Technology-enhanced Learning - Activity Plan

Name:Md. Akhtar Hossain Kutubi

Grade / Course:Math of Class 11 – Chapter 4 (in Bangladesh)

Length of Activity:60 minutes

Topic of Lesson:Basic of Circle

Lesson Summary:

Students will review thebasics of Circle, specially the diferent equation of Circle.

Lesson Objective:

To provide students with an opportunity to calculate the equations of Circle if there is given some specific data/information and some hands on solutions to work out in classroom.

Resources/Technology – Teacher

Class setting:Whiteboard or Balckboard, Flip Chart board, Graph Board, Flnnel Board, Geometry box, Computer/Laptop/Tab/Smart Phone with necessary softwares, graph paper.

Softwares: Geogebra.

Online Resources:

Resources/Technology – Students

With the students: Computer Lab or Student Laptop or Smart Phone with necessary softwares, access to the Internet, graph paper.

Worksheet: Equations of Circle, Problem sets giving radius and center.

Online Resources:

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students can be ableto –

  • write standard equation of a circle.
  • write equation of a circle which center is at origin and radius is ‘a’.
  • calculate radius and center of a given equation and then can draw the circle.
  • write an equation of a circle if radius and center can be given.

Instructional Activities

Sub Activities / Teacher’s role / Students’ role
Drawing a circle
Time: 5 min /
  • Ask every students to draw a Circle as the like on graph paper and then point out the center (the co-ordinate) drawing x- and y-axes. Ask to mesure the radius.
  • Teacher will show a circle using one of the students’ task putting data on Geogebra.
  • Will be done as per instructions.
  • Students will practise drawing circle on PC/Tab/Phone.

Standard Equation
Time: 15 min /
  • Teacher will demonstrate the Standard Equation of circle with example.
  • Create some Circles on Geogebra and analyse the equations.
  • Ask students to practise (at least 2 by each Student)
  • Students will practise drawing circle on PC/Tab/Phone.

Creating Equation with given radius withcenter at origin
Time: 10 min /
  • Use Geogebra to make some problem sets to demostrate by teacher first.
  • Then ask SSs to do 2 solution of problems by each pair.
  • Solution by pairs on their note book and check with neighbour pairs.
  • Placing tasks on Flnnel Board for sharing

Creating Equation with given radius and center
Time: 10 min /
  • Use Geogebra to make some problem sets to demostrate by teacher first.
  • Then ask SSs to do 2 solution of problems by each pair.
  • Solution by pairs on their note book and check with neighbour pairs.
  • Placing tasks on Flnnel Board for sharing

Time: 10 min /
  • Interection among students and teachers if there is any thing to be discussed more
  • Review with internet resources.
  • Provide some Offline resources if possible.
  • Discussion
  • Internet search
  • Offline resource review

Fun with Quiz
Time: 10 min / Making an opportunity to play Quiz among students. / Quiz developed by Students and asking in groups.

Learner Assessment

  • Student willsolve 3 types of tasks given by teacher.
  • Online assessment tasks using Interactive Learning Tools like Kahoot, Quizlet and offline tools like ‘Hot Potatoes’.