R4 Workshop Rotation Model

Scope & Sequence

Suggested Stories for Season 1

Session 1: Luke 5:1-11: Jesus tells Peter to fish on the other side of the boat

Session 2: Mark 2:1-12: Friends lower a paralyzed man through a roof to Jesus

Session 3: Luke 7:36- 50: Woman anoints Jesus' feet

Session 4: Luke 1: 19-45 Gabriel speaks to Zechariah and then Mary about kids

Session 5: Exodus 3:1-15 Moses and the Burning Bush

Session 6: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Samuel hears God for the first time – Eli helps

Session 7: Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus climbs a tree and Jesus finds him

Session 8: Genesis 28:10-22 Jacob's Ladder

Session 9: Luke 24:1-12 Resurrection

Session 10: Acts 1: 4-5; 13-14: Acts 2:1-12 Pentecost

Suggested Stories for Season 2

Session One – Jacob and Esau Reunion

Session Two – Jonah and the Whale

Session Three – Jesus Walks on Water

Session Four – Christmas – shepherds and angels

Session 5 – Jesus turns water to wine

Session 6 – Jesus Healing of Centurion’s Servant

Session 7 - – Jesus and Transfiguration

Session 8 – Gethsemane

Session 9 – Peter’s Vision

Session 10 – Paul’s Conversion

Suggested Stories for Season 3

Session 1 – Prodigal Son

Session 2 – The still small voice

Session 3 – Healing of Naaman Elisha

Session 4 – Nicodemus (born again/Christmas)

Session 5 – Jesus heals Bartimaeus

Session 6 – Jesus Calms the Storm

Session 7 – Palm Sunday and clearing out of the Temple

Session 8 –Jesus’ Trial

Session 9 – Walk to Emmaus

Session 10 – Body of Christ (1 Corinthians)

R4 Workshop Rotation Model

Scope & SequenceCont.

Suggested Stories for Season 4

Session 1 Creation

Session 2 Adam & Eve

Session 3 Wise and foolish builders’ parable w/Tower of Babel

Session 4 Jesus Baptism(Christmas)

Session 5 Jesus Temptation

Session 6 The Unmerciful Servant (MT 18:23-35)

Session 7 Jesus feeds thousands

Session 8 Jesus raises Lazarus

Session 9 Last Supper

Session 10 The Good Shepherd ("I am" in John) plus Psalm 23

Suggested Stories for Season 5

Session 1 God, Moses and God's Holy Spirit (Numbers 11:11-17; 24-25b)

Session 2 Chariot of Fire

Session 3 Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Session 4 10 Bridesmaids parable (Advent/preparation)

Session 5 Parable of the talents

Session 6Parable of the Vineyard (Mark 12:1-12)

Session 7 Jesus’ Crucifixion

Session 8 Doubting Thomas

Session 9 Paul & Silas in prison

Session 10Parable of Good Samaritan