Request and Response:
Further to your recent Freedom of Information inquiry I am able to advise you of the following:
1 If the land that used to accommodate the Training and Development Centre in Popes Lane Oldbury has been sold?
The land has been sold subject to contract.
2. If the land has not been sold. Please could you advise what the council intend to do with it.
Not applicable since the site has been sold subject to contract.
3. Please could you advise on the rent being paid for Roway Lane Education Centre in Roway Lane Oldbury per annum.
The Council doesn’t have any record of Roway Lane Education Centre.
4. Please could you advise on the cost of relocating all support services that were based at the Training and Development Centre prior to its closure to other accommodation including the cost of adapting buildings to accommodate the IT and telephone needs of support services moved, removal costs together with building adaptation costs.
The Freedom of Information Act allows the Council not to disclose information if the cost threshold exceeds that as specified within Section 12 of the FoIA. Due to the passage of time the Council would have to interrogate its entire email database including any available archives, as well as relevant filing systems to pull together the information you have requested. It is therefore considered that to comply with this part of your request would greatly exceed the 18 hours as referred to in the Act.
5.Please could you advise on Redundancy costs incurred by the council due to the closure of the Training and Development Centre . Both Voluntary and enforced Redundancy.
The total redundancy costs incurred by the Council due to the closure of the Training and Development Centre is £244,336.24
6.Please could you advise on any organisations prior to the closure of the Training and Development Centre who were looking to use a large building for the purpose of a Free School in the Oldbury area.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your request, and should be addressed to:
Information Management Unit
Oldbury Council House
Freeth Street
B69 3DE
Email –
If you are not content with the outcome of an internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
If you wish to receive further information in regards to this request or wish to submit a Freedom of Information Request please forward your request to or Information Management Unit, Sandwell Council House, Freeth Street, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 3DE.