Board Members:David GrantChairPenny Coburn
Tom PotterVice ChairBill Roberton
Robin GrantTreasurerIan McLaren
Alistair BarrieGavin Stewart
Helen ArchibaldLindsay Darroch
CHA Staff:Julie CosgroveChief ExecutiveAndrew KilpatrickAsset Management Director
Ron HunterFinance DirectorGarry SavageBusiness Services Director
Jenny DaltonExecutive Officer (Minutes)
Apologies:Elaine O’Brien
BUSINESS ITEM / ISSUE / DISCUSSIONS AND DECISIONSDeclaration of Interest / There were no declarations of interest.
Performance Indicator Review` / The Business Services Director advised that the Management Team Forum (MTF) had met in March to review each indicator within the scorecard and that the appendix to the report summarised the outcome of this exercise. The report outlined five new indicators to be included in future reports and four existing indicators that it was proposed to delete.
After discussion, the Board APPROVED the revised set of indicators and targets with the exception of measure No. 1 which it was agreed should have a zero target to reflect the Association’s commitment to high standards in equalities practices.
Control of Payments and Benefits / The Board HOMOLOGATED the decision taken by the Chair and Penny Coburn to approve the offer of a Tenancy Agreement as outlined in the report.
Group Partnership with Cordale – New Housing Development Programme / The Asset Management Director advised that future progress updates on these projects would be included in the standard Development and Planned Maintenance Progress Reports. A full project risk appraisal would be prepared for Board approval once approximate costs were known.
National Housing Trust / The Board APPROVED the recommendation to proceed with the provision of management and maintenance services delivered through Caledonia Ventures Ltd for this project, subject to Board approval of the final contract at a later date.
Redundancy Policy / Helen Archibald advised that she had a number of comments to make on this policy and would pass these to the HR Manager. The Board APPROVED the Redundancy Policy subject to Helen Archibald’s comments being taken into account.
Estate Management Policy / The Chief Executive outlined the issues considered and put forward for inclusion in the policy following the tenants’ consultation exercise. The Board then APPROVED the revised Estate Management Policy.