By signing this form, the undersigned (1) endorses the GSMA’sCode of Conduct for Mobile Money Providers;(2) commits to the implementation of its principles through the development of safe and effective risk mitigation practices; and (3)agrees to the following timeline for self-assessment and certification of compliance with the Code:

Sept 2015Finalization of tools for conducting self-assessment of provider compliance with Code of Conduct

Oct 2015Pilot testing of self-assessment tools

Nov-Dec 2015All endorsing providers conduct self-assessments

Q1 2016Development of proposed certification regime for compliance with Code of Conduct

2016Full rollout of certification regime

Please confirm your commitment by answering the following questions and signing below. This information will be kept confidential by the GSMA. The form should be signed by the organization’s CEO.

Name of organization / Click here to enter text. /
Name and title of signer / Click here to enter text. /
Country or countries where your organization provides mobile money services / Click here to enter text. /
Reason(s) for endorsing the Code of Conduct / Click here to enter text. /
For groups with more than one mobile money provider: Current status of compliance with the Code of Conduct principles / Choose an item. /
For individual mobile money providers: Current status of compliance with the Code of Conduct principles / Choose an item. /
How does your organization plan to implement the Code of Conduct in practice? / Click here to enter text. /

I understand that by signing this form, my organization (1) endorses the GSMA’s Code of Conduct for Mobile Money Providers;(2) commits to the implementation of its principles through the development of safe and effective risk mitigation practices; and (3) agrees to the above timeline for self-assessment and certification of compliance with the Code.


Signature (digital or scanned)Date

Please send the completed form to .