Incline exhibition
Job Role / Function illustrated / Associated objects / QueriesHanger-on /
- Attaching and detaching trucks to the cable
- Moving signal to indicate to the engine shed to standby, go, stop
- Potentially the goods transported?
- Spragging- to brake the wheel
- Tapered cables
- Trucks
- Leather leggings
(Middleton Top)
Pointsman /
- Points had to be moved to enable the descending coaches to bypass the catch pit
- The gong triggered as a warning of speed of travel
- A new post! After accidents the catch pit was installed. Runaway 1888- chains broke 120mph estimated when it crashed
- Up track left, down track right
- Number of trucks moving up and down each day
Lengthsman /
- The chain 1830s-50s (how it was inefficient using lots of coal) then hemp rope and cable once incline was combined in1850s. How these needed to be checked for wear. 2640 yards
- The need to lever the original track together
- 600 bits of track replaced every month
- Potentially repair the trucks
- Fish bellied track sections
- Stone sleepers in building wall
- Jack (Middleton Top)
Engine Man /
- Counterbalancing trucks to minimise strain on engine. Ideally used engine more as brake than power
- maximum two full and five empty
- Keeping the moving parts greased
Fire Man /
- To keep fires lit in the boilers
Possible extras:
- Filling up water tanks (converted tenders) to take up to the engine house pond, and Middleton Top and Longcliffe to isolated farms (100 deliveries a month)
Cleaner /
- Removing ash from the boilers
- Repairs needed to engine
Person at Dingle /
- Levering cable with a ‘donkey’ back over guide wheels when it pinged off
Fireman shunter? /
- Only position of its sort in the country.
- Hubert Doxey was reprimanded by management from London who thought he was acting above his station moving train after seeing him firing engine.
- The need to transfer the goods from canal boat to truck. Extension of the canal network
Draw to Middelton Top. Encourage use of audio tour