Website Directory ProfileForm: Faculty Members
*After you complete this form, submit it and other attachments (example, profile photo) as part of a singleWebsite Update request on .
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First Name*Include initial if applicable. / John
Last Name / Doe
Credentials / BSc, PhD
Position (Faculty)
*List your Faculty position only. / Professor
Other Affiliations
*List any other non-Faculty positions here if applicable. This includes other UBC positions. / Director of Science Labs, Genome BC; Associate Member, UBC Faculty of Medicine
Photo / *Include as separate attachment. Acceptable file formats are JPEG and PNG. If we already have a photo of you on file that you would like us to use, please let us know. If you require a head shot, please complete the Photography web form.
*Include if applicable. This pertains to units in the Faculty such as Pharmacists Clinic, OEE, CPPD, etc.
Research Areas
*Mark an “X” next to applicable areas. Leave unmarked if you do not conduct research in any of these areas. / Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine / Pharmacology: From Molecules to Systems
Health Outcomes and Epidemiology / Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Genomics and Individualized Therapy
Direct Line / Office Location
*Room number, building name. / Example:
Pharmaceutical Sciences Building
Mobile / Fax
Other website
*Example, a separate lab website.Limit of one.
LinkedIn Profile URL
Twitter Profile URL
C.V. / *Include as separate attachment. Acceptable file format is PDF.
Other Links
*Example, media coverage.Limit of five. Titles cannot exceed 128 characters. / Link titles must be in quotation marks, followed by the corresponding URL.
“Link title.” URL
*Maximum length is 350 words.
*If applicable. Maximum length is 350 words. You can describe any research you do here, even if it doesn’t fall within the five research focus areas.
Selected Publications
*Limit of five. In order starting with most recent. / Include citation information and publication ID for each, if available (DOI, PMID). Also, indicate which research area each publication belongs to, if applicable: Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine, Health Outcomes and Epidemiology, Genomics and Individualized Therapy, Pharmacology: From Molecules to Systems, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Doe J, Smith F. Publication Title: title of a publication. Journal Name 2016. DOI: 10.123/medu.123. Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine.
Selected Awards
*Limit of five. If multiple recipients, bold your name. In order, starting with most recent. / “Award Name.” Recipient (Last Name First Initial). Name of Awarding Agency/Organization. Date Award Received.
"2014 International Pharmacy Award." Smith J. Association of Pharmacy Schools. October 1, 2014.
Selected Grants
*Limit of five. If multiple recipients, bold your name. In order, starting with most recent. / "Project Title.” Investigators (Last Name First Initial with PI in brackets *Bold format Faculty member). Grant Amount ($###,###). Granting Agency. Funding Competition. Timeframe (Year-Year).
"Disease States of Cancer." Doe J (PI), Galvao J (bold format), Smith F. $100,000. CIHR Foundation. Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute Impact Grant. 2014-2020.
Selected Presentations
*Limit of five. If multiple recipients, bold your name. In order, starting with most recent. / “Presentation Title.” Presenter/Author (Last Name First Initial. *Include all presenters/authors, separated by commas, and Bold Format Faculty member). Name of Conference/Forum/Event. Location (City, Province/State/Country). Date (Month Date,Year).
"How to Create Websites." Smith F, Galvao J (bold), Kreger J. Internal Web Developer Conference. Toronto, ON. November 1, 2014.
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