

The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman AlexieFinal Exam 105 pts

Part 1(20 points): Identification. Read each question and decide if the question is Interpretive or Factual. There are ten factual questions and ten interpretive questions. Mark each sentence with a CAPITAL “I” or an “F” in the space provided. (1 pt each)

_F_ 1. Who is the main character (narrator) in the novel?

_F_ 2. How does Arnold’s sister Mary die?

_F_ 3. Who is the prettiest girl in the freshman class, according to Arnold?

_I_ 4. Why does Rowdy attack Arnold on the basketball court during their first game as


_F_ 5. Whose name does Arnold find in his geometry book?

_F_ 6. Who is Gordy?

_I_ 7. Why does the author choose to name the narrator Arnold Spirit?

_F_ 8. What secret of Mary’s does Mr. P. reveal in the beginning of the book?

_I_ 9. Why does the Coach place Arnold on the varsity team?

_I_ 10.Why does Arnold decide to attend school in Reardon?

_F_ 11. Why does Arnold’s dad shoot Arnold’s dog Oscar?

_F_ 12. Who is Eugene?

_I_ 13. What are the internal conflicts in TheAbsolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian?

_F_ 14. Where does Arnold live?

_I_ 15. Why does Arnold laugh hysterically when he finds out the cause of his sister’s death?

_I_ 16.What prevents Rowdy from leaving the rez?

_I_ 17. How has Arnold’s character changed throughout the novel?

_I_ 18. What part does alcohol play in the novel?

_F_ 19. What is the main recurring rule of the Unofficial and Unwritten Spokane Indianrules of


_I_ 20.How does Arnold turn things around for himself at Reardon?

Part 2 (25 points): Short Answer. Pick five factual (2 pts each) and five interpretive (3 pts each) questions from the first page and answer them. All questions you choose to answer should be answered using complete sentences: at least one for factual questions and at least 2-3 for interpretive questions. Be sure to include the question number with your answer. Thank you!

1. Arnold Spirit (Junior)

2. She died in a fire because she was too drunk to wake up and get to safety.

3. Penelope

4. He’s angry because Arnold left the rez; he’s angry Arnold is playing for an all white school that happens to be the enemy

5. His mother’s (Agnes Adams)

6. Arnold’s first friend at Reardon

7. The word “spirit” refers to many things: alcohol, a person’s disposition or outlook, the soul once it’s separated from the body. Alcoholism is rampant on the rez, Arnold is fighting for his right to be happy, he has experienced a lot of loss (42 funerals—43 counting his sister)

8. Mary is a writer (romance)

9. He sees his potential; Arnold is an excellent shooter; he wants to give the kid a shot in life

10. He knows if he doesn’t leave the rez, he will be always be poor, unhappy, etc

11. Oscar was sick and his family had no money to take him to the vet (bullets are cheap)

12. Arnold’s father’s best friend

13. Arnold is torn between doing what is best for him and being “true” to his tribe; should Arnold be “white” or “Indian?”

14. on an Indian “rez” in Spokane, Washington

15. he is struck by the irony of her death: she left so she could “live,” she was killed as a result of drinking irresponsibly

16. fear, loyalty to the tribe

17. he becomes more confident and comfortable with who he is and he is beginning to forge a place for him in his Indian world and the white world

18. poverty, fear

19. you have to fight (defend your honor)

20. He initiates and pursues friendships; he joins the basketball team; he proves himself

Part 3(20 points): Theme

In class we discussed the main themes of freedom and identity found in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Create a visual representation of these themes. You may use a web, draw a picture or cartoon, story board, etc. Your representation must include a combination at least five examples (4pts each) of identity and freedom. Please label your examples so you can receive your credit!

Part 4 (10 points): Sequencing. Arrange these events in the correct order by marking the correct number (1-11) in front of the event. The first one is done for you.

_2__ Mr. P. pays a visit Arnold’s house

_5__ Arnold and Gordy become friends

_10_ Arnold’s sister dies

_4__ Mary gets married and runs off to Montana

_1__ Arnold’s dad shoots the family dog, Oscar

_7__ Arnold makes the varsity basketball team

_3__ Arnold punches Roger

_8__ Arnold gets a concussion and is hospitalized

_9__ Arnold’s grandma dies

_11_ Rowdy tells Arnold he’s an “old-time nomad”

_6__ Arnoldadmits to Penelope he’s poor

Part 5 (30 pts): Essay. In 2-3 coherent, thoughtfully-organized paragraphs, answer the following prompts (15 pts. each). You may brainstorm ideas for/draft your answer on notebook paper prior to writing your essays. If you are writing in pen, don’t be afraid to cross out words or phrases, but do try to be as neat as possible. I can’t grade what I can’t read!

You will write two essays: the first is non-negotiable, but you will have a choice for the second. You will write your answers on the next page, and you may use the back of the paper if necessary. If you prefer, or find yourself running out of room, you may use notebook paper.

Essay #1

You have read two novels that share similar themes: freedom and identity. Think about how these issues presented themselves for Curzon in Forge by Laurie Halse Anderson and Arnold in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. How are these two characters alike? How are they different? In what ways are their stories similar to each other?

  • Curzon and Arnold are about the same age and they both struggle against the place they hold in society: Curzon is a runaway slave and Arnold is an Indian—both were oppressed by whites. This affects their identities and limits their freedom
  • Both Curzon and Arnold search and fight for freedom: Curzon joins the Continental Army under false pretenses and Arnold leaves the rez for better opportunities in Reardon

Essay # 2 (Choose ONE): Use the back if necessary.

Sherman Alexie decided to have a cartoonist (Ellen Forney) illustrate this novel. This makes sense because Arnold loves to draw cartoons and tells us on page five: “I draw all the time.” How do the drawings impact the story the author is trying to tell us? What do these drawings reveal about the character, Arnold? How do the drawings help us understand him?

  • The illustrations contained allow us to see into Arnold’s inner most thoughts and help us visualize the things that matter most to Arnold, or confuse him, or make him laugh
  • The illustrations contribute to the story, making it more meaningful to the reader
  • The drawings show us the turmoil in Arnold’s life, particularly surrounding his identity and the inner conflicts he confronts because he chose to leave the rez
  • His illustrations also provide comic relief—some of this stuff is pretty heavy

A symbol is something that stands in for, or represents, something else. There are a number of symbols in this story that really show the struggles of Arnold’s life. What are some of those symbols? Pick at least one symbol in the novel and identify it along with the following: what it represents and how it is important to the story.

  • The rez: poverty, no hope, no freedom, dream killer—those who stay
  • Alcohol: poverty, death, poor decision-making, perpetuates (encourages) the Indian stereotype all of the people closest to Arnold are killed as a result of alcohol: grandma was killed by a drunk driver, Eugene is killed in a drunken brawl, and his sister is killed in a fire caused by a drunk, AND she was too drunk to wake up
  • Reardon: freedom, hope, prosperity, future, friendship, success—Arnold begins to sort out his identity while at Reardon and discovers his value as a human being

Extra Credit(2 pts each): Please answer using complete sentences.

1. What is your favorite scene in the novel? Why?

2. Do you think Rowdywill ever leave the rez? Why or why not?