St Jacob’s United Church of Christ, Blue Creek, no service today

Adult Sunday School at St. John’s 9:30am

Bible Heroes FUNday Sunday:April 1, 9:15am

St John’s United Church of Christ, Penntown, 10:30 am

Pastor Lynne: (812) 623-0354 or (319) 830-4048 or

Church office: (812) 623-3410 or

March 18, 2018

5thSunday of Lent

We extend a warm welcome to each of you,

and lift in prayer those who are unable to be here.

Prayer Requests: Jim Schwab (heart surgery); Leo Moster; Dan Bowman (recent stroke); Aiden Roberts; Isabelle Welch (11702 Westwood Dr, Carmel, IN 46033); Catherine Clark (211 Eastern Ave, Sunman, IN 47041); Dennis Walterman; Owen Denni; Helen Bise;Alvin & Anna Mae Werner; Cliff Calhoun;Bo Calhoun; Rosie Forthofer (Shele W’s mom);Ron Meyer; Jill Wolf; James Robertson (169 Carryback Ct, Harrison, OH 45030); Lynsey Gesell; Shirley Huneke (at the Chateau); Charles Hadden; Jan Cowan (friend of Kim G); Marcia Agbor (friend of Diana R); and the family of Dave Egbert, who passed away on March 9, 2018.

Welcome / Announcements *(Those who are able, please stand)


*Call to Worship

One: Let us gather to worship.

All: O God, we wish to see Jesus! We come to worship, to pray, and learn.

We come looking for Jesus in Scripture lessons,

in our own life experiences, in helping our world,in prayers for each other.

All: We seek to follow in the way of Jesus.

We lay bare before God and one another

our own wilderness journey, filled with some gladness and hope,

with reluctance and sorrow, with fear and confusion.

All: O God, speak to us, show us, touch us with your presence!

Let our Lenten journey lead us to Jesus, so that we may show Jesus forth

in our lives, our faith community, and our world.

All: Amen.

*Opening Hymn “At the Cross” #258


God of the journey,

you invite us, the church,

“to accept the cost and joy of discipleship”

and “to be your servants in the service of others.”

In so doing, may your presence be our guide and Jesus our model.

May we respond to you in loving faithfulness. Amen

*Passing of Peace

Response “As Your Family, Lord, Meet Us Here” #606 vs 3

Fill our spirits, Lord, with your love, fill our spirits, Lord, with your love,

Fill our spirits, Lord, with your love, O Lord, with your love.

Lenten Candle

Children’s Time

Special Music

Scripture Psalm 51

Meditation “The Heart of the Matter” Pastor Lynne

Morning Prayer/Lord’s Prayer (sins/sin)

Offering Invitation

Jesus compels us to join him in service to others.

Our church accepts the invitation and challenge

to show Jesus’ Way using the resources we share.

Let us give as we are able to the ministries of our church.

*Offertory Response “Doxology” #44

*Prayer of Dedication

God, there are many who “wish to see Jesus.”

In joy and celebration of the many gifts that we share,

we ask you to bless all of our offerings.

May Jesus shine in all the world. Amen.

*Closing Hymn “When Peace Like a River” #428


Dear God,we thank you for today,

for being with us, accepting our worship and prayers,

and for guiding us on our way.

Bless us as we go, and in turn, may we bless others.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Copyright 2018, Local Church Ministries, Faith Formation Ministry Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. CCLI# 3100743.

Volunteers / Today / Mar 25 / Offerings / Next Week’s Focus: / Capital Fund
Front Door Greeter / Lynn C / Bob & Carol / (Budget $2127/wk) / “Eight Days until Eternity”,
Mark 11:1-11 / Pledges:
Side Door Greeter / Sandy / Ellen B / 3/11: $1650 / $103,670
Liturgist / Karen / OCWM $50 / Funded:
Organist / Dee H / Janet W / Attendance 49 / $95,654

Funday Sunday - Bible Heroes

April 1 – Easter Egg Hunt following Worship!

Tentative Plans for kids to sing during Easter 10:30 worship

Pick a Prop! Strike a Pose! We will have props & frames available for Easter selfie or group shots.

Seeking Donations of filled plastic eggs!

20 dozen needed by Palm Sunday.

Place in church office!

A heartfeltThank You to Doris Hutson for her many years of sharing her time and talents keeping our sanctuary, offices, and gathering areas clean and ready for every use. She will be retiring March 31, after having held this position since 1964! We will have this opportunity open for anyone interested in filling her shoes. (50 years’ commitment not required!)

Our sincere condolences go out to the family and friends of Dave Egbert, who passed away on March 9, 2018. May the love of God surround them in this difficult time.


March 18 – St. Jacob’s Sausage Pancake Breakfast – 7:30am-12:30pm

There’s still time for brunch after worship!

March 18 – Love Offering for Sunman Park Expansion Project. This will be

collected as you leave the sanctuary this morning.

March 21 – Lenten Bible Study, 7pm @ St. John’s

March 25 – Palm Sunday

March 29 – Maundy Thursday, 7pm @ St. Jacob’s

March 30 – Good Friday, 7pm @ St. John’s

April 1 – Easter Sunday

April 8 – Holy Humor Sunday