Español 2 Semana del 19 al 23 de enero de 2014 * Segundo Semestre*

►lunes 19 de enero

“Día de Martin Luther King, Jr” Día Feriado.

►martes, 20 de enero

-go over this week’s plans together

-recall vocabulary words from pg 124 Chapter 2B

-work on the graphic organizer for the Preterit Tense : The Verb Wheel

-practice how to use it.

Asignación: To better understand the Preterit Tense go online TODAY to:

Know how to pronounce the Preterit Tense by listening to this online link:

Sing and learn the Preterit: “Eye of the Preterit Style”

****All these links will help you prepare for Friday’s Preterit Tense Verb Test!!
►miércoles, 21 de enero

-practice using the Verb Wheel completing statements in the Past Tense.

-watch the video historia from page 104-105 to see if we understand information about shopping.

-complete actividad 3 to check understanding of the video story.

-do the online Activity to double check understanding: Web code: jdd-0213

Asignación: Go back the links about the Preterit tense from Monday and then conjugate these three verbs: estudiar---comer----escribir. Use your Verb wheel. Remember you will have a verb test on Friday on the preterit Tense. You will be able to use your verb wheel!

►jueves, 22 de enero

-more practice with the Preterit Tense

-make a 3 column graphic organizer like in Activity 7 on pg. 107 and copy down the first four in the ¿Quién? Column and then in columns 2 and 3 write what they and (you) buy and how you pay for it. See page 124 for vocabulary words!! Ejemplo:

¿Quién? ¿Qué? ¿Cómo?

Mis hermanos / zapatos deportistas / en efectivo
Mi madre / joyas / con una tarjeta de crédito
Yo / blusa / con un cheque personal
Mis amigos / discos compactos / Con cupón de regalo

Then choose 2 to write sentences in the Past tense using the verb: comprar

Yo compré una blusa con una tarjeta de crédito. Mis amigos compraron unos discos compactos con un cupón de regalo.

-be prepared to share your sentences with the class!!

►viernes, 23 de enero

-further practice with the Preterit Tense using the verb wheel

-respond to Preterit tense of Regular Verbs Test using the Verb wheel.

-After the test, open book on pg. 114, read the Demonstrative Adjective grammar explanation, then copy the chart into your notebook.


Keep practicing with the Preterit Tense and to better understand the Demonstrative Adjectives go online to: Web code: jdd-0215 and also practice using them in this link:

¡¡Eres muy importante para mi!!

“Make good choices today to have a better tomorrow!”