Course: MUS 302.01 Credit Hours: 2.0


II.  Catalog Description:

Methods, materials and pedagogy related to the teaching of choral music in the elementary, junior high/middle school and senior high school choirs. Students must be of junior standing. REQUIRED FOR ALL MUSIC EDUCATION MAJORS. Prerequisites: Students should be of junior standing and Music Education Majors.

III.  Purpose:

This course is designed to provide students with the basic skills necessary for the successful teaching of choral music. The students will explore a variety of teaching methods/techniques and will have the opportunity to practice/observe these methods through teaching practicums and classroom observations. In addition, the students will develop everyday management skills necessary for a successful choral program.

IV.  Course Objectives:

The students will:

1. Develop a working philosophy of choral music based on pragmatic skills;

2. Demonstrate effective teaching through video-taped teaching practicums and on- demand task assessments;

3. Be able to discuss potential classroom management strategies;

4. Be able to demonstrate an understanding of sequential music learning through appropriately planned rehearsals;

5. Develop a packet of materials for use in the academic justification and promotion of choral music programs to school administrations and parents.

V. Content Outline:

I.  What do we teach?

A.  Curriculum Development

B.  Expression

C.  Style Characteristics

D.  Score Preparation

E.  Diction

II. How do we teach?

A. Research-based teaching strategies

B. Auditions

C. Seating Arrangements

D. Sight-singing

F.  Teaching Singing

G.  Voice Change – Male

H.  Voice Change – Female

I.  Repertory

J.  Rehearsal

III. Assessment

A. Terms

B. Testing Instruments

C. Grading

VI. Instructional Activities:

Lecture, teaching practica, on-demand task assessments, observations, portfolio, and choral style characteristics and repertory lists.

VII. Field and Clinical Experiences:

The students will complete two (2) field observations, on-demand task assessments, and 2 teaching practica.

VIII. Resources:

The textbooks, handouts, articles from The Choral Journal, the Music Educators Journal and other appropriate professional journals along with selected repertory.

IX. Grading Procedures:

1. Completion of all On-Demand Task Assessments (300 points): (see grade sheet for descriptions.

2. 2 Observations (50 points)

3. Portfolio (50 points): Portfolios should be maintained during the semester. They should be kept as up-to-date as possible and be neatly and efficiently organized. They should include all class notes; observations; on-demand tasks; handouts; and other appropriate materials.

4. Class Attendance (100 points) as per grade sheet

X. Attendance Policy:

No unexcused absences or tardies are permitted. Absences will affect grade as per the attached grade sheet. Any student who misses more than 1/4 of the regular class meetings (7) will fail the course. See p. 50 in the 2001-2003 Undergraduate Catalog.

XI. Academic Honesty Policy:

Students are expected to complete their own work. Any proven instance of dishonesty will result in the failure of the class. See p. 50 in the 2001-2003 Undergraduate Catalog.

XII. Text and References:

Required: Phillips, Kenneth. Teaching Kids to Sing. New York: Schirmer Books, 1996.

Almquist, Bradley. MUS 302: Choral Methods Course Pack. Bradley L. Almquist, 2004.

Henson, B.R. Rhythmic Diction: A Musical Approach to Choral Diction. San Antonio, TX: Southern Music Co., 1990.

VHS Formatted Video-tape

XIII. Prerequisites: Students should be of junior standing and Music Education Majors.

GRADE SHEET: MUS 302: Choral Methods

Fall 2004

Grade Sheet must be turned in on the last day of class or a failing grade will be recorded.

NAME: ______Student # ______

1. ON-DEMAND TASKS: ( 300 points) ______

1. Score Marking (25 ) ______

2. Choral Warm-up I (25) ______

3. Sight-Singing I (25) ______

4. Sight-Singing II (25) ______


5. Mid-Term Exam (100) ______

6. Final Exam (100) ______

2. OBSERVATIONS: (50 points) ______

1 completed ______

2 completed ______

3. PORTFOLIO: (50 points) ______

Instructor Assigned

4. ATTENDANCE: (100 points) ______

0-1 misses: 100 points

2-3 misses: 50 points

more than 3: 0 points

Total: ______

Grade Earned: ______


Signature of Student

A = 500 - 450 points C = 399 - 350 points E = 299 and less

B = 449 - 400 points D = 349 - 300 points