Cyngor Cymuned Aberporth Community Council

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The May meeting of the above named community council was held at Aberporth Village Hall on Tuesday 19th May 2015 at 7:30pm after the AGM. The Chairman, Cllr Mike Harwood, presided.

Present: Cllr Jann Tucker, Cllr Hywel Evans, Cllr Dai Ogilvie, Cllr Richard Williams, Cllr Arthur Richards, Cllr Anne McCreary, Cllr June Allen, Cllr Gethin Davies, Cllr Gethin JAMes, Vanessa Owens (Clerk) and Sue Lewis (Press).

1.  Apologies/Personal matters

Ymddiheuriadau/Materion Personol


Apologies were received from Cllr Colin Evans

2.  To disclose personal and pecuniary interests in items of business listed below

Datgelu diddordeb personol ac ariannol dan eitemau busnes sydd wedi eu rhestru isod

3.  Confirmation and signing of previous minutes

Cadarnhau a llofnodi cofnodion y cyfarfod diwethaf


Cllr Arthur Richards proposed that the minutes of the April meeting be accepted as correct; this was seconded by Cllr Hywel Evans and passed unanimously.

4.  Financial business

Busnes Ariannol


Items for payment:

£578.00 EPL Designs

£2500 Paul Clarke

£77.11 Cllr McCreary

£171.32 Paul Clarke

£36.08 TVBS


5.  Notified Business

Busnes a rag-hysbyswyd


Cllr Gethin James provided an update on a recent community speed awareness meeting which had been organised by PCSO Hedydd Llywellyn; a few volunteers had signed up and Alan Pegram had agreed to co-ordinate with support from Gilly Llywellyn. Cllr James explained how the project will operate and that the first location to be targeted is opposite Aberporth school; three members of the team will be monitoring speeds on the school hill at key times; note down registration number and time of speeding and people will receive a letter, if caught again will receive a further letter; the driver cant be prosecuted by information supplied but a a third event would prompt police to come along.

Councillors agreed tha this was a good initiative and suggested other locations as Tresaith Road and Blaenporth.

Cllr Dai Ogilvie felt it was necessary to promote that this project will be operating in our Ward.

Cllr Gethin James suggested that signs to raise awareness similar to neighbourhood watch would be a good idea.

Cllr June Allen was keen that Blaenporth be involved.

PCSO Hedydd Llywellyn to be invited to come to a community council meeting.


Invitation to Flying Start’s Reference Group meeting on Friday 22nd May at Canolfan Tegryn. Cllr Anne McCreary to attend.

Cllr Gethin James enquired if the community council had been invited to Ceredigion County Council AGM; Clerk had not received any details.


VJ Day arrangements for August 15th were discussed: Cllr Gethin Davies advised that he beacon needs some repairs. It was suggested to hold a fundraising pig roast event. The next meeting of the British Legion is 18th June at 3pm. Clerk to organise any relevant flags.

Cllr Hywel Evans noted the British Legion thanks for the VE day flag and noted that although it had been short notice the event had a good turn out and a nice evening.


Improvement Plan - Objectives Consultation 2015-16 had been received from Ceredigion County Council. Cllr Arthur Richards had read through it and felt there was nothing to comment.


Minutes Ref: 4

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Letter from Ceredigion County Council regarding the final review of the standardisation of welsh place names: Aberporth – changed to Aber-porth

Blaenporth – changed to Blaen-porth

Parcllyn – changed to Parc-llyn

Blaenannerch – no change

Cllr Jann Tucker proposed to respond saying we don’t see the need for change; seconded by Cllr Gethin James and agreed unanimously.

Cllr Gethin James noted the implications as a huge knock on effect with people searching on websites.


Welsh Government News: Lest we forget: Communities urged to apply for war memorial grant; email provided information on different grants with funding up to 70% of eligible cost and up to a maximum of £10,000 to conserve all types of war memorials.

Clerk suggested a separate committee to establish a project and review which grant is suitable.

Clerk to contact Jim Ramsbottom and arrange a meeting as soon as possible.


An Email had been received from Mr Paul Jarvis regarding speeds of traffic on the bottom bend of Rhiw Rofft and suggesting signs as well as signage for dogs on the beach.

Cllr Gethin Davies noted that there is a sign at bottom of Rhiw Rofft but it is very faded; it was agreed to ask for replacement. It was also noted that there are proposals to put in place a 20mph restriction in this area.


Ceredigion Joint Community Safety Public Engagement event will be held on June 10th, 2015 in the Council Chamber, Penmorfa, Aberaeron from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.


RAY Ceredigion Children and Young Peoples Annual Festival Wednesday 5th August 2015


Request received from Sarah Tarbutt that the community council contact the solar panel company and request community payment. Cllr Gethin James noted that the solar project is now up and running and now is probably best time to write to the company.

6.  Reports


Clerks Report/Adroddiad y Clerc


Clerk has emailed Ceredigion County Council regarding the vacancy and notices are to be sent in the next few days.


Lets Talk Health meeting to be held at Cardigan Guild Hall 21st May 2-4pm


Menter Aberteifi AGM Tuesday June 16th, 2015 7.00 pm, The Guildhall, Cardigan


Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013 (Commencement No. 2) Order 2015 is coming into force: Following commencement of sections 55 - 57 of the 2013 Act, Community and Town Councils will be required to publish certain information electronically (i.e. on a website). This includes information about the council’s clerk and members, minutes of council meetings and any audited statement of the council’s accounts. Community and Town Councils will be required to publish public notices electronically, and to make certain information about their meetings and proceedings available electronically.

Cllr Arthur Richards had reviewed the document and advised that it requires councillors to provide political affiliation and also needs to note whether they are elected/co-opted members. Community Council is already meeting most of the requirements.


Cardigan Traffic Management meeting Wednesday, 27th of May 2015 at 10.00am (location to be confirmed).


Application made for a defibrillator to be located at the Ship Inn, Aberporth


Minutes Ref:5

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Cllr Dai Ogilvie advised that Cliand Computers had been out to install secondary box and the broadband connection was not working. Clerk to make enquiries with BT.


Email had been received from Cliff Bates of Ceredigion County Council to advise that new bilingual signs are to be placed at all coastal locations; the email included a request for locating new posts which has been forwarded to the village hall. Cllr Dai Ogilvie to arrange a response.

The issues of dog signs for the village were discussed: a check on all signs is being done including dog signs and it was agreed to place clearer signage regarding dogs using the beaches.

Cllr Gething Davies suggested a stainless sign into rocks; it was agreed that this was village hall land so Dai Ogilvie to action.


Cllr Dai Ogilvie to arrange getting signs for the playgrounds.

Beaches/ Traethau


It was felt that the boats and old water craft left in the hedge on the Safe Route to School path need to be removed and the area tidied up. It was noted that there may be issues with not knowing ownership


Ceredigion County Council had been noticed spraying and Cllr Gethin Davies to speak to contractors regarding spraying other areas.



Observations of the planning committee were noted

A150107 - Variation of Condition on Planning Permission D1/1300/88 to extend the opening period - Llety Caravan Park, Tresaith, Cardigan

A150211 Cwmporthman, Aberporth, Cardigan

A150263 Rhosygadair Fawr, Blaenannerch

A150105 - Erection of an extension - 33 Clos y Fferm, Aberporth, Cardigan

A150170 - Crib y Gwynt, Tanygroes, Cardigan

There were no observations.


It was agreed that there was a need to review how Councillors view the applications now they are received electronically. Printing the information off on A4 does not provide good information. Once the wifi access into the Jubilee Hall is rectified then it is possible to use the projector for planning purposes.


Cllr Gethin James had been in touch with Planning Department to see if there are any breaches in planning with respect to Penrallt Hotel selling chalets/bungalowsand issues of any residency restrictions. He has requested planners to look at files and check permissions to see if there are any conditions. He had concerns that the new company are asset stripping the business.



£ 40647.57 received from Ceredigion County Council – precept

£200.00 received from Mr James Lynch as a thank you for allowing him access to excavate his property.

£239.00 received from the estate of Miss Elphinstone



Cllr Gethin James noted that as pedestrians pass the swing park there is a drop kerb to come off the pavement but it is not accessible due to cars parking there; it was agreed to enquire about double yellow lines to protect this area.

Streetlighting/Golau stryd

Footpaths & Maintenance/Llwybrau Troed a Chynnal a Chadw


Tim Ogilvie is making repairs to the benches along the Safe Route to School.

The benches over Penrhodyn side of the village need to be sandblasted and repainted and all the wood needs to be replaced. It was agreed to renovate these after the summer.

It was agreed to ask Tim Ogilvie to do the benches at Rhiw Rofft and Parcllyn


Minutes Ref: 6

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Cllr June Allen had been advised by a local rambler that trees have been cut down and blocking the pathway at the poets trail in Blaenannerch. This path is the responsibility of the landowner and community council to review to see situation when their work has been completed.

Emergency Plan Committee/Pwyllgor Cynllun Argyfwng

Procedures Review Committee/Pwyllgor Adoygu Trefn - Community Welcome Audit/Archwiliad Croeso Cymuned

Tidy Towns/Trefi Taclus

Food Co-operative Report/Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Bwyd Cydweithrol


The food cooperative is continually busy. Are experiencing problems with fish delivery and RRU are trying to source a supplier from Cardigan.

Maritime Project


The project is on target form completion. Cllr Anne McCreary reported that the budget is very tight and requested £617 from the noticeboard budget to complete the information panels. This was agreed unanimously.

Update on the project was provided:

Launch is to be held on 7th June; Vicar doing dedication; reading of poems; unveiling of plaques; Roger Chairman of FLAG will “launch” the ship with a bottle of bubbly.

Food co-op making cakes; Childrens entertainer sorted; sound system and balloons all organised.

Chair of county council Gill Hopley and Mark Williams are attending; Elin Jones AM sends her apologies.

Tidying up of the Safe Route to School needs to be completed.

A proposal to compensate Cllr Gethin Davies for some of the time he has put in to the project this month was discussed and Clerk to take advice from One Voice Wales.

Chairmans Report/Adroddiad y Cadeirydd

Committee Representative Reports/Adroddiadau Cynrychioliadol y Pwyllgor



Thank you letter from Aberporth Youth Club

Clerks and Councils Direct

Thank you letter from Aberporth Bilingual playgroup


National Children's Day UK 2015

Regional Bulletin Simon Thomas AC/AM

Information from OVW: Abolition of the Paper Counterpart to the Photocard Driving Licence; workshop for theCommunities Sectoral Adaptation Planwill take place onMonday 15th June, between10am-3.30pm,inCardiff University; Community Asset Transfer; Natural Resource Management Bulletin – April 2015; Positive Planning: Planning (Wales) Bill; Trustee Shared Learning Seminar; Land Transaction Tax; One Voice Wales Response to the White Paper, Reforming Local Government: Power to the People; Housing for All in Ceredigion; Code of Practice on Workforce Matters; Programme 2015 for Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918;


Correspondence was noted.

7.  Review Diary

Adolygu Dyddiadur


Date to be agreed for a Highways meeting in June

8.  Emergency Any Other Business

Unrhyw Faterion Brys Arall


Agreed to send a letter to Gary Griffiths Ceredigion County Council to thank him for the work putting in the drop kerbs in Parcllyn

9.  Date of next meeting

Dyddiad y Cyfarfod Nesaf


Date of next meeting is Tuesday 16th June 2015


There being no further business the meeting was closed 8:30pm


Minutes Ref: 7