Conference Agenda Committee
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
10:00 am (central time)
Teleconference number:1-800-511-7985
Access code: 276-3610
To: Tessa Van Doorne, Mary Ann Foss, Loretta Heuer, Patricia Moulton,
Board Staff: Patricia Hill,Karla Bitz
- To prepare a draft agenda
- To propose speakers to the Celebration Workgroup
1.0Call to Orderat 10:03 AM
1.1Introductions: Pat Hill, Karla Bitz, Patricia Moulton, Loretta Heuer
1.2Agenda Review
1.3Committee Charges
2.0Identify Conference Objective/Purpose- we will run by the full committee in October
The purpose of this conference is to celebrate a 100 years of nursing in North Dakota through exploration of the past, present and future.
3.0Discussion regarding 3rd speaker (Slattery or Engel)- the committee thought we should go with Marcus Engel and changed the time to 3:00 – 4:30 AM. Karla will double check that he is available on the day. We will ask the full committee for approval during October/November meeting.
4.0Draft Agenda
4.1Draft Timeframes
4.2Invitation to speakers (need objectives, teaching strategies, etc for CE)- get short biosketch for each speakers and facilitators (will need for program- Loretta will send an example), objectives for each presentation, what multimedia they require, let them know we need powerpoint by April 15th, we should also thank conference committee at end of program- Patricia draft an email to speakers about what we need- send to group, Patricia will collect information and forward it to Karla to put together contact hour application
4.2.1Kalanek- has been invited- we will need objectives for her presentation, a biosketch and her educational background
4.2.2Rambur (need contract)- Patricia will draft contract-we will need objectives, a biosketch and her educational background
4.2.3Governor Dalrymple- on agenda for full group meeting to discuss how to invite
4.2.4Rep Rohr- wait until after elections to invite
4.2.5Sund- have been invited and have said yes- Committee will develop objectives, will need a biosketch and her educational background
4.2.6Haagenson- have been invited and have said yes- committee will develop objectives, will need a biosketch and her educational background
4.2.7VanDoorne- have been invited and have said yes- committee will develop objectives, will need a biosketch and her educational background
4.2.8Engel- need contract from him once committee approves- need objectives, a biosketch and educational background
4.2.9Foss- biosketch
4.2.10Quigley- biosketch
4.3CE offerings- looking at 3.5 contact hours
5.0Next Meeting: plan for first week in December- Wednesday December 3rd- Karla will send out an email to get everyone’s response and will see if Evelyn is available
5.1Prepare objectives and questions for panel presentation
5.2Invite Ev Quigley (Panel Facilitator) to participate- invite Evelyn Quigley to attend that meeting
7.0Adjourn 10:52 AM
North Dakota Heritage Center,
Bismarck, ND
Thursday, May 21, 2015
8-9 am Registration
9 – 9:15 amOpening Remarks/Welcome - Foss
9:15 – 9:45 amHistory of North Dakota Board of Nursing
Constance Kalanek, PhD, RN, FRE
Executive Director, ND Board of Nursing
9:45–10:30 amBreak/Exhibits/Silent Auction/Self-Guided Tours
10:30-12:00 pm Opening Keynote: A Great Career: How One Misstep After Another Lands Us Exactly Where We Should Be
Betty Rambur, PhD, RN
Professor of Health Policy and Nursing, University of Vermont
12 – 12:15 pmTo the Capitol for Lunch
12:15 -1:15 pmLunch at the Great Hall, Capitol (included with conference)
(Guest Speaker(s): Governor Dalrymple and/or Representative Rohr)
1:15 – 1:30pmReturn to the Heritage Center
1:30 -2:30 pmNursing Perspectives Panel Presentation: (facilitated by Evelyn Quigley)
-Joann Sund, RN
-Deborah Haagenson, RN
-Tessa Van Doorne, RN
2:30 -3:00 pmBreak/Exhibits/Silent Auction/Self-Guided Tours
3:00 - 4:30 pmClosing Keynote- Marcus Engel
4:30 – 4:45 pmClosing Remarks/Evaluation/Silent Auction Closes - Foss
5-7 pmGALA Reception and AWARDS
5-5:30 pmSocial/Welcome
5:30 – 6 pmAwards
-Board of Nursing – Kalanek
-Center for Nursing – Moulton
6-7 pmEntertainment
7 pmEvent Concludes
P:\Karla\BOARD\100 Year Agenda Planning Committee.Sept2014.doc