changes. Include:

- changes to procedures,

- personnel changes,

- funding changes,

- any other protocol modifications.

6.  Describe all proposed Consent Form changes:

If you are still enrolling subjects, attach the consent form(s) you are using for this study.

Do not submit consent form(s) if the study is closed to enrollment.

Be sure to indicate any proposed changes in the consent form.

Note: Any significant new findings that may relate to the subject’s willingness to continue participation must be included in the consent form.

7.  Describe any proposed changes in the use of x-rays or radioactive materials:

Include type, amount, route of administration, and total number of administrations per subject since the protocol was last reviewed.

8.  Level of risk: Indicate whether the level of risk to participants has changed:

Increase No Change Decrease

If there has been a change, explain:

9.  Is this a GCRC (General Clinical Research Center) study; i.e. was this protocol submitted

to the GCRC when it was new? …………………..…………………………………….…… Yes No

If “yes”, you must submit a copy of this renewal to the GCRC, Administrative Associate: M/C 5251.

10.  Is this a Cancer Study? ………………..………………………………………..……………… Yes No

If “yes”, submit an electronic copy of this and all documents included in this application to CCTO;

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Stanford University Continuing Review Application APP-3

Research Compliance Office [Renewal]


See Steps for Protocol Submission at

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Stanford University Continuing Review Application APP-3

Research Compliance Office [Renewal]

11.  Is this a VA Study? ……………………………………………………………………………. Yes No

If “yes”, have all serious or unexpected adverse events been reported

to the VA Research and Development (R&D) Committee?...... …... N/A Yes No

Potential Conflicting Interest

12. a. Has there been a change in the Conflicting Interest status for this protocol; for anyone who recruits, selects, consents, treats subjects, plans to analyze data, plans to serve as an author on papers originating from this research, or is an *immediate family member of anyone in such a role?...... Yes No

If “yes”, answer the following questions i - v:

Does anyone listed above:

i.  Have consulting arrangements, responsibilities or equity holdings in the Sponsoring

company, vendor(s), provider(s) of goods, or subcontractor(s)? ..…...... Yes No

ii.  Have any financial relationship with the Sponsoring company, vendor(s),

provider(s) of goods, or subcontractor(s)including the receipt of

honoraria, income, or stock or stock options as payment?...... Yes No

iii.  Serve as a member of an advisory board with the Sponsoring company,

vendor(s), provider(s) of goods, or subcontractor(s)?...... Yes No

iv.  Receive gift funds from the Sponsoring company, vendor(s), provider(s)

of goods, or subcontractor(s)?...... Yes No

v.  Have an ownership or royalty interest in any intellectual property utilized

in this protocol?...... Yes No

b.  To your knowledge, does anyone in a supervisory role to the Protocol Director have a conflict of interest related to this study? ...... Yes No

If you answer “yes” to any of the questions above, contact Barbara Flynn @ 723-7226, or

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Stanford University Continuing Review Application APP-3

Research Compliance Office [Renewal]

email .

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Stanford University Continuing Review Application APP-3

Research Compliance Office [Renewal]

*Immediate family means a spouse, dependent children as defined by the IRS, or a domestic partner.

If one or more of the above relationships exist, please include a statement in the consent form to disclose this relationship, i.e., a paid consultant, a paid member of the Scientific Advisory Board, has stock or stock options, or receives payment for lectures given on behalf of the sponsor (see sample consent form). The consent form should disclose what institution(s) or companies are involved in the study through funding, cooperative research, or by providing study drugs or equipment (see sample consent form).

c.  To your knowledge, does Stanford University have an ownership or royalty interest in any intellectual property utilized in this protocol? ...... Yes No

13.  List all items (verbatim) that you want to be reflected in your approval letter (e.g., Amendment,

Investigator’s Brochure, consent form(s), advertisement, etc.) in the box below. Include number and

date when appropriate.

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