Sexual assault activities performance and reporting requirements
Frequently asked questions



Service delivery tracking

Sexual Assault Activities

Frequently asked questions

1.Which organisations may find these FAQs helpful?

2.The targets for my organisation do not look right. Who can I discuss this with?

3.Do I still need to report through Integrated Reports and Information System (IRIS) and other reporting systems?

4.Where can I find further information on funded activities reported via the service delivery tracking system?

5.Is there other information I can use to assist me with counting rules?

6.When should organisations submit their data through the service delivery tracking process?

7.Sexual Assault Support Services (31235)

8.Sexually Abusive Behaviour Treatment Services (31242)


Service delivery tracking

In 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services (the department) introduced an online service delivery tracking process which involves organisations accounting for monthly service delivery against their service agreement target. This ensures that both the organisation and the department have a shared view of service delivery in a timely and regular manner. This supports organisations in managing their progress towards meeting agreed targets, and assists the department to manage its reporting commitments.

For further information about the service delivery tracking refer to Service Delivery Tracking online process frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the Funded Agency Channel <

Sexual Assault Activities

  • Sexual Assault Support Services (31235)
  • Sexually Abusive Behaviour Treatment Services (31242)

Frequently asked questions

1.Which organisations may find these FAQs helpful?

This information may be helpful to organisations funded to deliver any of the above activities.

2.The targets for my organisation do not look right. Who can I discuss this with?

If you have any queries about your targets, please discuss it with your departmental contact.

3.Do I still need to report throughIntegrated Reports and Information System (IRIS) and other reporting systems?

Yes, the reporting requirements remain unchanged and organisations will still need to submit their data to these reporting systems.

For those reporting to IRIS refer to Funded Agency Channel about reporting requirements.

For those reporting to other reporting systems please refer to the Policy and Funding Guidelines <

4.Where can I find further information on funded activities reported via the service delivery tracking system?

The activity descriptions in the Volume 3 of the Policy and Funding Guidelines include information regarding performance measures and counting rules. These can also be found on the Funded Agency Channel.

5.Is there other information I can use to assist me with counting rules?

Yes, ready reckoners have been developed to provide accessible information on counting rules which has been align to this FAQs as well as other FAQs available on Funded Agency Channel <

6.When should organisations submit their data through the service delivery tracking process?

Data for each month must be submitted between the 1st and 10th day of the following month, for example July 2016, data must be submitted between 1 August and 10 August 2016.

7.Sexual Assault Support Services (31235)

7.1What services are provided?

The program provides direct services to adults, young people and children who have experienced sexual assault and their non-family members and support people.Services include crisis care, counselling, casework, advocacy and group work.The crisis care response includes an after-hours telephone service providing counselling, information and coordination of crisis care support.

7.2How is the ‘number of new cases’ counted in service delivery tracking?

Count the number of new cases that are opened during the month.

7.3What is the definition of ‘Number of new cases’?

A new case is when a client receives services from a service provider for the first time within the past three months or when the client moves from crisis support to short, medium or long term casework.

Count a new case when a client:

  • starts casework with this service provider for the first time
  • starts crisis support with this service provider for the first time
  • is moved from crisis support to casework (if that client has not received casework from this service provider within the past three months)
  • presents for services after a previous case has been closed
  • presents for services relating to the same incident of assault, but has not received services from this service provider for three months or more.

Do not count a new case when:

  • a client moves to a new term of casework (for example, from short term casework to long term casework, or medium term casework to long term casework)
  • the client has received the same service from the service provider relating to the same incident within the last three months
  • an existing case carries over into a new financial or calendar year
  • an existing case carries over into a new month.

7.4What is a client?

A client is defined as the primary person (the victim of sexual assault) to whom the service is being delivered.

8.Sexually Abusive Behaviour Treatment Services (31242)

8.1What services are provided?

The programprovides a common assessment of framework, an increased focus on interventions with the child/young person’s family, school and community and collaborative service provision with child protection and police to address the broader needs of children/young people who display problem sexual behaviour or sexually abusive behaviour towards others.

8.2How is the ‘number of new cases’ counted in service delivery tracking?

Count the number of new cases that are opened during the month.

8.3What is the definition of ‘Number of new cases’?

A new case is counted when a client receives services from a service provider for the first time within the past three months.

When to count a new case:

  • When a client receives services from this service provider for the first time
  • When a client presents for services after a previous case has been closed
  • When a client presents for services relating to the same incident, but has not received services from this service provider for three months or more.

When not to count a new case:

  • When the client has received the same service from the service provider relating to the same incident within the last three months
  • When an existing case carries over into a new financial or calendar year
  • When an existing case carries over into a new month.

8.4What is a client?

A client is a child or young person (up to and including those 17 years of age) who display problem sexual behaviour or sexually abusive behaviour to others (but does not have a conviction related to sexual offending).

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Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services, June 2016.
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