Chair: Kathy Henwood



2 September 2014


Leslie Murison DPYK (acting Chair)

Marleen HardyCHILDREN 1ST (Minute taker)

Elaine LawsonCommunity L&D Aberdeenshire Council

Brian KingTreasurer

David BeedieADP/Drugs Action

Donald McPheeIndependent

Janet TennantIndependent

Tanja MeherSFAD

Penny GilliesNHS Grampian

Fiona MurrayPublic Health Co-ordinator

Graham SturtonIndependent

Anne AdamsDPYK

Lyndsey CarterDrugs Action

Joan LoveIndependent

Tanya MorrisonCAIR Scotland

Nikki HarrisonIndependent

Emma KiddAberdeenshire Council

Dawn TuckwoodPublic Health Co-ordinator

  1. Welcome and Apologies

MH welcomed all to the meeting and intimated that KH would be unable to attend as she was unwell - MH asked members to nominate a chair for the meeting – LM agreed to chair the meeting.

LM asked everyone to introduce themselves as there were lots of new faces. LM stated that it was good to see so many had made the effort to attend the meeting and that there was quite a number of community members present. LM went on to give members a brief update on the South Forum and stated that it had been 5 years since the development of the forum and so much has changed in that time and gave a flavour of what the groups/projects had been funded for and what the Forum had achieved over this period. LM intimated that the group had agreed that it was now time to re-evaluate the forum and the members had agreed that the Forum should not just be a network forum for professionals but should be community led with the support of professionals and to this end it had been agreed at previous meetings that the Forum should host an event/s – one for children and young people and one for adults to showcase what we do and to bring in new members. There was a commitment from CLD teams to help support these events.

Discussion deferred to point 8 on Agenda


Frances Donohoe

Cat Govan

Wayne Gault

Paul Chisholm

Beverley Cattanach

Gillian McLean

Christine Herron

Anne Sutherland

Kathy Henwood

  1. Minutes of meeting – 28/04/14 – point 4 amendment

Drug Proof your Kids – “Extremely successful in rolling out this pilot” – word “pilot” should be removed as this has programme has been running for 7 years.

Minutes were approved

  1. Matters Arising

Seasons of Growth Update should be put on Agenda for next meeting

  1. Funding Applications and Financial Update

No funding applications received to date.

BKstated that we presently hold £11,000 in the bank and intimated that there was still money available for projects that require funding BK stated that we can apply to ADP to have this topped up to £20,000 bearing in mind some monies may already be committed/earmarked previously for other projects. BK has submitted the grant request form to the ADP for this yearbut has not as yet received the funding due to changes in staff and communication problems.

ShARE asked for direction as to what forum funding could be spent on – EL to discuss with GS.

DT suggested more promotion in schools re applying for funding for projects.

  1. Update on C&YP Scoping Exercise

EL gave an update on this.

Interim Progress Report is now live and has been widely circulated. C&YP Scoping Exercise has now been piloted in Dundee – promoting this through school networks. Aim of the Scoping Exercise is to identify what services are available to C&YP and identify any gaps/service needs. It was noted that SALUS results are due out in November.

It was noted that Figure 8 update should be put on November’s Agenda.

  1. The way forward and how do we celebrate success

Discussion took place as to how we capture service user’s success stories and how do we promote these.

EK offered to celebrate success through Social Media/Facebook/Website. Discussion followed around whether the South Forum should have a Facebook site – EL offered to monitor this social media site but stated that a second person would also needs to monitor the site. It was agreed to defer discussion around this to the Steering Group as an Agenda item.

TM stated that Grampian Family Support Forum were holding an event on 24 January 2015 – “Family Affair” – family focussed groups grampian wide celebrating success of community members in recovery and family members. This event is in the early stages of planning and will take place in Central – e-mails have been sent out requesting success stories – the event will be held in Inverurie and transport will be provided to the event – to be added to South Forum as an Agenda item.

Annual Grampian Substance Misuse Conference – 9/10/14 – AECC

The ADP are funding community members to attend this event - £125 per person – transport costs can also be supported. Names to be forwarded to MH.

ADP Facebook site – EL to send link to this and MH to circulate.

Conversation Café last training day is 24 September 2014 at Acorn Centre, Inverurie – registration for this event is via SRC – service users and community members will be involved in this event.

Recovery Matters event – 10 September 2014 – delivered by SRC at Acorn Centre, Inverurie. ADP are funding five service users to attend this event to relate their recovery journey to the group. Workshop of around 30 service professionals are expected to attend this.

  1. Forum Feedback Booklet – deferred to next meeting
  1. Draft Planning Template for YP/Adults Events

Discussion around hosting/planning an event for C&YP and Adults focussed around recovery and showcasing what we do and to bring in new members. It was agreed to form a steering group to take this forward. The following members volunteered to be part of the steering group:

Nikki Harrison, Joan Love, Tanja Meher, Fiona Murray, Leslie Murison, Graham Sturton, Lyndsey Carter, Brian King, Anne Adams, Dawn Tuckwood, Emma Kidd, Janet Tennant. Elaine Lawson also offered to attend and support the group.

It was agreed the steering group would meet in Stonehaven or Portlethen – first meeting – 15 September 2.00 p.m. Coffee Bar, Stonehaven Community Centre – second meeting 8 October 2014 – 10.00 a.m. – Youth work room, Stonehaven Community Centre

Suggestions were put forward as to what the focus of these events would be and it was agreed these suggestions would be discussed within the steering group as follows:

  • Focus on Recovery – positive messages around recovery and how can we shape ourselves going forward
  • Showcasing what we do
  • Focus on bringing in new members
  • Video shot of C&YP/Adults engaging in activities/ projects South Forum have funded
  • Series of pop up events that are supported by service users in the community
  • Promote some social media in the South
  • Two events in Kincardine & Mearns
  • Two events in Marr
  • Conversation Cafes could be held within these events
  • EL offered to help/support with these events i.e. action plans/planning – Draft Planning Template that EL created to be looked at when planning these events
  • Suggestion put forward to run these events in February 2015 as this is “Alcohol/Drugs month”
  • Flyers/Leaflets to be looked at with information on the South Forum
  1. Update on Sexual Health & BBV – Fiona Murray

Fiona Murray gave a full and informative update on the above.

Discussion followed and the group looked at how best we can raise awareness and identify any training and it was noted that this should be an ongoing Agenda item.

EL suggested that members could send out questions by e-mail and ask what leaflets are available to

It was noted that there is a resource catalogue available online and that a free event is being held on 30 October 2014 – NHS Grampian Sexual Health & Blood Borne Virus MCN Conference – 9.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m. – at Thistle Aberdeen Altens, Souterhead Road, Aberdeen, AB12 3LF – registration forms to be completed and returned by 17 October to Margo Urquhart at

Drugs Action are presently developing a peer support group

It was noted that the nearest sexual health clinic is located at “Health Village, Frederick Street, Aberdeen”.

  1. AOCB

Drugs Awareness Evening for parents is being held on 10 September 2014 at Mackie Academy – 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.- for further information contact Stonehaven Community Centre Tel 01569 762688.

Drug Proof Your Kids – Update given – recent group in Banchory successful – Portlethen to embark on this course in January – maximum size of group should be

from 12 – 14. CLD are looking at withdrawing their support. If network requires ongoing support this should be incorporated in a report as a collective.

Funding Streams

It was felt there was some confusion for community members and professionals alike about funding. What Forum funding could be used for, who was eligible and when to apply to other organisations or other groups in the ADP.

An organisational chart/family tree for the ADP and its funding streams was requested.