Curriculum Overview 2017 / 2018
Year 6 – Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria
AUTUMNBritain 1930 - 1960 / SPRING
Amazing Americas / SUMMER
The Mayans
Hindleap Residential : Beginning of 2nd half term / Work to SATs
Wisley visit – Glass house / SATs
Leavers’ production
Leavers Trip
Literacy / Literacy / Literacy
Literacy linked to topic work / Literacy linked to topic work / Literacy linked to topic work
Linked Texts
“Goodnight Mr Tom” / Linked Texts:
“Holes” / Linked Texts:
Numeracy / Numeracy / Numeracy
Multiplication, Place value, Addition, Rounding, Decimals, Subtraction, Shape and angles, Fractions, Factors and Prime numbers, Area, Perimeter, Volume, Co-ordinates, Problem solving/reasoning / Negative numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Statistics, Measures, Multiplication, Percentages, Division, Algebra, Ratio, Frequency tables, bar charts, line graphs, Mode, mean, Range, Problem solving/reasoning. / Times tables
SATs revision
Application of maths skills across the curriculum and within a range of practical settings/contexts.
History / History / History
The impact of World War Two
Life in post-war Britain
Leisure and entertainment / The Mayans
Geography / Geography / Geography
Biome and vegetation belt Map of N&S America, then focus on South showing environmental and physical regions, countries and major cities. Also cover latitude, longitude, Tropics and time zones and climate zones / Map work – coordinates, direction, points of interest
UK focus:
Economic activities/trade routes,major industrial cities, railway networks, food distribution and supply.
Science / Science / Science
(Faraday & Edison) / Classification
Evolution and adaptation
Also inheritance – how humans have changed / Human body, diet circulation (Sex education) micro-organisms, eating healthily
Art / Art / Art
Clarice Cliff
Observational drawing/line and tone / Pop Art! / Mayan symbolism
DT / DT / DT
Lighthouse – link to electricity in Science / Bread making
Cook a South American savoury dish (with a twist) eg. chocolate chilli (Mayan choc) with a rainforest salad / Design and make a healthy snack bar
(Make something savoury using produce grown in autumn)
Iprogram (6 weeks)
IAlgorithm (3 wks) / Iprogram part 1 (8 wks) / Iprogram part 2 (6 wks)
Iweb (5 wks)
PE / PE / PE
Dance/gymnastics / Hockey/tennis
Dance/gymnastics / Athletics/Striking and fielding
RE / RE / RE
How do religions celebrate milestones in life?
Living together in one world
What can we find out about the birth of Jesus? / What is a church?
Why did Jesus die? / What do Muslims believe?
What are the pillars of Islam?
Music / Music / Music
Harvest & Christmas performances
Music from the 1960’s
Dancing in the street / “Charanga”
Mother’s Day & Easter assemblies
American Rap/Fresh Prince of Bel Air / “Charanga”
Leavers’ play
Hindleap Residential
Bike- ability [Charged]
Democracy: School Council elections
School roles of responsibility
Tolerance/respect within RE / Friendships
Tolerance/respect within RE / Sex Ed
Preparing for change/new school/Transition
Tolerance/respect within RE
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