
Blood Pressure Measurement Confidence Questionnaire

-Office BP-

For the following questions, we want you to think about having
your blood pressure (BP) measured at your doctor’s office.

Please note: “Blood Pressure” is abbreviated as “BP”

  1. How confident are you that the measurement of your BP in the doctor’s office represents your true BP or usual BP?

not at all confident somewhat confident very confident

  1. How successful do you think having your BP measured at the doctor’s office is at correctly determining whether or not you have high BP?

not at all successfulsomewhat successful very successful

  1. If your doctor prescribed medication to lower your BP based on the measurement he/she took in the office, how confident would you be that you need to take BP-lowering medication?

not at all confident somewhat confident very confident

  1. If your doctor prescribed medication to lower your BP based on the measurement he/she took in the office, how likely would you be to take the medication as prescribed?

not at all likely somewhat likely very likely

  1. If your doctor prescribed medication to lower your BP based on the measurement he/she took in the office and you took the medication as prescribed, how much improvement in your blood pressure do you think would occur?

No Very Little Some Significant Improvement to ideal
improvement improvement improvement improvement blood pressure

Blood Pressure Measurement Confidence Questionnaire


For the following questions, we want you to think about having your blood pressure (BP) measuredover a period of 24 hours with the ambulatory blood pressure monitor (ABPM).

Please note: “Blood Pressure” is abbreviated as “BP”

  1. How confident are you that the measurement of your BP measured over 24 hours with ABPM represents your true BP or usual BP?

not at all confident somewhat confident very confident

  1. How successful do you think having your BP measured over 24 hours with ABPM is at correctly determining whether or not you have high BP?

not at all successfulsomewhat successful very successful

  1. If your doctor prescribed medication to lower your BP based on the measurementsobtainedover 24 hours with ABPM, how confident would you be that you need to take BP- lowering medication?

not at all confident somewhat confident very confident

  1. If your doctor prescribed you medication to lower your BP based on the measurements obtained over 24 hours with ABPM, how likely would you be to take the medication as prescribed?

not at all likely somewhat likely very likely

  1. If your doctor prescribed medication to lower your BP based on the measurements obtained over 24 hours with ABPMand you took the medication as prescribed, how much improvement in your BP do you think would occur?

No Very Little Some Significant Improvement to ideal
improvement improvement improvement improvement blood pressure

1 2 3 45

Blood Pressure Measurement Confidence Questionnaire

-Home BP-

For the following questions, we want you to think about measuring your own blood pressure (BP) at home with a home BP monitor.

Please note: “Blood Pressure” is abbreviated as “BP”

  1. How confident are you that the measurement of your BP obtained with a home BP monitor represents your true BP or usual BP?

not at all confident somewhat confident very confident

  1. How successful do you think having your BP measured with a home BP monitor is at determining whether or not you have high BP?

not at all successfulsomewhat successful very successful

  1. If your doctor prescribed medication to lower your BP based on the measurements obtained with your home BP monitor, how confident would you be that you need to take BP- lowering medication?

not at all confident somewhat confident very confident

  1. If your doctor prescribed you medication to lower your BP based on the measurements obtained with your home BP monitor, how likely would you be to take the medication as prescribed?

not at all likely somewhat likely very likely

  1. If your doctor prescribed medication to lower your BP based on the measurements obtained with your home BP monitor and you took the medication as prescribed, how much improvement in your BP do you think would occur?

No Very Little Some Significant Improvement to Ideal
Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement Blood Pressure

1 2 3 45