Wed.17th April 2013
The Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting of Takeley was held on Wednesday 18thApril 2012
InTakeley Silver Jubilee Hall at 7.30pm.
The Chairman of Takeley Parish Council, Cllr. Richard Cheetham, welcomed 34 members of the local community to the Annual Assembly.
Parish Councillors:Cllr Richard Cheetham (Chairman of Takeley Parish Council)
Clr Trevor Allen, Cllr Carol Pratt, Clr Tricia Barber, Cllr John Gregory, Cllr Geoff Bagnall,
Cllr Brian Baldwin
Mrs. Jane Heskey (Clerk of Takeley Parish Council)
District Councillors:UDC Cllrs.Jackie Cheetham Derek Jones
County Councillor: Susan Barker
Local Representatives:
Mr. Michael Coleman (Silver Jubilee Hall)Mr.Jack Coleman (Molehill Green Cricket Club)
Mrs Pat Burnett (WEA &Takeley Farmers Market)
Mr. Peter Sanders (SSE)
Mr. Pat Curran (Takeley Football Club)
Melanie Wray (Sports & Social Club)
Mandy Line (Takeley Primary School)
Mrs. Anne Daykin (Takeley Chapel)
Mrs. Barbara Aviett (Takeley Ladies Circle)
Emlyn Humphries (Takeley Christian School)
Vanessa Callan (High House Nursery) / Clr John Gregory (Kung Fu)
Clr. Brian Baldwin (Takeley Community Centre)
Pat Caiger (HEAL Cancer Charity - Takeley Branch)
N Williams (HEAL Cancer Charity - Takeley Branch)
B Johnson (HEAL Cancer Charity - Takeley Branch)
S Dealey (HEAL Cancer Charity - Takeley Branch)
C Prior (HEAL Cancer Charity - Takeley Branch)
PCSO Joanne Trevail-Phillips
Mrs Phyllis Altham (ECC Bus Passenger Rep)
Rev Rob Burles (Holy Trinity Church)
Beverley Haywood (Lower Street Colts FC)
Pete Smith (Lower Street Colts FC)
Mr. Euan Kennedy
Mr. Steve Hazon (Takeley Local History Society)
Mr. Eric Rogers (Sports & Social Club)
Takeley Community Group
Mr. David Daykin & Laird Morris (Takeley Chapel)
Parish Council Chairman Clr Richard Cheetham opened the meeting. He explained that the purpose of the meeting is to welcome residents and representatives from community groups, to hear about what is going on in Takeley, and to share the success of local groups.
It was agreed unanimously by members of the community, that the published summary of the 2011Annual Parish Assembly was a true record of events and be signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising:None
Summary of Reports from Local Organisations:
Takeley Parish Council Chairman’s Report
Clr. Richard Cheetham reported:
Thank you to: Councillors, Local Police Team/PCSO’s, Michael Coleman, Pat Curran (support with Sports field project), Steve Hazon (TPC Newsletter & website), Clerk Jane Heskey
A special thank you and congratulations to Bob Muddle - Community Achievement Award
This report is on behalf of the out going Council. New Councillors take office in May.
UDC review of parish boundaries resulted in no change for Takeley however because of our increasing population in future elections there will be an additional polling Station at PGCH (Takeley Priors Green residents including part of Warish Hall Rd/Jacks Lane, Dunmow Road.) From May 2012 there will be up to 13 parish councillors (currently 11).
In the past year TPC has focused on:
Station House lease from ECC in final stages of negotiation
PGCH transfer of ownership from UDC near completion
Traffic Calming measures in Takeley Street
This project has been resurrected following a request from residents.
Following further consultation TPC is now working with ECC Highways to finalise design, costs and funding
Recreation Ground refurbishment out to tender.
Sports field Development:
Car Park to be extended and surfaced £8.5k (thr’ investigation & tendering saved £70k)
Drainage & resurfacing of field – working with preferred supplier to develop a programme of works.
War Memorial restoration complete and rededication service took place in September. TY to Trevor Allen & Pat Salmon.
Green Waste weekly skip collection – Opp. Takeley Sports FieldSats. 11.45-12.45 14th April-1st Dec.
The Parish Council will pay the cost of providing this service for 34 weeks in 2012 at a cost of £892.50. (Yr 1 = 50% discount).
Diamond Jubilee village celebrations – allocated £6.5k:
TPC is sponsoring:
-Takeley Primary PFA event 31st May
-‘Blatches’ joint Lt. Canfield & Takeley event Mon 4th June
-Takeley Sports & Social Club/Takeley Community Group programme of events over holiday weekend (includes Family Day Sun 3rd June)
-Commemorative mugs for children of Takeley Primary School & SJH Nursery (state funded schools)
-Commemorative tree planted in the grounds of new Takeley Primary School
-TY to DCs Jackie C, Derek Jones & UDC for £500 contribution to Takeley celebrations
Planning & Development in Takeley:
Recently coordinated a comprehensive response to UDC Local Plan consultation which focused on planning policy and housing development in Uttlesford. Proposed housing development numbers will be released in June. The new National Planning Policy has resulted in a number of developers approaching TPC in relation to their proposals.
Localism Act
TPC has looked at the impact of the Localism Act on this community:
-New procedures & protocols for TPC members
-Station House purchase
-Old School House – ‘Community Right to Buy’ - does the community need this building? How to proceed?
-Right to approve or veto excessive council tax rises - TPC to challenge
-Neighbourhood Plan - debate pros & cons & make recommendations (cost v protection for the future)
-Parliamentary Boundary change - TPC to challenge UDC/Govt (Takeley, Dunmow, Billericay?)
-Housing Policy – TPC to influence UDC Housing policy to fulfil local need.
- New Homes Bonus
Takeley has been allocated £68k based on new homes completed in 5yrs to 2010/11.
Project / £kRecreation Ground refurb / 35
Sports Field Car Park / 5
Sport Field drainage & resurface / 20
Lt. Canfield Allotments – toilet facility / 8
Total / 68
Support for Local Groups - £4.5k
I would reiterate that PC finances are a matter of public record and are open for inspection at anytime of the year. 2011/12 accounts will be available for inspection on completion. 2012/13 budgets are available. Please contact the Clerk.
Takeley Forum
A website for the community. Although sponsored by TPC this is not a PC website.
It is moderated by a Takeley resident. We would encourage everyone to visit the website to share news, views and promote your community interests.
Parish Plan (appraisal)
Would you be willing to contribute to the parish plan – a process to identify a community action plan? As a community, what do we want and need in the next 5-10years?
If you would be willing to support this process (designing a community questionnaire, interpreting the feedback) please let us know. We need to identify approximately 15 volunteers from all sections of the community to develop a full and inclusive action plan.
Village Planters
To remind you that we need volunteers to maintain the planters through the summer. TPC will pay for plants and soil however we would like residents living close to the planters to ensure that they are watered through the summer.
Stop the vandals
Cost to the village – approx £1500 last year (bus shelters, Rec. Grd, Sports Field notice boards & play equipment, fires in litter bins). Please encourage your neighbours to report any anti social behaviour to the Police (101) or TPC. As a community we must let the vandals know that their behaviour will not be tolerated.
Litter & Dog Fouling
TPC has received a number of complaints about littering and dog fouling in parts of Takeley. TPC is currently discussing ways to tackle the problem. Dog bins & collections are very expensive (£200-£300 for a dog bin & £2.20 per bin per collection).
Please let us have your views on the matter......
Station Houseavailable for hire. TPC would encourage local community groups and businesses to make use of this wonderful facility.
Old School HouseShould it be protected as a ‘community asset’? If the community elected to buy the building how would it be utilised?
Village tidying & footpath maintenance
Report from District Councillors
UDC Cllr. Jackie Cheetham reported:
-New programme of recycling collections. Additional material will be collected starting June/July
-Apologies for having to move green waste skip collection times (Sat. 11.45-12.45)
-UDC cabinet increasing to 7 members. New Cabinet post - Community Safety, Police & Highways. Economic Development officer joining in May.
-Govt grant £100k to rejuvenate shops & high streets
-New UDC Highways Panel - locally determined budgets
-Council Tax frozen this year whilst maintaining frontline services
-New Homes Bonus - this year different allocation process. 2 grant schemes (i) Parish Councils (ii) Local Community Groups
-DC members given £2k each. Would like to hear from small groups needing small amounts for projects.
-UDC Local Plan - need to provide 3000 new homes over the next 15 years (Including those currently with planning approval). Consulting on where in the district in June. Final decision October. Then independent examination. NPPF means we have 1 year to adopt a new plan otherwise there could be ‘open season’ for developers. It is very important we have a district plan.
-JC issued a leaflet re Olympic events in Uttlesford & details of competition.
UDC Cllr. Derek Jones reported:
-2011/12 Chairman of UDC representing Uttlesford throughout the County. Attended over 60 events
-Charities for the year: McMillan Cancer Support, Walking with the Wounded
-Review to come of numbers of councillors representing population groups prior to 2015
-Delighted to represent Takeley.
Clr John Gregory question: Will UDC take over the management of potholes?
DC Jackie Cheetham confirmed that this was under discussion.
County Councillor
Cllr Susan Barker reported:
-New benefits reform. Govt cuts 10%. 4000 claimants in Uttlesford likely to see change to their benefits
-UDC has received £700k from Iceland Bank (lost in 2008). More to come.
-2100 homes have signed up to door stop green waste collections.
-Need more volunteers for Olympic events in Uttlesford
-Thank you to Chairman & Clerk of TPC
-There are a number of highways issues outstanding because UDC v Highways responsibilities tbc
-Represent the fire service in Uttlesford
-£300k Stansted Community Trust - grants available
-ECC is much leaner. It is very much a commissioning organisation.
-Youth strategy groups are being formed
-Pressures on the budgets
Clr John Gregory question: bus shelters at Tesco's, Dunmow – has the proposal been accepted & approved? Can we get them soon please?
Takeley Football Club:
Mr. Pat Curran reported:
-This year 4 teams. 2 x seniors, 1 x junior youth, 1 x ladies team
-90 people strong
-Club costs £10k per year to run. Paid by local donations.
-Very successful in FA Cup this year
-Working with TPC to create a youth football facility on the Sports Field
-TFC will gain FA charter standard this year.
Lower Street Colts Football Club:
Beverley Hayward & Pete Smith reported:
- U14s team run by volunteers
- affiliated to Essex FA. Division 3 Chelmsford Youth football League
- Sponsored by Stansted Airport Ltd M11 Business Link
- main pitch & 5 a side pitch.- trying to improve facilities at Lower Street (Takeley Street)
- Sunday games - please come along
Molehill Green Cricket Club
Jack Coleman reported:
-Last season won the league. This year is centenary season - a week of celebration
-During the off season electricity has been installed to the pavilion, along with repairs and new fencing.
-Membership has increased by 50%
-New club logo designed by Mr. Trevor Allen - thank you
-New sponsors - Prince of Wales, Broxted
Takeley Farmers Market
Pat Burnett reported:
- Took over in August 2011. carrying on the hard work from Sue Sadler.- 10-14 local traders
- taking phone orders from regular customers
- growing & strengthening
Pat Burnett reported:
-Started over 40 yrs ago. Decline in numbers. 17 members. New course starting September 2012
Takeley/Lt. Canfield Country Fayre 4th June 2012
Pat Burnett reported:
- Sponsored by TPC & LCPC. - No charge. All welcome. Please come along
Takeley Chapel
Mrs. Anne Daykin reported:
-Apologies Mr. David Daykin & Laird Morris
-Continued programme of leaflet dropping to homes supporting village activities
-Support 'singing from the heart' group
-Chapel garden is productive. Developing a sensory garden. A quiet haven for the village
-Renovations to the chapel being progressed
-Weekly coffee mornings held July/August
-Good relationships with Takeley Christian School & other parish churches
-Meet Sundays at 10.30am
-Monthly shared Sunday lunch
Takeley Primary School
Mandy Line (Head Teacher) reported:
-Gold Award for Food Culture (growing & cooking). First in East of England
-Thank you to TPC for supporting Diamond Jubilee event 31/5/12
-Good links with local organisations
-Participating in local sporting leagues
-New school opens Sept 2012. Get keys 29/6/12.
-Time capsule to be buried at new site to be opened in 2065
-2 special trees (1) TPC donated a tree to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee (2) A beginning tree
-Thank you to district & county councillors for support resolving issues
Helen Rollason Heal Cancer Charity (Takeley Branch)
Pat Cagier reported:
-Raised £2700k through various events this year
-Committee has been together for 17 years
-Many patients use Rivers at Sawbridgeworth
-Please support us – raising money for research and treatment centres
Holy Trinity Church:
Rev Rob Burlesreported:
-Little Canfield & Takeley have become one church parish this year
-'Open the Book' assemblies - dramatisation
-Christmas event at Priors Green Community Hall very well attended
-Holy Trinity churchyard maintenance - thank you to TPC for grant. We have employed someone for this year.
-Church yard becoming full. Working with TPC to decide what we can do to provide more spaces.
-Grapevine becoming more of a community magazine
-New curate arriving in July
-Ideas for the future - community group. Open day for Priors Green.
PCSOJoanne Trevail Phillips reported:
- Jo has completed 4 years in this community. PC Brad Healey 27 years. Martin Richards is the new sergeant
- Hatfield Heath police station closed 1/3/2012
- Now based in Dunmow Police Station open Mon - Sun 12-6pm
- Hubs being created e.g. Dunmow, Braintree & Chelmsford
- New non-emergency number '101'
- Mobile Police Bus has been withdrawn from Takeley
- Monthly Beat Surgery in the Station House - dates to be advertised
- Community priorities: speeding, vandalism, nuisance youths
- Happy to coordinate a meeting re youth facilities in the village
Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE)
Mr. Peter Sanders reported:
- Govt consultations delayed. Aviation Policy - increasing capacity in UK airports. Recent Govt announcements suggest all options are possible - including Stansted
- SSE expect next consultation in May to include 2nd runway at Stansted.
- It seems we are going back to 2002/03. Will look for local support
- BAA owned property - 'all property will be put back on the market over a period of years so that local communities can recover' - yet to see much action!
- Night flight definition should be as per EU directive 11pm - 7am. SSE applying pressure
- Thank you for your support
-Office moved from Old school House to Molehill Green Village Hall
Christian School
Emlyn Humphries - Head Teacher reported:
- 46% GCSE A*. - Strong in maths & music
- Christmas production - 'Out of the Blue'
- Money raised went to South African homeless children's centre
Sports & Social Club
Melanie Wray reported:
- Club going well. Increased membership. -Takeley park club has closed members have moved across
- Diamond Jubilee - programme of events sponsored by TPC (Sat - Monday)
Takeley Ladies Circle
Barbara Aviettreported:
- 23 meetings including 5 outings. - Good selection of speakers
- 25 members
Takeley Community Centre
Clr Brian Baldwin reported:
-TCC runs over 50s lunch club twice each week. £3.50
-Centre is available for hire & is utilised successfully
-See website for details
Kung Fu Club
Clr. John Gregory reported on behalf of Mick Crisp.
- Club on Monday evenings. 2 sessions.Provides good extracurricular activity.
-Increased hall hire fees/declining members. 18 members currently (single parent families cannot afford it)
-Non profit making organisation
Silver Jubilee Hall
Michael Coleman reported:
-Unfortunately costs have increased & we have had to increase fees
-Refurb plans approved. Awaiting Building Regulations & costing
-Fun Run raising funds for development (2011 - 300 runners. Date for 2012 = 16th September)
High House Nursery
Vanessa Callan reported:
- Good year. Outstanding Ofsted Report - August 2011
- Links with Toronto University. International placements.
Takeley Art Group
Richard Cheetham reported:
-Held in the Silver Jubilee Hall Thursdays at 12.30pm, the group has 16-18 members
-Very good tutor
Written reports read by TPC Clerk
Takeley Community Group:
- Thank you for support from TPC through the year
- Halloween party was a great success. Over 70 children attended.
-Christmas we charged £1.50 to cover costs. All sat down for platters of party food.
- Easter party - saw some new people attending. £1.50 charge. Real rabbits. Easter Egg hunt.
- New mums helping at events.
Takeley Local History Society:
-Healthy membership approx. 60. Meetings 4 times each year at Takeley Primary School with guest speakers.
-In 13th Year
-Produced 2 more booklets this year
Clr David Daykin has submitted 3 written questions relating to TPC Finance/Accounts, Parish Plan, and Recreation ground refurbishment. It was agreed that those present at the meeting did not require these issues to be discussed. TPC will address these questions with Clr Daykin on his return.
Clr Richard Cheetham thanked all those who have attended.
Meeting closed at 10.00pm.
Jane Heskey
Clerk to Takeley Parish Council