Jersey Touch World Cup Squad
Strength (Anatomical Adaptation) Training
Week: 1/2
Exercise / Sets / Reps / WeightAnkle mobilisation / 1 / 10 each leg / -
Squat / 1 / 10 / -
Split squat / 1 / 10 each leg / -
Lateral squat / 1 / 10 each leg / -
Seated lateral bend / 1 / 10 each side / -
Wall angel / 1 / 10 / -
Main Session
Exercise / Sets / Reps / Weight1 / Front Squat / 2 / 8
2 / Dead Lift / 2 / 8
3 / Stiff Leg Dead Lift / 2 / 8
4 / Split Squat / 2 / 8
5 / Shoulder Press / 2 / 8
6 / Press Ups / 2 / Max (up to 12)
7 / Chin Ups / 2 / Max (up to 12)
8 / Supine Back Pull / 2 / Max (up to 12)
9 / Medicine Ball Chest Pass / 2 / 8
10 / Cable Pass / 2 / 8
11 / Prone Jack Knife / 2 / 8
12 / Swiss Ball Bridges / 2 / 8
13 / Swiss Ball Lateral Flexion / 2 / 8
Choose 6-8 exercises for the main session. You must include at least two exercises from numbers 1-4, at least two from exercises 5-8 and at least two exercises from numbers 9-13
Cool Down
Post-workout stretches holding each stretch for 10 seconds. Stretch the following areas:
- Gastrocnemius (calf)
- Hamstrings
- Quadraceps
- Adductors
- Piriformis
- Latissimus dorsi (side muscles)
- Triceps
- Pectorials
See flexibility training programme for diagrams of stretching the above muscles.
Frequency / Complete this workout 3-4 times per weekIntensity / Warm-up: low to moderate, main session: high, cool-down: low
Time / The full work-out should be completed within an hour
Type / Resistance strength anatomical adaptation with a hypertrophy element
Jersey Touch World Cup Squad
Strength (Anatomical Adaptation) Training
Week: 3/4
Exercise / Sets / Reps / WeightAnkle mobilisation / 1 / 10 each leg / -
Squat / 1 / 10 / -
Split squat / 1 / 10 / -
Lateral squat / 1 / 10 / -
Seated lateral bend / 1 / 10 each side / -
Wall angel / 1 / 10 / -
Main Session
Exercise / Sets / Reps / Weight1 / Back Squat / 3 / 8
2 / Dead Lift / 3 / 8
3 / Stiff Leg Dead Lift / 3 / 8
4 / Overhead Squat / 3 / 8
5 / Push Press / 3 / 8
6 / Press Ups / 3 / Max (up to 12)
7 / Chin Ups / 3 / Max (up to 12)
8 / Supine Back Pull / 3 / Max (up to 12)
9 / Medicine Ball Chest Pass / 3 / 8
10 / Cable Pass / 3 / 8
11 / Prone Jack Knife / 3 / 8
12 / Swiss Ball Bridges / 3 / 8
13 / Swiss Ball Lateral Flexion / 3 / 8
Choose 6-8 exercises for the main session. You must include at least two exercises from numbers 1-4, at least two from exercises 5-8 and at least two exercises from numbers 9-13
Cool Down
Post-workout stretches holding each stretch for 10 seconds. Stretch the following areas:
- Gastrocnemius (calf)
- Hamstrings
- Quadraceps
- Adductors
- Piriformis
- Latissimus dorsi (side muscles)
- Triceps
- Pectorials
See flexibility training programme for diagrams of stretching the above muscles.
Frequency / Complete this workout 3-4 times per weekIntensity / Warm-up: low to moderate, main session: high, cool-down: low
Time / The full work-out should be completed within an hour
Type / Resistance strength anatomical adaptation with a hypertrophy element
Jersey Touch World Cup Squad
Strength (Max) Training
Week: 5/6
Exercise / Sets / Reps / WeightAnkle mobilisation / 1 / 10 each leg / -
Squat / 1 / 10 / -
Split squat / 1 / 10 / -
Lateral squat / 1 / 10 / -
Seated lateral bend / 1 / 10 each side / -
Wall angel / 1 / 10 / -
Main Session
Exercise / Sets / Reps / Weight1 / Front Squat (or Overhead) / 3 / 6
2 / Dead Lift / 3 / 6
3 / Stiff Leg Dead Lift / 3 / 6
4 / Split Squat (Overhead) / 3 / 6
5 / Shoulder Press / 3 / 6
6 / Press Ups (Swiss Ball) / 3 / Max (up to 12)
7 / Chin Ups / 3 / Max (up to 12)
8 / Seated Row / 3 / 6
9 / Medicine Ball Chest Pass / 3 / 6
10 / Cable Pass / 3 / 6
11 / Prone Jack Knife twist / 3 / Max (up to 12)
12 / Swiss Ball Bridges / 3 / Max (up to 12)
13 / Swiss Ball Lateral Flexion / 3 / Max (up to 12)
14 / Swiss Ball Passing Jack knife / 3 / Max (up to 12)
Choose 6-8 exercises for the main session. You must include at least two exercises from numbers 1-4, at least two from exercises 5-8 and at least three exercises from numbers 9-14
Cool Down
Post-workout stretches holding each stretch for 10 seconds. Stretch the following areas:
- Gastrocnemius (calf)
- Hamstrings
- Quadraceps
- Adductors
- Piriformis
- Latissimus dorsi (side muscles)
- Triceps
- Pectorials
See flexibility training programme for diagrams of stretching the above muscles.
Frequency / Complete this workout 2-3 times per weekIntensity / Week 5 medium (75%), Week 6 heavy (90%)
Time / The full work-out should be completed within an hour
Type / Resistance strength anatomical adaptation with a hypertrophy element
Jersey Touch World Cup Squad
Strength (Max) Training
Week: 7/8
Exercise / Sets / Reps / WeightAnkle mobilisation / 1 / 10 each leg / -
Squat / 1 / 10 / -
Split squat / 1 / 10 / -
Lateral squat / 1 / 10 / -
Seated lateral bend / 1 / 10 each side / -
Wall angel / 1 / 10 / -
Main Session
Exercise / Sets / Reps / Weight1 / Back Squat (or Overhead) / 3 / 6
2 / Dead Lift / 3 / 6
3 / Stiff Leg Dead Lift / 3 / 6
4 / Split Squat (Overhead) / 3 / 6
5 / Push Press / 3 / 6
6 / Press Ups (Swiss Ball) / 3 / Max (up to 12)
7 / Chin Ups / 3 / Max (up to 12)
8 / Seated Row / 3 / 6
9 / Medicine Ball Chest Pass / 3 / 6
10 / Cable Pass / 3 / 6
11 / Prone Jack Knife twist / 3 / Max (up to 12)
12 / Swiss Ball Bridges / 3 / Max (up to 12)
13 / Swiss Ball Lateral Flexion / 3 / Max (up to 12)
14 / Swiss Ball Passing Jack knife / 3 / Max (up to 12)
Choose 6-8 exercises for the main session. You must include at least two exercises from numbers 1-4, at least two from exercises 5-8 and at least three exercises from numbers 9-14
Cool Down
Post-workout stretches holding each stretch for 10 seconds. Stretch the following areas:
- Gastrocnemius (calf)
- Hamstrings
- Quadraceps
- Adductors
- Piriformis
- Latissimus dorsi (side muscles)
- Triceps
- Pectorials
See flexibility training programme for diagrams of stretching the above muscles.
Frequency / Complete this workout 3-4 times per weekIntensity / Week 7, light (60-70%), Week 8, maximum (110%)
Time / The full work-out should be completed within an hour
Type / Resistance strength anatomical adaptation with a hypertrophy element
Jersey Touch World Cup Squad
Power Training
Week: 9/10
Exercise / Sets / Reps / WeightAnkle mobilisation / 1 / 10 each leg / -
Squat / 1 / 10 / -
Split squat / 1 / 10 / -
Lateral squat / 1 / 10 / -
Seated lateral bend / 1 / 10 each side / -
Wall angel / 1 / 10 / -
Main Session
Exercise / Sets / Reps / Weight1 / Dead lift / 3 / 6
2 / Clean and Press (split stance) / 3 / 6
3 / Stiff Leg Dead Lift / 3 / 6
4 / Split Squat (Overhead) / 3 / 6
5 / Back Squat Squat (or overhead) / 3 / 6
6 / Press Ups (Swiss Ball) / 3 / Max (up to 12)
7 / Chin Ups / 3 / Max (up to 12)
8 / Seated Row / 3 / 6
9 / Medicine Ball Chest Pass / 3 / 6
10 / Cable Pass / 3 / 6
11 / Prone Jack Knife twist / 3 / Max (up to 12)
12 / Swiss Ball Bridges / 3 / Max (up to 12)
13 / Swiss Ball Lateral Flexion / 3 / Max (up to 12)
14 / Swiss Ball Passing Jack knife / 3 / Max (up to 12)
Choose 6-8 exercises for the main session. You must include at least two exercises from numbers 1-5 and exercise 2, at least two from exercises 6-8 and at least three exercises from numbers 9-14
Cool Down
Post-workout stretches holding each stretch for 10 seconds. Stretch the following areas:
- Gastrocnemius (calf)
- Hamstrings
- Quadraceps
- Adductors
- Piriformis
- Latissimus dorsi (side muscles)
- Triceps
- Pectorials
See flexibility training programme for diagrams of stretching the above muscles.
Frequency / Complete this workout 3 times per weekIntensity / Week 9 medium (75%), Week 10 heavy (90%)
Time / The full work-out should be completed within an hour
Type / Muscular Power
Jersey Touch World Cup Squad
Power Training
Week: 11/12
Exercise / Sets / Reps / WeightAnkle mobilisation / 1 / 10 each leg / -
Squat / 1 / 10 / -
Split squat / 1 / 10 / -
Lateral squat / 1 / 10 / -
Seated lateral bend / 1 / 10 each side / -
Wall angel / 1 / 10 / -
Main Session
Exercise / Sets / Reps / Weight1 / Dead lift / 3 / 6
2 / Clean and Press (split stance) / 3 / 6
3 / Stiff Leg Dead Lift / 3 / 6
4 / Split Squat (Overhead) / 3 / 6
5 / Back Squat Squat (or overhead) / 3 / 6
6 / Press Ups (Swiss Ball) / 3 / Max (up to 12)
7 / Chin Ups / 3 / Max (up to 12)
8 / Seated Row / 3 / 6
9 / Medicine Ball Chest Pass / 3 / 6
10 / Cable Pass / 3 / 6
11 / Prone Jack Knife twist / 3 / Max (up to 12)
12 / Swiss Ball Bridges / 3 / Max (up to 12)
13 / Swiss Ball Lateral Flexion / 3 / Max (up to 12)
14 / Swiss Ball Passing Jack knife / 3 / Max (up to 12)
Choose 6-8 exercises for the main session. You must include at least two exercises from numbers 1-5 and exercise 2, at least two from exercises 6-8 and at least three exercises from numbers 9-14
Cool Down
Post-workout stretches holding each stretch for 10 seconds. Stretch the following areas:
- Gastrocnemius (calf)
- Hamstrings
- Quadraceps
- Adductors
- Piriformis
- Latissimus dorsi (side muscles)
- Triceps
- Pectorials
See flexibility training programme for diagrams of stretching the above muscles.
Frequency / Complete this workout 3 times per weekIntensity / Week 11 light (60%), Week 12 max (110%)
Time / The full work-out should be completed within an hour
Type / Muscular Power
Jersey Touch World Cup Squad
Power Training
Week: 13/14
Exercise / Sets / Reps / WeightAnkle mobilisation / 1 / 10 each leg / -
Squat / 1 / 10 / -
Split squat / 1 / 10 / -
Lateral squat / 1 / 10 / -
Seated lateral bend / 1 / 10 each side / -
Wall angel / 1 / 10 / -
Main Session
Exercise / Sets / Reps / Weight1 / Dead lift / 3 / 8
2 / Clean and Press (split stance) / 3 / 8
3 / Stiff Leg Dead Lift / 3 / 8
4 / Split Squat (Overhead) / 3 / 8
5 / Back Squat (or overhead) / 3 / 8
6 / Press Ups (Swiss Ball) / 3 / Max (up to 12)
7 / Chin Ups / 3 / Max (up to 12)
8 / Seated Row / 3 / 8
9 / Medicine Ball Chest Pass / 3 / 8
10 / Cable Pass / 3 / 8
11 / Prone Jack Knife twist / 3 / Max (up to 12)
12 / Swiss Ball Bridges / 3 / Max (up to 12)
13 / Swiss Ball Lateral Flexion / 3 / Max (up to 12)
14 / Swiss Ball Passing Jack knife / 3 / Max (up to 12)
Choose 6-8 exercises for the main session. You must include at least two exercises from numbers 1-5 including exercise 2, at least two from exercises 6-8 and at least three exercises from numbers 9-14
Cool Down
Post-workout stretches holding each stretch for 10 seconds. Stretch the following areas:
- Gastrocnemius (calf)
- Hamstrings
- Quadraceps
- Adductors
- Piriformis
- Latissimus dorsi (side muscles)
- Triceps
- Pectorials
See flexibility training programme for diagrams of stretching the above muscles.
Frequency / Complete this workout 3 times per weekIntensity / Week 13 medium (75%), Week 14 heavy (100%)
Time / The full work-out should be completed within an hour
Type / Muscular Power
Jersey Touch World Cup Squad