The Faculty has a Planning Group that is coordinating the preparation for the move of a number of aspects of its work to the HIC when it opens. The group meets every six weeks and has membership drawn from across a broad range of staff groups and parts of the Faculty as well as students.

To help its work a number of sub-groups are being set up to provide advice on specific aspects. These are listed below. It should be noted that discussions on proposals for new or changed Faculty policies will be undertaken by the Planning group itself (as they will inform discussions in a range of sub-groups) and then submitted to the Faculty’s Policy and Resources Committee for consideration – although they may be delegated to a sub-group if that is felt to provide a more effective approach. Examples include:

  • Space allocation
  • Room booking and facilities’ sharing
  • Data management policies and data storage

Faculty Planning Sub-Groups

  1. Internal configuration and access. Start May 2017 (chair – Jason Homan). To include:
  2. Configuration of shared office spaces
  3. Configuration of individual office space
  4. Creating positive ‘feel’/identity of the building (to include configuration of shared communal spaces and of ‘acceptable’ levels of personalisation of space) from the perspectives of:
  5. Staff
  6. Students
  7. Visitors
  8. Reception/portering/security/safety
  9. Accessibility (esp for those with limited mobility)
  10. Into building
  11. Within building (physical access and signage)
  12. Emergency evacuation
  13. Personal comfort
  14. Lighting
  15. Kitchen facilities/equipment
  16. Ventilation
  17. Noise/other disruption
  18. Configuration of teaching space
  19. Furniture requirements
  20. Working practices – how will we work in the HIC. Start May 2017 (co-chairs – Nancy Preston, Adam Taylor). This will inform discussions in a number of other groups (including ‘internal configuration’, ‘furniture’ and ‘IT’). To include the perspectives of:
  21. Staff (including full range of staff groups, and to include consideration of teaching, research and administration)
  22. Students (including full range of FHM students)
  23. Partners/visitors
  24. Any issues arising from accessibility challenges
  25. IT requirements. This will reflect working practices – therefore to be established late-summer 2017.
  26. Hardware
  27. Printing
  28. Specific provision
  29. Specialist teaching provision
  30. Video/tele conferencing
  31. Provision of ISS support
  32. External compatibility
  33. Physical storage/archiving. This will reflect working practices – therefore to be established late-summer 2017.
  34. Paper (inc research documentation and teaching-related documents)
  35. Equipment
  36. Preparation for transition. To start late-spring 2018.
  37. Planning of space allocation (including early ‘sight’ of proposed spaces) and associated communication/discussion prior to move
  38. Specialist equipment transfer/purchase
  39. Relocation plan – inc
  40. Timing of move
  41. Pre-handover and handover
  42. Space (team and personal)
  43. Building (technical)
  44. Provision of materials to prepare for move
  45. Alternative space during move
  46. Communications. Underway. Chair – John Goodacre. To include:
  47. ‘Core’ narrative
  48. Information (internal and external)
  49. Discussion/consultation methods
  50. Methods for sharing information between groups