Horn Park Primary
School Council Action Plan
2017 - 2018
Overall aims
  • To increase child understanding of a healthy lifestyle
  • To continue to increase children’s participation in sport
  • To organise whole school events to raise money for charity
  • Todevelop links with the wider community
  • To embed principles and practice ‘mindfulness’ in classes

Strategic Aim / Key tasks / Accountabilities and timescales / Desired impact
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
To increase child understanding of a healthy lifestyle /
  • Create a healthy schools display in the cookery room to share photos and pupil voice about healthy eating
  • Introduce whole school weekly healthy challenges in assemblies
  • Organise weekly fruit tuck or fruit smoothies for children to purchase
/ SC/SR/CT’s

/ Children across the school will participate in weekly healthy challenges.
Children understand the importance of healthy life styles and can confidently explain how exercise affects the body.
Children’s engaging in sporting activities will increase.
To organise and participate in cross partnership sport events /
  • Organise sport tournaments and competitions across the partnership
  • Introduce new sports after school clubs such as volleyball and basketball
/ RH
RH / RH / RH / Children will participate in competitive sports across the compass of schools
Children’s engagement in sports will increase and they will be confident to talk about the effects of exercise on their bodies.
Children will feel more active and engage in a range of sports.
To support in organising whole school events /
  • Children to support in the organisation of a range of whole school events including International Evening, Summer Fair and Year Six disco
  • Children to feedback during school council meetings ideas discussed within their classes
/ SR/SC / / School Council will take responsibility in the planning of whole school events which will help develop their role across the school.
To organise events to help raise money for charity /
  • Organise events to raise money such as ‘Teacher Bake Off’
  • Speakers from charities to come in and talk about their work
  • Children to vote for their chosen charities
  • Whole school fundraising events such as Race for Life
  • Children to partake in cake sales to raise money for chosen charities
/ SC/SR / SC/SR / Children will partake in fundraising events to raise money for charities voted for by them as a school
Children will have empathy and understand the importance of helping others.
To organise enterprise events to enable children to produce and sell items to make profit /
  • Children to decide what items they wish to make
  • Set up a lunch time club whereby children use materials to produce items to sell
  • Organise weekly after school drop ins whereby children and parents can purchase items made
SR/IG / Children will be provided with the opportunities to think and act in enterprising ways, anddevelop skills essential for business, such as solving problems, making decisions and assessing risk.
To develop links with the wider community /
  • Create links to our wider community including care homes and hospitals
  • Children to visit people in our community on a termly basis
  • Establish links to businesses in the area
SR/SC/IG/CM / Children will engage in the wider community and support a wide range of people.
To introduce mindfulness using a whole school approach /
  • Include mindfulness into weekly timetables
  • Establish a mindfulness ambassador for each class to support in promoting mindfulness
  • Create a whole school mindfulness activity book of activities
  • Share names of apps on the ipad that can be incorporated into daily mindfulness sessions
/ SR
SR/SC/IG / Children will partake in daily mindfulness sessions and their wellbeing and mental health will be increased.
Children will form positive relationships with their peers and adults within the school.