BC Post-Secondary Aboriginal Options

Bookmark this website!!! Sponsored by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, this is an excellent resource for all Aboriginal students looking for post secondary opportunities. The website links to other websites that can help you find information for education, funding, employment and career planning.

Other websites:


A charitable organization dedicated to raising funds to deliver programs that provide the tools necessary for Aboriginal peoples, especially youth, to achieve their potential.

Aboriginal Canadian Scholarships: Aboriginal Multi-Media Society

Scroll over ‘Community Access’ and click on ‘Scholarship Listings’

Please view the following additional websites as they can provide you with useful information which may assist you in the financing and planning of your education.

Scholarships/Awards for Aboriginal Students

  1. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

- click on ‘All Topics/Education’, click on Post-Secondary Education, scroll down (centre section) to Aboriginal Bursaries and Scholarships

  1. Health Sciences Assoc. Of BC (HSA)Aboriginal Bursary

over ‘member benefits’ and click on Scholarships and Bursaries. Look for ‘HSA Bursaries for Aboriginal Students’

  1. B.C. Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres Student Bursary
  1. RBC Aboriginal Student Awards Program
  1. Irving K. Barber British Columbia Scholarship Society
  1. BC Hydro (A variety of scholarships for Aboriginal students)
  1. New Relationship Trust – Funding for students
  1. BC Principals and Vice Principals Association (2 x $500 for Aboriginal students)

on BCPVPA Student Scholarships

University and College Application for Admission Timeline

*Once you have decided on a post-secondary institution to attend, be sure to check out their specific website for scholarships and bursaries!

*This list is a reference point for some of the post-secondary schools. Please be sure to check school websites for any updates or additional information.

BCIT –Applications are accepted year round for trades programs until the program fills. Check into specific deadlines for the program(s) of interest.

Capilano University – Application deadline for the Fall Semester is March 31, 2016.

Douglas College – You can generally apply up to a year in advance for the semester you want. You can apply online until 2 weeks before the start of the Fall Semester.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University – Applications open for Fall Semester on November 1 2015. Early application deadline is on March 1, 2016 and the final application deadline is August 1, 2016.

SFU – Students can begin applying in Fall of 2015. Admission to Fall Term deadline is February 28, 2016.

UBC – Deadline to apply is January 31, 2016.

UVIC - Students can begin applying in Fall of 2015. Deadline to apply is February 28, 2016. All documentation must be in by May 1, 2014.

Universities in Alberta – Go to

Universities in Ontario – Go to

All other universities/colleges – check their website for admission deadlines

*NOTE – Each institution will instruct you as to how you are to submit your marks as well as deadlines for supplemental admission information. If you need assistance, see your school Career Resource Facilitator or School Counselor.