Name: ______Date: ______

Grade 5 Religion: Saint Project


You are an aspiring young actor/actress preparing for an important audition for the role of your favorite saint. Before you can audition, you will need to prepare yourself for your audition. First, you need to do some research on your saint. Your research will result in a brief paper about the life of your saint, including how your saint lived his/her life glorifying God, and what he/she had done to be canonized a saint. Once you have completed your research and have written your paper, you will create a costume and two props for your oral presentation.Finally, you will prepare a 3-5 minute oral report for the class about your saint. You will deliver your presentation in costume. The information in oral presentation will come from your research.

Use the following checklist as a graphic organizer to help you stay on track (check off as you complete each step):

____Choose a saint.

____Use a book and one website to gather information on your saint.

____ Information on your saint will result in one- page typed paper (Times New Roman, pt. 12, double spaced).

____Prepare a 3-5 minute oral presentation about your saint on index cards. Youcannot read from your report.

____Make a costume for your presentation and audition. You will also make two propsthat relate to your saint.

____The rough draft (1st copy may be hand written). Due date: Friday, December 9th

____Final typed copy with bibliography will be due on Friday, December 16th.

____Presentations will be given on Monday, 1/16/17, Tuesday, 1/17/17, and Wednesday, 1/18/17. (Presentation order will be determined by sign-up sheet).

____Your audition is scheduled for Friday, February 2, 2017 after Mass (ending Catholic School Week). Be prepared with your costume, two props, and notecards.

This project has two components: oral presentation (with costume) and a written report. You will receive 2 separate grades according to the following rubrics:

Oral Presentation with Costume Rubric

4- Excellent / 3- Good / 2- Fair / 1- Needs Improvement
Delivery / Holds attention of entireaudience with the use ofdirect eye contact, seldomlooking at notes
• Speaks with fluctuation involume and inflection tomaintain audience interestand emphasize key points / • Consistent use of direct eyecontact with audience, butstill returns to notes
• Speaks with satisfactoryvariation of volume andinflection. / • Displays minimal eyecontact with audience,while reading mostly from
the notes
• Speaks in uneven volumewith little or no inflection. / • Holds no eye contact withaudience, as entire report isread from notes
• Speaks in low volume and/or monotonous tone,which causes audience todisengage / _____/4
Organization / • Demonstrates full
knowledge by answeringall class questionswith explanations and
• Provides clear purpose andsubject; relevant examples,facts, and/or statistics;supports conclusions/ideas
with evidence / • Is at ease with expectedanswers to all questions,without elaboration
• Has somewhat clearpurpose and subject; someexamples, facts, and/orstatistics that support thesubject; includes some dataor evidence that supportsconclusions / • Is uncomfortable withinformation and is able toanswer only rudimentary
• Attempts to define purposeand subject; providesweak examples, facts, and/or statistics, which do notadequately support thesubject; includes very thindata or evidence / • Does not have grasp ofinformation and cannotanswer questions about
• Does not clearly definesubject and purpose;provides weak or nosupport of subject; givesinsufficient support for ideasor conclusions / ____/4
Awareness / • Demonstrates strongenthusiasm about topic
during entire presentation
• Significantly increasesaudience understanding
and knowledge of topic. / • Shows some enthusiastic
feelings about topic
• Raises audience
understanding and
awareness of most points / • Shows little or mixedfeelings about the topicbeing presented
• Raises audience
understanding and
knowledge of some points / • Shows no interest in topicpresented
• Fails to increase audienceunderstanding ofknowledge of topic / ____/4
Costume/props / A creative costume and 2 props that specifically relate to the chosen saint. / A creative costume and 2 props that obviously relates to the chosen saint. / A costume and 2 props that relate to the chosen saint. / A costume and 2 props, but the relation to the chosen saint is unclear. / ____/4
Total: / ____/16

Oral Presentation with Costume Rubric

Note: Your grade will be determined by the number of points you received from the rubric. For example, if you received 13 points on the rubric your grade will be 93.

16 / 100 / 8 / 80
15 / 98 / 7 / 78
14 / 95 / 6 / 75
13 / 93 / 5 / 73
12 / 90 / 4 / 70
11 / 88 / 3 / F
10 / 85 / 2 / F
9 / 83 / 1 / F

Written Component

Researching your saint will be done during religion class time. You may use the books from our class library, our school library, or your local library. In addition to a printed source, you must also use an electronic source from the following list: Large searchable database of information on Catholic saints. Saints, Catholic Saints. Thousands of Catholic Saints with biographical data, prayers, images, etc.

Every Roman Catholic Saint is included in the Catholics Saints A- Z Index with ... of Catholic Saints, books, websites, multimedia resources and relevant articles.

of thousands of saints and beatified. Browse by name or by topic. Sanctoral calendar, timeline, FAQs, images.

Research paper must include the following:

a.Introduction (and topic sentence which introduces the saint), 3-4 body paragraphs, and a summarizing conclusion.

b.First draft may be handwritten.

c. The following questions must be answered in the research: Who is your saint? Is your saint a patron saint of a country, city or group of people? Where and when did your saint live? How did your saint live and what did your saint do during his/her life? Why was your saint canonized and when? You may add a question or two of your own about your saint.

d.Your final draft must be typed in Times New Roman, 12pt. The lines must be double spaced. Format: MLA. Bibliography must be in this format. We will review this in class.

e.See the first page for due dates.

CATEGORY / Exemplary / Proficient / Partially Proficient / Unsatisfactory / POINTS
Research Questions / 4 points / 3 points / 2 point / 1 points / ___/4
Wrote clear, creative and interesting questions which fit the topic. / Wrote clear questions which fit the topic. / Wrote some questions which did not fit the topic. / Wrote many questions which did not fit the topic.
Selection of Sources / 4 points / 3 points / 2 point / 1 points / ___/4
Identified useful sources in many formats (books, magazines, electronic). / Identified mostly useful sources in many formats (books, magazines, electronic). / Identified a few useful sources in one or two formats. / Identified no useful sources in any format.
Note Taking / First draft / 4 points / 3 points / 2 point / 1 points / ___/4
Located and recorded information which answered all of the research questions. / Located and recorded information which answered most of the research questions. / Located and recorded a lot of information that did not directly answer the research questions. / Located and recorded incomplete information which failed to answer any of the research questions.
Organized neat, easy to read notes. / Organized notes and most were neat and easy to read. / Failed to organize notes effectively; many were messy and hard to read. / Did not organize notes; all notes were messy and hard to read.
Wrote all notes using own words. / Wrote most notes using own words. / Wrote some notes that were copied word-for-word from the source. / Copied most or all of the notes word-for-word from the source.
Completed first draft on time or before the due date. / Completed first draft a day after the due date / Completed the first draft two or more days after the due date. / Did not complete the first draft.
Organization/ Conventions / 4 points / 3 points / 2 point / 1 points / ___/4
All information is a clear and organized.
Has an interesting introduction including a topic sentence.
Has a body that includes important main ideas supported by relevant details
Includes summarizing conclusion / Most of the information isclear and organized.
Has an introduction and a topic sentence.
Has a body that contains main ideas unsupported by relevant details.
Conclusion does not summarize the information presented. / Information is poorly organized or difficult to understand some of the time.
Has some main ideas that are unclear and/or not supported by details / Information is poorly organized and hard to understand.
Lacks sufficient relevant main ideas and details
Conclusion is weak or missing.
The written text contains few or no errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or sentence structure. / The written text contains some errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure, but these errors do not interfere with comprehension. / The written text contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure that interfere with comprehension. / The written text contains errors that make it difficult to understand.
Sources / 4 points / 3 points / 2 point / 1 points / ___/4
Included all sources used and listed sources in the correct format. / Included most sources used and listed sources in the correct format. / Included most sources used, but some information was missing or incorrect. / Failed to include most of the sources used, and a lot of the information was missing or incorrect.
Elementary Research RubricTOTAL POINTS / /20

Conversion Chart for the Written Report

Note: Your grade will be determined by the number of points you received from the rubric. For example, if you received 18 points on the rubric your grade will be 96.

20 / 100
19 / 98
18 / 96
17 / 94
16 / 92
15 / 90
14 / 88
13 / 86
12 / 84
11 / 82
10 / 80
9 / 78
8 / 76
7 / 74
6 / 72
5 / 70
4 / F
3 / F
2 / F
1 / F

I have read and understood the saint project assigned to my child.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date