12 November 2017

Remembrance Sunday

God, our refuge and strength,

bring near the day when wars shall cease

and poverty and pain shall end,

that earth may know the peace of heaven

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Additional Collect for this Sunday

Welcome to St Paul’s Church

Sung Eucharist 10.30 am

If you require a large print hymn book or order of service or other leaflets, please ask one of the sidespeople. There is a loop system in operation in the church for those who wear hearing-aids.

There is a Sunday school in the hall next door, children leave during the first hymn and return halfway during the service at the Peace. There is no crèche but parents and carers are welcome to look after very young children in the narthex area at the back of church at any time during the service.

Music and Hymns

Processional: 494 O God our help in ages past

Gradual: 702 Waken o sleeper wake and rise

Anthem: Fred Hviler: Over land and town

Offertory: 714 We hail thy presence glorious

Communion Taize: Ubi caritas

Recessional: 576 Put thou thy trust in God

Evening prayer 5.00 pm

Psalm 82; Judges 7:2-22; John 15: 9-17;


Recital: Wed. November 15: Vocal quartet Keeping TABS.

Food served at 5.15 pm, recital starts at 6.15 pm.

Tickets £5 including food, £2.50 for those under 16.

All funds raised will support the music at St Paul’s.

Messy Church: There is a meeting to discuss Messy Church for 2018 on November 21 at 12.30 pm in the Hive. Anyone interested in joining the conversation is very welcome.

Coffee, cake and craft sale, 25 Nov. 10.30 -1.30 pm. in the Hall.

Please let Esther and Elizabeth know if you can help in any way with baking, making or helping on the day. This is a major fundraising effort for our church, so please help out if you can or bring your friends.

Well done to St Paul’s School! The school recently had a SIAMS inspection (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) which concluded that the distinctiveness and effectiveness of St Paul’s as a Church of England School are outstanding.

Stewardship: Thank you to all those who have already handed in their envelopes. If you have forgotten, it is not too late, but it be helpful if you brought in your envelopes in as soon as possible.

Next Sunday: 2nd before Advent

8.30am Holy Communion

10.30am Sung Eucharist

5.00 pm Evening Prayer

Rector: Rev. Gisela Raines Tel: 448 9431,

Assistant Priest: Rev. Robert Smith (OLM), Hall bookings: Philip Webb, Tel: 0161 – 434 5903, ,

Website: www.stpaulswithington.org.uk Twitter @stpaulswithingt