Pastor: Paul Schauer
Church Phone: 734-6485 Cell Phone: 391-0584
Home Phone: 734-6605 e-mail:
When I was out walking Macy this morning I got to thinking how every day brings more and more daylight now. A month ago, at the same time as today, we would have been walking in the dark. It’s so much easier to walk in the daylight.
I love how the amount of light changes for us here on the northern plains. In some places, especially near the equator, the sun pretty much comes up and sets at the same time all year round. But not here! We get to enjoy the beauty of increasing daylight.
As these thoughts were bouncing around in my mind, a song that we sang last Sunday entered into my thought process. “I want to walk as a child of the light. I want to follow Jesus….In him there is no darkness at all…Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus.”
We are about to enter into the season of Lent. As more and more daylight comes into our lives, we spend the six weeks of Lent examining ourselves. Who are we? What are we about? Are we faithful followers of God? What about our faith needs to be strengthened? What about our faith needs to be celebrated? We enter into this Lenten season walking with Jesus as a child of the light, asking that Jesus shine into our hearts so that we can see to change those things about us that get in the way of our relationship with God and so that we can see to strengthen those things about us that bring us closer to God.
The next time you see Macy and me walking along and you hear me singing, join in. Walk with us. Sing with us. I want to walk as a child of the light…Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus. Join the Lenten journey.
February 12, 2014
Ø 1. With only two worship services in January, noted that offerings were down 30% over January 2013 but that attendance was up 10% over January 2013.
Ø 2. Reviewed the Teller Sheet used for recording the offering.
Ø 3. Received donation requests from Wilton Dollars for Scholars and Charles Hall Youth Services.
Ø 4. Decided to ask for individual donations from congregation members for Dollars for Scholars since Dollars for Scholars is not a church affiliated organization and since we already sponsor a basketball game.
Ø 5. Partly since Charles Hall Youth Services is religiously affiliated, decided to give $200 to Charles Hall Youth Services to assist with their work with youth.
Ø 6. Discussed an offer from a church member who is willing to loan the church the money needed to pay off the building loan. Declined the offer because the interest the person wanted would not compare favorably to the penalty for early payment of the loan.
Ø 7. Noted that the parsonage furnace had been recently repaired.
Ø 8. Discussed the replacement of the parsonage bathtub which was temporarily repaired over a year ago.
Discussed replacing the serving counter top in the church kitchen. Working with WELCA on this and are waiting on a bid.
Herdebu Benefit
A benefit for Glenn Herdebu, who is fighting
cancer, will be held on Sunday, March 16 at
Sunne. Sloppy Joes, chips, and bars will be
served from 11:30 am to 2 pm. Bake sale,
Chinese auction, Silent auction and Horse
Race are all part of the benefit. Please come,
support Glenn and his family, and enjoy the
Wednesday, March 5
Imposition of Ashes
Holy Communion
Lenten Worship
Soup & Sandwich
Every Wednesday during Lent we will gather for soup and sandwiches at 6:30 p.m. and worship at 7:30 p.m.. Compline (prayer at the close of the day) will be the order of worship. We will spend time each Wednesday reflecting on various Biblical passages. Consider making fellowship, worship and study part of your Lenten discipline. A freewill offering will be received for the supper.
Let’s Wipe Out The Debt
Our total debt, as of January 31, 2014 is
$189,682.89 plus interest at 6.75%.
Sunne is now able to offer a simple way of giving to God’s ministry at Sunne. Through Simply Giving, an electronic fund transfer program, members and friends of Sunne can make a monthly or semi-monthly gift directly from a person’s checking or savings account into Sunne’s account. This program is available no matter where a person banks. For more information, please contact Sunne Financial Secretary, Linda Mees at 734-8160 or Sunne Treasurer, SuAnn Olson at 258-3887. Please prayerfully consider this excellent opportunity. Forms are also available through the office. If you are interested, please fill out the form and mail it to the church or to Linda Mees (PO Box 351 Wilton, ND 58579) or place the form in the offering plate.
AT 2 A.M.
Remember to set your clocks
ahead one hour.
Congratulations to those
celebrating their baptismal
anniversaries in March.
2--Kellyn Morlock
6--Tareena Johnson
7--Paula Schatz
7--Cutter Modin
8--Toni Hruby
9--Tanner Earsley
10--Darlene Bitz
11--Karen Ryberg
12--Steve Bauer
18--Rebecca Sorch
22--Kendra Braun
22--Lester Vollan
22--Sylvia Vollan
25--Susan Silliman
26--Tanner Tosseth
26--Jesse Buchholtz
28--Roberta Noon
30--Glenn Bauer
Sunne Quilters meet every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the church basement. Anyone interested is welcome to attend or to do work at home. For more information, please call Myrna Hochhalter at 286-7795 or Verine Reimann at 734-6769.
Dear friends of the Navajo Lutheran Mission School:
Thank you for your recent donation of your Campbell’s UPC codes. We have just been informed that because of your efforts as of the first of the new year, the Mission has accumulated a credit of over 2 million UPCs which will enable the Mission to buy another van. Many of the roads on the reservation are hard on the vehicles so the school needs new vans on a regular basis.
Your donations were among those from over 30 different states. The school has used the box tops from General Mills and the UPCs from Campbells for such things as vans, playground equipment, computers, and other supplies.
Thanks for your efforts,
Pastor Edward Busch, for
The Navajo Lutheran Mission
Wilton Dollars for Scholars donations requested.
The Wilton Dollars for Scholars organization is seeking donations for its scholarship fund. The organization provides college scholarships for Wilton High School graduates. If you would like to make a donation, please sent it to: Wilton Dollars for Scholars PO Box 392 Wilton, ND 58579.
MARCH 2014 Sunne Evangelical Lutheran Church
PO Box 217 Wilton, North Dakota
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / SaturdayThe names on the calendar are to remind us to pray for one another. / 1
Travis Schmitt
8:30 am Communion Service
9:30 am Sunday School/Conf.
10:30 am Communion Service / 3
Alicia Schmitt / 4
Anthea Schmitt / 5 Ash Wednesday
Soup & Sandwiches 6:30 pm
Worship 7:30 pm
Avrianna Schmitt / 6
10 am-3 pm
John Schneider / 7
Valdine Schneider / 8
Roger Schroeder
8:30 am Worship Service
9:30 am Sunday School/Conf.
9:30 am WELCA Bible Study
10:30 am Worship Service / 10
Todd Schroeder / 11
Michelle Schroeder / 12
Soup & Sandwiches 6:30 pm
Lenten Worship 7:30 pm
Council Mtg. 8 pm
Chantal Schroeder / 13
10 am-3 pm
Chase Schroeder / 14
Ashton Schroeder / 15
Louella Schuler
8:30 am Communion Service
9:30 am Sunday School/Conf
10:30 am Communion Service
11:30 to 2 Glenn Herdebu Benefit / 17
Stacy Schuler / 18
Brenda Schuler / 19
Soup & Sandwiches 6:30 pm
Lenten Worship
7:30 pm
Danielle Schuler / 20
10 am-3 pm
Madison Schuler / 21
JoAnn Schumacher / 22
Jamie Schurhamer
8:30 am Worship Service
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service / 24
Nicole Schurhamer / 25
Tatelyn Schurhamer / 26
Soup & Sandwiches 6:30 pm
Lenten Worship
7:30 pm
Taryn Schurhamer / 27
10 am-3 pm
Marcia Shepherd / 28
Kerrie Shepherd / 29
Tim Silliman
8:30 am Worship Service
9:30 am Sunday School/Conf
10:30 am Worship Service / 31
Susie Silliman
Pastor Paul Schauer: 734-6485 office, 391-0584 cell phone, 734-6605 home