Human Genome Project and Gene Therapy Overview


*An international effort among scientists to make a map of all of the human genes.

Go to and watch the video on the human genome project. You can also google “Exploring Our Molecular Selves Human Genome Project.” Answer the following questions as you watch.

1.  Does every cell in your body contain ALL of your genes?


2.  What do we call the complete set of all of our genes?


3.  What are our chromosomes made of?

DNA and Protein

4.  Who does DNA give its message to?


5.  Where does the mRNA go when it leaves the nucleus?

To the ribosome

6.  What is built at the ribosome?


7.  Name two things that proteins can do/be?

Enzymes, Hormones, Transport Proteins in the Cell Membrane

8.  How many letters (nitrogen bases) have scientists “read” to help map the human genome?

3 billion

9.  “Different genes can influence your looks, personality and your risk for _diseases______, like ___cancer______and heart disease.”

Go to

1.  What was the human genome project?

An international effort to sequence and map all of the genes in the human body

2.  What were the goals of the human genome project?

To identify all of the human genes

To create a data base of the genes

To study diseases


*Inserting a healthy gene into an individual who has a faulty gene.

Now that all of the genes in the human genome have been mapped, scientists and doctors can use this information to perform GENE THERAPY.

1.  Read the Case study on Rhys Evans (I gave it to you as a handout).

  1. What is SCID?

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome – When a person has no immune system

  1. Where did doctors put the healthy (appropriate gene) in Rhys’ body?

His Bone Marrow

  1. Was Rhys’ gene therapy successful?


  1. What happened to the French boys who underwent the same gene therapy?

They got cancer

  1. Explain how the inserted gene caused cancer.

It interrupted the gene that controls mitosis (the cell cycle) so cells divided uncontrollably

  1. How did these two boys influence the future of gene therapy with this type of virus?

They caused it to stop

2.  Watch the video on Gene Therapy –

You can also google the following, and choose the first video.

“Understanding: Gene Therapy Treatment: How Stuff Works”

a.  What was wrong with John Scanlon’s heart?

His arteries were almost completely blocked

b.  How did doctors deliver the VEG2F gene into his heart?

A needle

c.  What did the gene do for John Scanlon?

Helped him grow new blood vessels

d.  Was this gene therapy treatment successful?



*Creating a DNA fingerprint using a gel chamber.

Make a prediction:

1.  How do you think you could figure out the lengths of the strands in the tube of DNA?

Compare them to each other

Go through the simulation:

2.  What is the process called in which we measure the DNA microscopically?

Gel Electrophoresis

3.  What is the “gel”?

A filter that separates the DNA strands, it’s like a sponge made of jello

4.  Write down the step of gel electrophoreses

a.  Set up the gel apparatus

b.  Load the DNA into the wells

c.  Turn on the current in the gel chamber

d.  Stain it

5.  What does the current do the DNA samples?

Causes the DNA to move across the gel

6.  What kinds of strand move quickly and further down the gel?

Shorter Strands

7.  What kinds of strand move slower and lag behind?


8.  What about the strand that are the same length?

They will move the same distance

9.  What helps us see the DNA strand in the gel?

Staining it

10.  What are the ingredients to make a gel? Make your Gel!

Agarose, Buffer

11.  Load the Gel with the DNA!

12.  After you load the DNA sample into the tray, what is the next step?

Turn on the gel chamber

13.  How do you know current is running through the gel?


14.  After the gel is done, what must you do to it before you can analyze your results?

Stain it

15.  How long does this process take?


16.  What type of light do you use to view the gel? Is it safe and what precautions would you might need to use? UV

17.  In the space at rightdraw your gel

18.  Write your size estimates below:

  1. Strand 1______
  1. Strand 2 ______
  1. Strand 3 ______

19.  Could you list one reason why we would run a Gel electrophoresis on someone and explain your answer.

To determine if a suspect for a crime matches the DNA found at the crime scene.