ear School in the Westminster Diocese,

We would like to introduce ourselves: we are Great Green Gooseberry, and our mission is to MAKE IT EASIER FOR EVERYONE TO BE GREEN. We offer products and services that enable your school, your staff, pupils and parents to cut down your CARBON FOOTPRINT.

In his great Encyclical of May 2015, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis calls on all Catholics to work for the good of our planet.

Here at GGG we have imagined a Gooseberry World, a World which is under threat from the dreaded Pollutons, spreading their CO2 gases.But young Bertie Gooseberry and his pet Goosepillar, Eric,see the danger and are fighting back! Find out more by visiting the Gooseberry family on our site

Here in the real world of Planet Earth, we should all be fighting back, too. GGG can help you tackle CO2 emissions with our unique EcoCards™, electronic greetings cards which include Carbon Offsets to counter CO2 emissions.Just choose one of the images (by Artists of the Rainforest)from ourEcoCards page, add a message and the email address of who you want to send it to, and send…..with each card purchased you help the Planet - simple as that!

Even better, we can give your school its OWN ECOCARD WEB PAGE, personalised to feature your logo, your text and your choice of images, all free of charge. Every card sent provides 50p to your school to use as you wish. You can even create your ownEcoCard designs – thepupils could paint, or photograph, eco-themed images, which would give real involvement to staff, pupils and parents. Your EcoCard web page could then have a link from your main website and could be used as a place for you to promote your school’s “green” efforts to help the planet. Just go to

We will track the cumulative amount of CO2 offset by the EcoCards sent from your webpage andwill feedback this information to you to publish on your website or to use as you wish.

So, if your school is interested in helping the planet, enhancing its green efforts and raising some money for your preferred cause, do go to or, if you wish, contact Joseph Heavey, Mob.07983449884.

We look forward to hearing from you!