Maria Legionis Supplies Order Form
Items sold in sets of 100 only!
Quantity / Item / PriceWhy I Love the Legion of Mary (full-color recruiting leaflet, English only) / $8.00 per 100
Ten Benefits of Legion Membership / $6.00 per 100
Ten Benefits of Legion Membership (Spanish) / $6.00 per 100
Active Membership Recruiting Card (English) / $2.00 per 100
Active Membership Recruiting Card (Spanish) / $3.00 per 100
Miraculous Medal Explanation Folder (English) / $5.00 per 100
Miraculous Medal Explanation Folder (Spanish) / $5.00 per 100
Auxiliary Membership Leaflet (English) / $5.00 per 100
Auxiliary Membership Leaflet (Spanish) / $5.00 per 100
Auxiliary Membership File Card / $5.00 per 100
Sorry To Have Missed You Card / $5.00 per 100
Evangelization Day Manual for door-to-door visitation program / $4.00 each
Totus Tuus, Classic Legion of Mary Hymn – sample CD and sheet music / $2.00 per set
Frank Duff Prayer Leaflet (English) / $4.00 per 100
Frank Duff Prayer Leaflet (Spanish) / $4.00 per 100
Edel Quinn Prayer Leaflet (English) / $4.00 per 100
Edel Quinn Prayer Leaflet (Spanish) / $4.00 per 100
Alfie Lambe Prayer Leaflet (English) / $4.00 per 100
Alfie Lambe Prayer Leaflet (Spanish) / $4.00 per 100
NOTE: / 1,000 assorted above Prayer Leaflets – Indicate your choices. / $30.00
SORRY, we are not able to receive phone or charge orders. Orders are to be prepaid, including the minimum shipping charge. Make checks payable to: Legion of Mary Supplies. Allow four to six weeks for delivery. You may use this form for ordering – another will be sent to you with your order.
Mail to: Maria Legionis Supplies, 201 E. Main St., Norristown, PA 19401 (610) 277-5037
Enclosed is $______for items marked above, including shipping charge of $12 (or $15 for orders over $100). Note: Other order forms can be combined under one Shipping Charge.
Address (NO PO Box, Please!) ______
Canadian orders cannot be accepted without prior discussion. Before ordering, phone or write. Canadian payments must be in US funds only, on US affiliated banks.
Note: We supply only the items shown. Handbooks and Tesserae must be ordered from: Publisher’s Press, P.O. Box 37500, Louisville, KY 40233 1-800-627-5811 ext. 2528 (Phone orders cannot be accepted. Write for order form.)