"Guys & Dolls"

Attached are short scenes from the play "Guys & Dolls" to be used for your audition.

You should read all of these scenes and pick the one that you like the best. You do not need to memorize the scene but you will do much better if you are very, very familiar with the lines.

It doesn't matter which character/scene you read -- pick one that you feel you can do very well. We will decide what role we will give you based on your singing dancing and acting audition. (There is a place on the Audition Form to tell us which character you would like to be.)

Side 1- Sky and Sarah

Sky:Doyou takesinnershere?

Sarah:Indeed wedo!Didn’t Iseeyoualittle whileagoonBroadway?

Sky:Possibly.Ihavebeenwandering around, trying togetupthecourageto comehere.

Sarah:Here are two ofourpamphlets. They will giveyoua gooddeal ofcomfort.


Sarah:Andwe’reholdinga midnight prayermeetingon Thursday, which I’msureyouwill wish toattend.

Sky:I’m sure…MissSarah…


Sky:Allowmeto introducemyself:Sky Masterson

IhopeyouwillnotthinkIamgetting out ofline, butIthinkitiswonderfultosee a pretty doll–uh–a nice-lookingladylikeyou–sacrificingherself forthesakeof others.

Sarah:Here is anotherpamphletthat Ithinkyoushouldread.

Sky:Thankyou…Of course Iwillneeda lotofpersonal help from you.

Sarah:I’ll be speaking atThursday prayermeeting.

Sky:Ineedprivate lessons.Why don’twehave dinner orsomething?

Sarah:I think not. Tellme,Mr Masterson,whyareyouhere?

Sky:I told you. I’masinner.

Side 2- Adelaide and Nathan




Nathan:Abook.You’re alwaysreading books.You’re becoming a regular bookie.

Adelaide:Nathan darling, this is very interesting.Thedoctorgaveitto me.I went to him aboutmycold. He askedmehowlongI hadhadit,andI toldhimalong time,so hesaidtoreadthisbook,becausehesaiditmight be due to psychology.

Nathan:Youhaven’tgot that,haveyou?

Adelaide:Nathan, thisis thepsychologythattellsyouwhygirlsdocertainkindsof things. Whatdo youthinkIgotin this box?

Nathan:(reads box label) ‘Sally’sWeddingShop’.Ican’tguess.

Adelaide:Ya see,Nathandarling,Igot theveil.Allwe neednowis ourlicenseandour bloodtests.

Nathan:Our what?

Adelaide:Blood test.It’salaw.

Nathan:Whata city! First theyclose mycrap game, then they openmy veins.

Adelaide:Nathan,you’renotplanning torunyour crapgameagain?

Nathan:Adelaide,how canyouthinksucha thing! Whydoyou think Igave upthecrap game.It’s becauseIloveyou,andIwantustwoto bethe happiest marriedcouple that there isinthe world.

Adelaide: Oh, Nathan . . . you're the best.

Side 3- Nathan and Nicely

Nathan:Gentleman,do notworry.NathanDetroit’scrap gamewillfloatagain.Myboyswill letyouknowwhereitis.

Nicely: Say, Nathan,youknow whoelse is lookingfor action?SkyMasterson!

Nathan:SkyMasterson! There is the highestplayerofthem all!

Nicely:Maybeyou can borrow thethousandfrom Sky.

Nathan:NotSky. Withhimthatkindofmoneyain’t lendingmoney. It’sbettingmoney.

(Pauses . . he has a great idea!) I got it! Whydon’tIbethim? Whydon’tI bethima thousandon something?


Nathan:Iain’tscared.Iamperfectlywillingto take therisk,providing Icanfigure out abetonwhich thereisnochanceof losing. He likescrazybets… Ooh! Look –runinto Mindy’sRestaurant andask Mindyhowmanypiecesofcheesecakehe sold yesterday and alsohowmanypieces ofstrudel.

Nicely:How muchcheesecake?How muchstrudel-- Whatdo youwantto know for?

Nathan:Just find out! Nowbeatit – herecomeAdelaide. If she hearsI’mrunningthe crap gameshewillneverset footonmeagain

Side 4- Nathan and Big Jule

Nathan: Yousee,Jule, theboysareslightlyfatigued from weariness,

having beenshooting crapfor quiteawhilenow,namelytwenty fourhours.

Jule:Ido notcare whoistired.Iamouttwenty five Gs.So nobody leaves.

Nathan:Gentlemen,IbegintoseethelogicofJule. Itisnot thatJuleis a badloser,it is merely thathepreferstowin.Right,Jule?

Jule:Iwill nowplay oncredit. Givemethedice. I’mshooting two thousand.And,Detroit,Iam goingto roll. IfIlose,I will giveyoumymarker.


Jule:Youwillgiveme cash.Putupyour dough.

Nathan:Ijustremembered.I’m elopingtonight.Adelaideiswaitingfor me.



Nathan:Wouldn’titbe moreconvenientifIput itrightinto yourpocket?

Jule:Getitup! (rolls dice) Haah… Eleven.Iwin.

Nathan:That cleansme out.