St. Mary’s Navilleton Parish Council Meeting Minutes for 1-21-10
The meeting opened with a prayer.
Present: Fr. Pius Poff, Phil Kiesler, Kristin Naville, Brent Naville, Sally Taylor, Stephen Price, Jamie Schilmiller, Mary Drury, Krista Yankey
Not Present: Leo Messmer, Gary Schmidt, Brian Zipperle, Sheila Zoll, Kathy Harbeson, Sam Smith, Ethan Schmidt, Butch Krieger
Spiritual Life: vacant
Stewardship: No Report
Social Justice: No Report
St. Anne’s: A meeting was held on 12-7-09. The committee would like to generate new interest in the St. Anne’s Alter Society and plan to have a meeting to schedule tentative dates for possible parish activities. The meeting will be held on the first Wednesday of the month in the Parish Residence from 6:30-8:00pm which will include crafts and social time. The next meeting will be held on 2-3-10.
Holy Name: The new officers take over. All went well with Operation Santa Claus and all involved were thanked. A meeting held at Chapel HillChurch was held. A date has not been set as of yet for the Lenten breakfast. There was discussion on the result and impart of the recent financial audit done by Monroe Shine. Paul Ulrich will discuss the concerns with the financial committee and will return in February meeting to report.
Finance: The committee reviewed the finance notes. Parish finances appear to be holding up well. Collections are in line with the budget and expenses are slightly below. No major offenses with the parish audit.
Youth Ministry: Brent and Kristen Naville announced to the committee that they will be resigning their position as Youth Minister. Effective date will be 2-2-10.
Pastoral Report: Fr. Pius
1. Gaylord: Lighting is now complete. The job was approved and code was met.
2. On 12-2-09 a building inspection was conducted by Doug Fairly and everything was complete and met code.
3. BellTower: There will be no new steeple. The building cannot hold the weight for a new steeple.
4. Groups committee meeting reported that they will be completing one job at-a-time before moving on to the next project. The first project will be a new roof and are in the process of reviewing bids.
5. Christmas liturgy went very well and had good attendance.
6. The Open House that was held on 12-11-09 was a success and was well attended.
7. Jeremy Schickle will be in charge of getting the church a new sign with the current mass schedules.
8. Feb 6 & 7th is Catholic Schools week.
9. Feb 14th “Rite of sending RCIA” at 8:30am mass.
10. Feb 21st St. Mary’s Navilleton will be hosting a youth mass at 6pm followed by a dodge ball tournament at the ActivityCenter.
11. On Fridays during lent there will be “Ways of the Cross” held at 7:00pm at St. Mary’s Navilleton.
12. There will be 8 students making their first reconciliation on Sunday 3-6-10 at 9:30am.
13. There will be a meeting on 3-9-10 at 7-8:30pmat Holy Family. Jay Merser will conduct the meeting.
14. St. Anne’s Society will host a dance on 3-6-10 from 8:00p – 12:00m at St. Mary’s Navilleton.
15. Lenten Communal Service at St. Mary’s Navilleton will be held on 3-15-10.
16. Christ Our Hope Campaign goal is $24,113.00, already pledged $15,295.00, funds already received $5297.00.
The meeting closed with a prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Krista Yankey