Introduction ...... 1
Partner school ...... 1
Objectives ...... 2
Activities 2006/2007 ...... 4
Activities 2007/2008 ...... 22
Activities 2008/2009 ...... 25
General evaluation report ...... 27
Summary ...... 47
Annex 1 Questionnaires
Annex 2 Pictures
Annex 3 Power Point presentations
Annex 4 Front pages
Annex 5 Questionnaires analysis - graphs
Name of the Project:
"Education for the European Citizenship"
This project was realized by the support of the European Union project EPOS-LLP.
Our Project “European Citizenship” is aimed at developing an attitude of active European Citizenship within the school and exchanging culture and heritage, attitudes and values in order to compare participating countries.We found out how the cross-curriculum goal “education for the citizenship“was reached in the participating countries as well as what it meant for the students.We promoted willingness to avoid prejudice within the E.U., increase tolerance, encourage democratic values and improve the communication skills and foreign language. The students managed to develop specific skills of project management. Besides that, teachers got involved in cross-curricular work. The project contributed to sharing ideas and priorities, good practice and experience as well as a greater interest to active and social citizenship.We developed a three-year-scheme. Activities such as CD-presentations, questionnaires and surveys, meetings with politicians, debates. During student exchanges we intended to analyze, compare and perfect our work. We also managed to visit the European Parliament in Brussels and meet Members of Parliament.
The results of the project are widely disseminated in newspapers, local TV, the Internet, callendar, DVDs,CDs, booklets, exhibitions. We created a book of Independent Learning Method describing the content and methods of national and European citizenship at school and besides that we decided to introduce the Book of Activities held separately at partner schools as well as common activities.
CDs, a school website are supposed to show the necessity of such a project. We are sure the project is of great importance for the students and the teachers.
Partner schools
1. Rozenberg Secundair Onderwijs, Mol, Belgium – coordinating school
2. Gymnázium Ladislava Novomeského Senica, Slovakia,
3.Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Roberta Schumana w Zespole Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 7 w Sosnowcu, Sosnowiec, Poland
4. ProfessionalSchool for Tourism and Catering, Razlog, Bulgaria
6. Insituto D'Istruzione Superiore "G.Torno", Castano Primo, Italy
Who participated in the project?
- Students 16- 17 years old
- Teachers of the involved subjects : English, Civics, Seminar of Civics, Geography, History, Computer Studies, History, Religion, French, German, Mother Language, Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Sport, Cooking, Law, Economics,
- School managements, The School Boards, Students Parliament
- Associated Partners : The Parents Boards, The Town Halls, The Methodical Centre from Bratislava, The Information Centre Europe Direct , Zahorske Osvetove Stredisko, local TV SEN,
First year:
1.We made a CD-presentation of each school, city, region and country ( Annex 3) with extra attention to the mother tongue and English language and put it on the website of the school so that each school could load it down to get to know each other.
2. We elaborated the common questionnaires (Annex1) and methodsfor research through questionnaires we found out:
A. the present status of citizenship education in different types of secondary education (general, technical, vocational) in each involved country and we mapped the differences in the participating countries/institutions ( Annex 5)
B. if there were subjects dealing with the citizenship and European citizenship education
C. what students knew and thought about that.
3. We analysed the questionnaires and put the results on the website of the schools.
4. Compared the system of the citizenship andEuropean citizenship education of all involved countries as well as the methods used while applying it.( Annex 5)
Second year:
1. We created a method (The Independent Learning Method) how to reach the aim the citizenship and Europeancitizenship education
2.We tried out the methods in teaching process at various types of secondary education in each involved country
3.We elaborated the system of evaluation of the created methods – feedback
questionnaires for students, teachers, and parents involved in the project.
4. By visiting, inviting, local authority, associations, political parties, parliament …we got familiar with the activities of institutions which help to adhere the civil and democratic principles.
5. Through student exchanges we mediated the cultural and civil traditions in involved countries
6. In the students exchanges we organized debates about various European problems and made students create projects on them.(e.g. corruption, School Festival “I am a Citizen of … !”, “Dream School”, Are we similar or different, Traditions,…(Annex 1,2. )
Third year:
1. We created the common feedback questionnaires to let the students evaluate themselves how they reached the goal to be good citizens and European citizens
2. During student exchanges we visited the European Parliament in Brussels and met Members of Parliament and debated on European citizenship.
3. A book of Activities was made by the students and teachers which included the summary of the three-year-activities and results.
Yearly activities
1. Student exchanges among the participating schools (Annex 2)
2. Project meetings ( Annex 2 )
3. Headmasters study visits( Annex 2)
4. We put reports of the exchanges on the websites of the schools.
5. Students collected information and did research about:
A. National Citizenship in the curriculum
B. The European Union, past-present-future,
C. The opportunities and rights we have in the E.U.
D. The meaning of the European Citizenship
6. Students and teachers analyzed data collected
(Annex 1.- Questionnaires 1,2,3)
Preparatory Project Meeting and Headmaster Study Visits
Gymnázium Ladislava Novomeského Senica, Slovakia, - preparatory meeting 15 -18/ 10/ 2005
At this meeting we prepared the objectives of the project and worked out The Application Form
Activities in 2006/2007
1. We made a CD-presentation of the school, city, region and country with extra attention to the mother tongue and English language and put it on the websites of the schools so that each school could down load it to get to know each other.
Each school
2. We elaborated the questionnaires and methodsfor research through questionnaires we tried to find out:
A. the present status of citizenship education in different types of secondary education (general, technical, vocational) in each involved country and to map the differences in the participating countries/institutions
B. if there were subjects dealing with the citizenship and European citizenship education (Questionnaire Q1- Annex 1)
C.What students knew and thought about it.( Questionnaire Q2 –Annex 1)
3. We analysed the questionnaires and put the results on the websites of the schools.
Each school
4. Compared the system of the citizenship andEuropean citizenship education of all involved countries as well as the methods used while applying it.
(Questionnaire Q3 - Annex 1)
Each school
In 2006 - 2007 were held pupil exchanges between Mol-Senica, Mol-Castano Primo, Mol-Sosnowiec, Castano-Primo - Sosnowiec, Senica – Razlog, ( Annex2- pictures of activities)
Project Meeting and Headmaster Study Visits
Rozenberg Secundair Onderwijs, Mol, Belgium – coordinating school - the first common meeting 9/10/ 2005to 13/10/2006
At this meeting we checked the beginning of the work, tasks which were fulfilled and discussed the steps for the following period.
The meeting was held together with the students exchange of all the partner schools and wetook part in common activity - “Comenius Day" ( Annex 2- pictures of activities)
Approximate date / Activity / Location(in the case of mobility : from / to)
2006 Beginning of the school year / Creating the questionnaire about current knowledge of National Citizenship in the participating schools / In each partner school
8-13 October 2006 / Project meeting / To Mol, Belgium ( Annex 2)
2006 October / CD-presentation of the school on the website of the school / In each partner school
(Annex 3)
2006 October / Doing the questionnaire about current knowledge of National Citizenship in the participating schools / In each partner school
2006 November / up date about presentation of the school,
(co-school) / In Mol
2007 January / Analyzing the questionnaire about current knowledge of National Citizenship in the participating schools / In each partner school
(Annex 5- Q Analysis-graphs)
2007 February / + Pupils find out if they reach the goals
+ update from the co-ordinating school / In each partner school
In Mol
2007 end March / + Summary of what the goals and methods in the partner schools on the website of the schools. / In each partner school
2007 April - May / Dissemination of the results / In each partner school
20-23 of March 2007 / First project meeting and headmasters study visit / In Razlog, Bulgaria
(See Annex 2)
Project Meeting and Headmaster Study Visits
Professional School for Tourism and Catering, Razlog, Bulgaria:
-April 23rd – 27th, 2007
-. A tour of the school -We visited and were shown round the school
- At the first meeting we evaluated part of the activities held in 2006/ 2007
- We discussed all the activities done and worked on the common Final Joint Report
- We also made some improvements and agreements about the problems with
communication and computers, web pages of each school
- The coordinator Rob Rush explained the base of the Independent Learning Method
- We discussed the next project meetings and Headmaster study visits
Sosnowiec October 16 – 21, 2007, Castano Primo April 21st - 25th, 2008
- A meeting at the Municipality (Annex 2)
Evaluation of the first year 2006-2007
The goals we had in mind the first year.
Project topic(s) : / Reached through:a) Foreign languages / Pupil exchanges
Creating PPt presentations, web pages, DVDs, videos, CDs…
Communication on the regular basis
Com Day Work shops in English
Com Day WS 4.Command of the language
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Web pages written in mother tongue, as well as in English
Communication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,
Presentations and instructions given in English
b) European citizenship/
regional identity / Com day Workshops about Citizenship.
Com Day WS 1.Knowledge
Com Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices
Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.
Questionnaires about the EU in each school
Project work in all schools
Participation in the action against corruption ‘Clear Poland’
Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study
visit and student exchange in Slovakia
Knowledge gained during the lessons on different subjects
Senica –Mol : topics a) “ Are we similar or different ? “ in 2005
b) “ Traditions” 200
Com Day WS Democracy in practice
Com Day WS A chat with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Role plays and projects, held at different subjects in all schools
Meeting student parliament /the local advisor body of the Town Hall in Senica during the exchange with Belgium
Organising voting for the member of Municipal Youth Council in Sosnowiec
Com Day WS 1.Knowledge
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com day WS A typical dish
Activities done during exchanges
Participation of the Bulgarian school in a national contest
Open lessons in Poland,
Participation in Olympiad of Geography in Slovakia
Regional folkdances and music concert of the school in Bulgaria
My town and my country in painting in Senica, Slovakia
Visits of the area during all exchanges, project meetings, and headmaster study visits
Questionnaires about the EU
Geographical features of the areas, countries…presented on the web pages and PowerPoint presentations
Senica –Mol : topics a) “ How I see Senica ? “ in 2007
c) Pedagogical methods / Com Day WS A Discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Questionnaires 1,2,3 ,
Role plays
Research work into secondary schools subjects concerning the topic
Front lessons on the topic
Group works
Direct meeting and discussion with members of the local authorities, Flemish Euro parliamentarian, religious authorities, parents and teachers.
IT projects, e.g. power point presentations, websites, DVD’s ,
E-mail contacts between students, teachers, coordinators, headmasters
Exchanges of students, teachers, headmasters
Classes in the curriculum involved in the project / Involved through:
History / Com Day WS 1.Knowledge
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Questionnaires about the EU
History of the schools, towns, countries…presented on the web pages and Power Point presentations
Senica –Mol : topics “Statues and monuments ” in 2006
Religion / ethics / Com Day WS 2.Relationship
Com Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices
Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com Day WS Other cultures and religions.
Discussion with the representative of the mosque in Mol
Civics / Com Day WS 2.Relationship
Com Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices
Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com Day WS A positive look to yourself
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Senica –Mol : topics “Social work” in 2008
Geography / Com Day WS 1.Knowledge
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com day WS A typical dish
Activities done during exchanges
Participation of the Bulgarian school in a national contest
Open lessons in Poland,
Participation in Olympiad of Geography in Slovakia
Regional folkdances and music concert of the school in Bulgaria
My town and my country in painting in Senica, Slovakia
Visits of the area during all exchanges, project meetings, and headmaster study visits
Questionnaires about the EU
Geographical features of the areas, countries…presented on the web pages and Power Point presentations
Environmental education / Com Day WS Democracy in practice
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Activities during exchanges
Senica –Mol : topics Palette of nature in 2007
Health education / Com Day WS A positive look to yourself
Com day WS A typical dish
Sport activities during the exchanges
Health education connected with food, during the exchanges