Tuesday, 22ND SEPTEMBER, 2015 at 11.00 a.m.

Venue: Albany Road Baptist Church, Albany Road, Roath, Cardiff, CF24 3NU

Sharon Hopkins (Chair) / Director of Public Health
Sian Griffiths / Consultant in Public Health Medicine, C&V PH Team
Trina Nealon / Principal Health Promotion Specialist, C&V PH Team
Susan Toner / Principal Health PromotionSpecialist, C&VPH Team
Suzanne Wood / Consultant in Public Health Medicine, C&V PH Team
Meredith Gardiner / Programme Manager, Health Social Care & Wellbeing,
Dave Knevett / Operational Manager, Leisure & Tourism, Directors Office – Development, Vale of Glamorgan Council
Matt Wyatt / Improvement Advisor, Public Health Wales
Anne Phillips / Senior Health Promotion Specialist, C&V PH Team
Alun Billinghurst / Head of Public Protection, Development Services, VGC
Jamie Mills / Public Health Officer, C & V UHB
Conrad Eydmann / Head of SMU Strategy & Development, C & V UHB
Malcolm Stammers / Cardiff Physical Activity Representative, Cardiff Council
Cllr Rhodri Traherne / Chair, Social Care and Health Scrutiny Committee
Rhiannon Urquhart / Principal Health Promotion Specialist, C&V PH Team
Rachel Jones / Policy, Partnerships & Citizen Focus Manager, Cardiff Council
Lauren Idowu / Senior Health Promotion Specialist, C&V PH Team
Sarah Capstick / Health & Social Care Facilitator, Cardiff Third Sector Council
Sue Wade / Communities First
Helen Nicholls / Community Dietetic Service Manager, C & V UHB
Emma Holmes / Clinical Lead for Public Health Dietetics, C & V UHB
Caroline Mullins / Administrative & Resource Officer, CV PH Team
Chris Jones / Systems Information Officer, C & V UHB
Helen Nicholls / Chief Dietitian, C & V UHB
Katie Palmer / Sustainable Food City Co-Ordinator
Phillipa Fido / Principal Outcome Delivery Officer, Policy , Cardiff Council
Lorna Bennett / Specialty Registrar in Public Health
Linda Pritchard / Health and Social Care, Glamorgan Voluntary Services
Lance Carver / Head of Adult Services/Locality Manager, VofGC
John Porter / Older People Strategy Co-Ordinator, Performance & Development Services, Vale of Glamorgan Council
Rebecca Lewis / Senior Health Promotion Specialist, C & V PHT
Rachel Connor / Exec Director of Vale Centre for Voluntary Services (VCVS)
Sharonwelcomed everyone to the meeting and round table introductions were made. Apologies were noted as above.
  • The minutes of the meeting held on 19th May were agreed for accuracy.

Tobacco– Update by Trina Nealon
  • TN reported the smoking prevalence rate for Cardiff had reduced from 23% in 2012/13 to 21% in 2013/14, with the Vale of Glamorgan prevalence rate remaining at 18%. Overall smoking prevalence rate for C & V UHB currently stands at 20%.
  • The percentage of treated smokers has increased to 0.9% (2013/2014) from 0.6% in the previous year - the WG Tier 1 target being 5%
  • The number of combined contacts to SSW and the UHB Smoking Cessation Service have increased considerably
  • The number of smokers setting a firm quit date (treated smokers) has increased compared to last year
  • A Level 3 Community Pharmacy scheme was launched in 15 Community Pharmacies in Communities First areas of Cardiff and the Vale
  • 43 CO monitors have been supplied to Community Midwives (funded by Wellbeing Activity Grant 2014/15)
  • TN highlighted that although overall figures for smoking have dropped to 20% , in high areas of deprivation rates are as high as 34% and this is something that needs to be targeted next year
  • Welsh Government’s Tier 1 target will continue to be a challenge although working at capturing GP data which, together with the Pharmacy Scheme, will help to achieve the 5% target
Physical Activity– Update by Sue Toner
  • ST highlighted areas of the draft C & V Physical Activity Action Plan 2015-2018 circulated prior to the meeting. The plan has been informed by evidence collated by the Public Health Wales Transforming Health Improvement Programme.
  • A Food and Physical Activity Workshopis taking place on Monday, 28.9.15 working with partners to consider ways of implementing the plan
  • The plan is divided into three main sections:-
Children and Young People – focusing on multi-component interventions in schools
Working Age and Older People – focusing on multi component interventions in the workplace, primary care & active travel to work
Environment - looking at how the built and natural environment promotes physical activity
  • With the focus this year being explicitly on Communities First areas, ST encouraged everyone to send in their comments.
    Action: ST to circulate revised version of plan.
  • Su Wade has already extended an invitation to MG and ST to attend the next Cluster Managers Meeting to discuss obesity work. Action: SW to forward date across for wider circulation.
Food – Update by Rhianon Urquhart
  • A very successful school holiday enrichment programme was piloted in 4 Cardiff Schools within 1 Cardiff Communities First area- in partnership with Cardiff Council, Cardiff Metropolitan University and the University of Northumbria. This is currently being evaluated with a report due out just before Christmas.
  • Following an initial meeting to pull partners together, work continues on development of the Vale Food Charter Network and the Sensemaker programme. Will be looking for stories, experiences etc.
  • Following the recent Healthy Retail Standards and Restaurants Criteria passed by theHealth Board, work now begins to implement and promote the work needed to ensure the 75/25 split in favour of healthy options in all the UHB outlets.
/ ST
VERBAL UPDATES:- Sian Griffiths
Fiona Kinghorn attended the recent Social Care and Health Committee (Chaired by Cllr Traherne) to present on this topic. Outline population statistics were given which highlighted some major inequalities. The Committee were concerned about this andexpressed a wish to support thepreventative work taking place. Cllr Traherne commented that they weren’t aware of the scale of the problem and were shocked by the statistics, suggesting input from Cardiff.
Director of Public Health Report
SG gave some background to the launch of this new-style report, explaining a more innovative approach was being taken in order to start a conversation around obesity. Through the use of social media a different topic & question was raised each week over a five week period and included:- Food, Physical Activity, Mood, Alcohol and Diabetes. Thefact sheets for these were available at today’s meeting. It was felt the campaign had been very successful and JM and ST were currently in the process of compiling a paper. The five topic areas taken will be taken and progressed on a month to month basis which will be continually refreshed to keep everyone engaged. Thanks were extended to everyone who took part.
Making Every Contact Count Annual Report
The Public Health Team have developed a training package to support staff in developingtheir skills and knowledge in passing on messages/signposting on some of the main topics. Evaluation confirms this has been very successful. Any questions, please contact SG or any members of the Team.
  • SG gave some background to today’s meetingexplaining that the group has tasked itself with addressing population obesity across C & V and wanted to take a more innovative approach to this. Following an introduction to the idea of “open” meetings from Matt Wyatt and Esko Reinikainen where it was suggested that thesecan be an effective means for generating new and innovative ideas, the Board were persuaded by the methodology and wanted to explore it further. This is seen as a positive way forward – embracing the idea of going to where people are, rather than expecting people to come to us. Today is the first trial session for a facilitated open discussion on this subject and if successful, it was hoped to extend it across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan in the future.

Tuesday, 24th November at 2.30 p.m. – CR2, Civic Offices, Barry (Performance Management Group)
Wed, 27th January 2016 at 9.30 a.m. – Mental Health MR, Whitchurch (Development Task Force)
Tues, 29th March, 2016 at 10.30 a.m. – CR2, Civic Offices, Barry (Performance Management Group)