Database Exam Questions

B2.Betterview use database software to store and access data in the Customer File. Part of the database is shown below.

Reference / Surname / Forename / Gender / Address 1 / Address 2
141148972 / Jones / Hywel / M / 12 Corn St / Newtown
270474926 / Patel / Sameer / M / 3 Bold Ave / Newtown
110243881 / Jackson / Janet / F / 17 Oak Ave / Oldtown

(a) State how many records are shown



(b) For each record, state how many fields are shown



(c) Give the names of FOUR other column headings that should be in a Customer File record.

1 ......

2 ......

3 ......

4 ......


(d) The column labelled Gender has codes in it.

Give THREE reasons why codes are used for storing data items.

1 ......


2 ......


3 ......



(Total 9 marks)

Alison and Lee work in the Excellent Foods garage. Alison is Garage Manager and Lee is in charge of vehicle maintenance.

When Excellent Foods buy a new model of vehicle, Alison enters details of the new vehicle in the VEHICLE FILE.

Lee enters details about spares for the new vehicle into the SPARES_FILE.

(a)Alison and Lee use database software for this task.

Alison wants a list of vehicles which she needs to sell. If vehicles are more than five years old or have a mileage of more than 50000 then Alison will arrange to sell them.

Lee wants a complete printout of all his stock of tyres and front disc pads.

Explain the use of database software in producing these lists for Alison and Lee.














(b)Lee went on a college course to learn about database software and helped to design the SPARES FILE.

(i)Name FOUR essential fields in a record in the SPARES_FILE.

1. ......

2. ......

3. ......

4. ......


(ii)Design a record structure for the SPARES_FILE to include the field type and field size of each field named in (i) above.














(Total 13 marks)

Paul is Site Supervisor at Newtown High School. He stores details of members of the cleaning team on his computer in the CLEANER_FILE.

Paul uses database software to access the CLEANER_FILE.

(a)Every cleaner has one record in the CLEANER_FILE.

The name and the address of the cleaner are stored in the record for the cleaner.

List the names of FOUR other fields of data that will be stored in each record.

Field l ......

Field 2......

Field 3......

Field 4 ......


(b)Fields in the CLEANER_FILE can be either numeric fields or alphabetic fields.

(i)State what is meant by a numeric field.




(ii)State what is meant by an alphabetic field.




(c)A new cleaner, Bill Wright, joins the cleaning team. Paul enters a new record in the CLEANER_FILE.

Paul knows there is already a cleaner who is called Bill Wright.

(i)When Paul enters a record in the CLEANER_FILE he uses TWO input devices.

Give the names of these TWO input devices.


2 ......


(ii)Give the name of a field that Paul can use to make sure the two cleaners are not confused.



(d)Some cleaners do not 1ike Paul storing their personal information in the CLEANER_FILE.

Give TWO reasons for this.

Reason 1 ......


Reason2 ......



(Total 11 marks)

Database Sample Questions

  1. Garth uses database software to access the CUSTOMER FILE. -

Here is part of. the CUSTOMER FILE.

134943 / BAIG / SHAFIQ / 01234343434
239871 / BAIRD / ANN / 01345298761
453908 / TAYLOR / JOANNE / 01564123456
231111 / CHALLIS / ADRIENNE / 01987654332
657401 / MAJID / MAHMOOD / 01879432876

(a)State the number of fields for each part record shown.



{b) Givethe name of four more fields that could be in a record in the CUSTOMER_FILE.






( c) The REFERENCE field in each record is used as a key field.

State what is meant by a key field.



(d) Database software is a computer program

State what is meant by a computer program





(e) The REFERENCE field in each record has to be six characters long and contain

digits only.

In the table below tick the correct column to show whether the REFERENCE field is valid or invalid



(F) give three features of a database software that Garth would find useful to process the CUSTOMER_FILE








Total 14 marks

1.Information about visitors to Morgan’s Adventure Park is stored in a database called


Part of the VISITOR_FILE is shown:

PARTY-ID / Date of issue / No. adults / No. children / Leader Surname / Voucher used
1040236 / 02082003 / 2 / 2 / Singh / Y
1040237 / 02082003 / 1 / 3 / Manders / Y
1040238 / 02082003 / 5 / 35 / Jackson / N
1040239 / 03082003 / 4 / 12 / Majeed / N

(a)State how many records are shown.



(b)State how many fields are shown.



(c)Give the names of two more fields that could be in the VISITOR_FILE.




(d)The data stored in Leader Surname is ALPHABETIC data.

Give the type of data stored in:

Date of issue ......

Voucher used ......


(e)Give two reasons why Morgan’s uses database software with the VISITOR_FILE.

1 ......


2 ......



(Total 8 marks)