Algebra 1 / Mr. Spear
1st Semester / e-mail:
Room 131 / Ph: 717-1212 (w) 490-0641 (h)

Course/Program Description

Welcome to Algebra 1! This class meets daily for one semester. We will learn various properties of real numbers, build upon them and apply them to solve equations, inequalities, and real world situations.

Materials/Textbook Information

We will use Holt-Algebra 1, chapters 7-12 with online access via We will use TI-83, TI-83 Plus, or TI-84 graphing calculators in class. A graphing calculator is also available on your laptop. If you are able to provide your own graphing calculator I encourage it, but it is not a necessity

Course Requirements/Objectives

1.  Students will learn zero and negative exponents, and solve exponential equations. We will apply this knowledge to scientific notation. Students will learn about products and quotients of exponents and raising exponential powers to a power. We will evaluate and graph exponential graphs and use this knowledge to model exponential growth and decay.

2.  Students will learn terminology relative to polynomials. We will combine monomials, binomials, and polynomials using addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Students will break polynomials into factors, or factoring, using special patterns or grouping.

3.  Students will build upon their knowledge of linear equations and inequalities to quadratic, or second degree, equations. Methods include factoring, completing the square, and the quadratic formula. Students will use the determinant of a quadratic to determine types of solutions. Finally, students will apply this knowledge to choose a model that best fits a set of data.

4.  Students will use algebraic and geometric applications to simplify and combine radical expressions. Major applications include the Pythagorean Theorem, Distance and Mid-point formulas, and solving special triangles. Students will also graph and translate radical equations. Students will also generalize properties of right triangles into trigonometric ratios which are then used to solve right triangles. Applications will include angles of elevation and depression.

5.  Students will examine various aspects of rational functions. We will study inverse variation both as an equation and as a graph. Then graphing, simplifying, and combining rational expressions are examined and applied to solving problems. We will then solve rational equations using concepts we have learned before, such as factoring. In closing, we will study permutations and combinations, applying them to different problems.

Student Performance Objectives and Course Requirements

Each course objective will be covered in an approximate 2 week span. Homework will be assigned daily with one to two quizzes per objective and one test.

Attendance is a must for math as what is learned on Tuesday must be known to learn what is to be learned on Wednesday. I do encourage every student to see me ASAP if any additional help is needed.

Class Procedures and Rules

Naturally, school rules in the student handbook will be followed and enforced.

Students are to have all necessary materials at their desks when the bell rings or be subject to a tardy.

I expect students to respect any teacher, other students, and themselves.

I will assign weekly performance or behavior goals, if it is met, the class will be rewarded.

I do not allow food or beverages in the classroom with the exception of water (no vitamin water).

Laptop and Internet Procedures

Students will bring laptops daily, but they must remain under your desk until instructed otherwise, we will only use laptops for specific reasons. Anytime laptops are used for a class activity or assignment, students are to connect to Synchroneyes.

Homework Procedures

Homework will be assigned daily and be due the next school day at the beginning of class. All assignments must be completed with pencil with answers clearly circled. Occasionally we will have a 1 minute homework quiz in which you simply copy your answers to selected problems. Classroom notes and problems of the day must be completed daily and will be collected graded at each chapter test.

Assessment Plan

Quarterly Grade: Homework 50%, Tests 45%, Quizzes 5%

Semester Grade: Grades will run continuously with your final quarter grade counting for 90% and semester test counting for 10%.

Letter grades for the course are determined by the school wide-grading scale outlined below, with grades are rounded to the nearest whole percent:

96-100 A / 92-95 A- / 89-91 B+ / 86-88 B
83-85 B- / 79-82 C+ / 76-78 C / 73-75 C-
69-72 D+ / 65-68 D / 60-64 D- / 0-59 F

Make Up Work

Any homework not turned in when due will be considered late. Late homework received before the given chapter test will receive 80% credit; late homework received after the chapter test will receive 60% credit. Any homework missed because of an excused absence must be turned in the next class period to not be considered late.

Tests or quizzes missed must be made up during Spartan Time, before school, or after school.

All assignments will be posted on my website:

General Information

I encourage any and all students to take advantage of Spartan time to come see me. I also encourage you to work with other students or teachers if you find that helpful.